Title: A Aprtment Design Like Disney
1Supertech Fable Castle
- A Aprtment Design Like Disney
2Overview Supertech Fable Castle
- Do you miss the childhood days when life was free
from hectic work schedule and pressure of
delivering high performance work report?
Certainly! Your answer will be yes, I do. No
one can remove the memories of those days from
our mind as it was the happiest moment of our
life. Supertech Present our new lavish project
namely, Supertech Fable Castle at Ymauna
Expressway. Its offered 2/3 and 4BHK well
furnished Disney apartments at reasonable price.
For more information about Supertech Fable Castle
you can contact us at 91- 9582647964.
3Highlights Supertech Fable Castle
- Princess Summer Palace
- Cars Racing Track
- Winnie the Pooh Play Area
- Mickey Mouse Club-house
- Disney Themed Landscaping
- Victorian style Elevations
- Fountains
- Wishing Wells
4Layout Plan Supertech Fable Castle
5Location Map Supertech Fable Castle