Title: Creating The Music Classrooms of the Future
1Creating The Music Classrooms of the Future
3Hey! You! What Did you Learn?
4Hey! You! What Did you Learn?
5Hey You! What Did you Learn?
6Adaptive Learning!Kathleen-Amery
7Adaptive Learning!Kathleen-Amery
8Adaptive learning!Kathleen-Amery
9Critical Thinking!Bryn-Siren
10Critical Thinking!Bryn-Siren
11Ear/brain connection!Gary-Spring Valley
12Ear/Brain Connection!Gary-Spring Valley
13Ear/brain connection!Gary-Spring Valley
14Validation! Affirmation!Apryl-Rice Lake
15Validation! Affirmation!Apryl-Rice Lake
16Validation! Affirmation!
17Triple-time learning!John-Bruce
18Triple-time learning!John-Bruce
19Reflective Practice!Tim-Menomonie
20Reflective Practice!Tim-Menomonie
22If it were written out in musical notation, it
might look something like this
23Or this
24Hey! You! Lets Go Home!