Title: Da Hong Pao - Chineseteaart.com
1Da Hong Pao - Oolong Tea
Price(50 grams) US15.00
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Da Hong Pao is the king of the Famous Five Rock
Teas in the Wu Yi Mountain of China. This tea is
legendary. Records of its existence date as far
back as the early 18th century (Dao Guang
Era). During Qing Dynasty, Da Hong Pao was
entitled "King of Tea". In 1998, the
Chinese government put it up for sale for the
first time and was sold to a group of auctioneers
for almost 900,000.
Other names
Big Red Robe, Scarlet Robe
Full bodied tea with a sweet aftertaste that is
felt in your throat before the back of your
tongue. After a few small Gong Fu cups, the
pleasant floral fragrance remains in your mouth,
lingering for a good few minutes. Not many tea
has the ability to do this.
Traditional looking Oolong tea. Dark and slightly
curled tea leaves.
Wu Yi Shan, Fujian Province, China
Harvest Period
Spring 2013
Tea Link http//www.chineseteaart.com/da-hong-pao
-oolong-tea-p-34.html Picture come from