Title: Pine Bluff Education Association
1Pine Bluff Education Association
- A great public school for every child
2Your Officers
- Ryan Roberts President
- Claudette White Vice President
- Patricia Jones Secretary/Treasurer
3Building Representatives
Henrietta Nelson First Ward
Carolyn McReynolds Broadmoor
Esther Coleman Broadmoor
Marceinia Williams Peoples Forrest Park
Barbara Clay W.T. Cheney
Brickett Owens Oak Park
Faith Cole Greenville
Alycia Wiley 34th Avenue
Patricia Berry Southwood
Patricia Jones Southeast
4Building Representatives
Barbara Jones Belair
Ruby Shelton Jack Robey
Larissa Davis Jack Robey
Virginia Hymes PBHS/McGeorge
Betty Hayes PBHS/Trice
Mattie Glover PBHS/Patterson
Joyce Davis PBHS/Arts
Louise Sullivan Oak Park
5Thanks to
- School Board Members
- New Administration
- Superintendent Payne
- Pine Bluff Commercial
- Teachers and Support Personnel
- No Child Left Behind is failing our students
- Teachers are under attack from all sides
- Charter schools are popping up everywhere
- Schools are being forced to compete for limited
resources - Reformers that have never taught a day are
telling us how to do our jobs
7Matt Damon Speaks at DC Rally
- Teachers should be at the forefront of
educational reform. - As a teacher, I take great issue at any national
and international ranking of our education system
that compares us to countries who only send their
best and brightest to college. In the U.S., we
give everyone a chance to succeed.
- I also take great issue with people trying to run
schools like a business. There are too many
factors that make this impossible. - Our children are not products coming off an
assembly line. Each one is special and
different. - We also do not pick and choose which students to
teach. We teach them all.
- As a professional organization, PBEA advocates
for the children and teachers who work day in and
day out to teach them. - School Board Meetings
- PB Commercial Articles
- Representative Assemblies for Educators
- PBEA is also has a seat on the AEA Board of
Directors. - As your representative, I make sure your voice is
heard on the state level as well.
12So what has your association done for you
- Written articles in support of educators to the
Pine Bluff Commercial - Represented Arkansas at the Southeast Regional
Conference for NEA - Informed members about Legislative issues
concerning Education - Spoke on behalf of professional educators at
School Board meetings
13So what has your association done for you
- Presented at various Teacher-to-Teacher
Professional Development opportunities - Worked with the Pine Bluff School District to pay
a stipend to teachers who attended the AEA PD
Conference last November - Represented your voice at the Representative
Assembly in Little Rock - Attending Summer Leadership Training
14So what has your association done for you
- Met with Mike Ross to discuss the reauthorization
15NEA RA in Chicago
12,000 professional educators attended.
16NEA - RA
- A major thing to come out of the RA was that
teachers all across the nation united to voice
what they felt an evaluation system should like
- Multiple domains
- What learning looks like
- How improvement plans should work
- Multiple evaluations throughout the year
- Multiple evaluations by different evaluators
should be used before it can be used in a
disciplinary way
17Standardized Testing
- In Arkansas, there was a powerful push towards
using standardized test scores as 50 of your
evaluation as a teacher. - The Arkansas Education Association worked with
legislators on both sides of the political
spectrum to create a fair evaluation system that
allows both the teacher and evaluator to offer
evidence of teaching and learning. Of the 22
areas of evaluation, test scores only play a
limited part in two.
18Professional Licensure and Standards
- Last year I was asked to be your voice on the
Ad-hoc Committee for the PLSB that consisted of
about 6 teachers, 5 Superintendents, 5 Dept. of
Ed officials, and 5 Dept. of Higher Ed
representatives. - Our charge Make recommendations to full board
about changes we thought needed to take place.
19PBEAs Focus
- What is our focus?
- Advocate for our kids
- Better working conditions
- Fair and equal treatment for all employees
- Accountability on all sides
20Meeting Time
- Everyones voice deserves to be heard!
- 2nd Monday of the Month
- Old Parents Center behind Trice Building on High
School Campus - 400-500 p.m.
21School Board Meetings
- Central Office
- 3rd Tuesday of each month
- Begins 600
- Education is not an US versus THEM game.
- PBEA acts as a liaison between all parties
involved in the system. - Central Administration
- Building Principals and Vice Principals
- Teachers
- Community involvement
23Liaison Role
- I asked the Superintendent and have asked School
Board members what message they would want to
convey to you. - 1. Teach every single day
- 2. Use proper Grievance Procedure
24Why Join?
- For those that arent members and those who have
let membership slip - Advocacy for public education.
- PBEA has been instrumental in helping secure
bonuses almost every year in recent memory. - That alone pays for membership!
- Let alone that liability insurance, discounts,
great loan rates for car, house, etc.
- Current School Board Minutes my notes
- Current Education News
- Contact Information
- Calendar
- Professional Development Materials
- Co-teaching
- Discipline
265 Year Strategic Plan
- August 27
- 830 200
- First United Methodist
- Continental Breakfast / Box Lunch
- Turkey, Ham, Roast Beef Ms. Harvey
27Jack Robey Back to School Bash
- August 10th
- 400 p.m. 800 p.m.
- Jack Robey Campus
- Great community involvement opportunity