Title: Remedial / Delinquency Management for Microfinance Operations
1Remedial / DelinquencyManagement for
Microfinance Operations
- A Presentation for the
- Regional Roundtable Conference
- Luzon-Visayas MABS Participating Banks
- Pan Pacific Hotel-Manila
- 05 September 2003
2Costs of Loan Delinquency
- Postponed or lost income
- Slower portfolio rotation lower asset
productivity - Lower staff morale
- Higher costs of fighting delinquency
- Diminished program image
- Higher likelihood of default
- Increased costs of loan loss reserves
3Cause of Loan Delinquency
- Loan delinquency is often the result of poorly
designed loan products and delivery mechanisms. - Thus the challenges in a repayment crisis are
- Amending the current loan product and credit
delivery system for better performance - Rehabilitating substandard loan accounts back to
current status and - Minimize losses from doubtful accounts.
4Essential Elements of Managing Loan Delinquency
- The credit must be valued by the clients
- Clients must be screened carefully
- Field staff and clients must understand that late
payments are not acceptable - MFIs need accurate information systems
- Delinquency needs effective follow-up procedures
and - The consequences of loan default must be
unappealing to the clients.
5Remedial Process Flow
Account Review
Capacity Analysis
Strategy Implementation
Strategy Formulation
6Specific Objectives Remedial ManagementProcess
Normal Management
Account Review
Capability Analysis
- Determine Cause
- Loan Product defects
- Program rollout defects
Evaluate Weaknesses
Evaluate Alternatives
Possible Support
Categorize Accounts
Strategy Formulation
Strategy Implementation
- What ought to be done
- How to achieve it
- Timeframe
- Commitments
- Monitoring
- Reporting
- Revisions
- Shift Gears
Repayment Crisis
7Steps to Take in a Delinquency Crisis (1)Account
- Review credit policies and operations
- Evaluate loan officers adherence to sound
methodology - Determine extent of repayment crisis
- Assess performance of loan officers
- Categorize loans from poorest to most
collectible and - Assess the MIS.
8Steps to Take in a Delinquency Crisis
(2)Capacity Analysis
- Review performance of newer versus older loans
- Review manpower requirements for undertaking
rehabilitation of accounts - Review staff skills and
- Identify alternatives for each type of remedial
9Steps to Take in a Delinquency Crisis
(3)Strategy Formulation
- Design a performance based incentive scheme
- Design a remedial management plan
- Set-up a monitoring system and assign a task
leader - Undertake staff training and orientation
- Articulate the plan
- Lay out the reviewed policies and information
requirements and - Set time bounded targets and accountabilities.
10Steps to Take in a Delinquency Crisis
(4)Strategy Implementation
- Promote strong growth both in amounts and number
of clients - Weed-out clients who have had poor records as
they pay their loans - Remove loan officers who continue to perform
poorly or who drag down the entire concept - Judiciously refinance/restructure meritorious
cases - Write-off the major number of accounts that are
more than 6 months past due and - Regular reporting of accomplishments and
challenges to management.
11Essential Elements in Preventing Delinquency
- Instill credit discipline as part of
institutional culture for both employees and
clients - Sound Credit Methodology and
- Effective information system
12Adages in Remedial Management
- Loan rarely become losses overnight
- A bad loan is always worse than you think it is
- Remedial measures must be fast
- What you measure is what you get.