Title: Policy Governance Logic Model
1Problem Statement Sustaining and growing IPGA
requires members, money, and a diverse base of
revenues and resources. IPGA is currently over
reliant on volunteer contributors with its only
sources of revenue coming from member dues and
conference fees.
IPGA Logic Model Business Sustainability
Long-Term Change IPGA is a self-reliant, growing
and thriving membership association
Goal Leverage already existing resources to
expand IPGAs valued engagement and build a
diverse base of revenue and resources that
support sustainable growth
Outcomes Phase I All 3 strategy teams develop
and implement action plans IPGA has sufficient
leadership, revenues and resources to achieve
financial stability Revenues from membership,
conference fees, VE products and services
increase IPGA membership grows IPGA reinvests
in achieving Ends and generating long-term
Outcomes Phase II IPGA is a financially secure,
sustainable membership association Engagement in
IPGA is valued by existing and potential members
and consumers The impact of PG on organizations
and the world is well documented IPGAs brand
and reputation consistently invite new members,
consumers, grant contributions and passionate
Assumptions Rationale IPGA has an untapped
market for new members Participation in IPGAs
annual conference will continue to grow There is
unmet demand for valued engagement PG services,
products, tools and learning experiences IPGA
has the capacity to create products and services
that are both affordable to beneficiaries and
profitable to providers
Resources Business Sustainability Strategy
Team Increased revenues from new members and
conference attendees IPGA product and service
developers and providers IPGA members and other
consumers Grant harvesters, developers and
writers Financial management and planning
systems, reporting and controls
Activities Recruit IPGA ED, leadership for BS
strategy team and team members Research
nonprofit membership assoc. sustainability
models Develop fee structure for existing and
new products and services Implement marketing
and communications plans developed by VE
strategy team Scan for/act upon opportunities
for grants and passionate investors
Outputs IPGA Business Sustainability model and BS
logic model Business plan and budget Financial
reports, analysis and forecasts Agreements with
service developers and providers Marketing ,
communications and membership expansion
plans Grant harvesting research reports Grant
applications completed/awarded