Title: Sarasota Herald Tribune Photo Journalism Brittany LaPinska
1Sarasota Herald TribunePhoto JournalismBrittany
2The wonderful people who made me such a great
photographer!Not pictured Dan Wagner and Elaine
Rob Mattson
Jason McKibben
Photo by Brittany LaPinska
4Dead Bodies and Remains
5Retired Bishop John J. NevinsHis 75th Birthday
6Katherine Harris was given citizen of the year
awarded by Longboat Key Kiwanis Club.(One thing
I learned about photo journalism is not every
assignment is fun.)
7Traffic Photos Taken on Top of a downtown
Sarasota building.
Photo Brittany LaPinska
8Real Estate
9Story on Safe Ice Cream Truck drivers.
102007 Winter All-Area Elements of Success
Finished Photo
Setting up
11Players Club of Sarasota
12Academic OlympicsHigh school Students VS.
13Sarasota Ballet Last Call RehearsalDirector
Robert De Warrens last show
14Sarasota Film FestivalCelebrities that attended
Steve Buscemi and Joey Pantalino from The
Sopranos.Photos taken by Brittany LaPinska
15 Canon EOS 10D
16Canon EOS 10D
17This internship has really helped me mature and
really begin to think about what I really want to
do when I grow up. I learned more about
photography, more then I ever imagined. From
shooting the perfect picture to editing, how to
use a camera correctly and how to have fun with
photo journalism. After taking a photography
class and then interning at the SHT I have made
up my mind on what I will pursue after high
school. I will be attending a community college.
I will be taking photography classes and finding
a place to intern at.