Title: Fun in the Sun
1Fun in the Sun!
2What in the World???
If your team guesses this picture correctly, they
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3Lets get Started
4Question A
- Sledding is a fun activity in the Summer.
5Question B
What is the weather like in the summer time?
6Question C
What is it called when there is lightning and
7Question D
Which one of these is a good activity to do when
it is sunny and warm?
8Question E
The beach has seashells, sand, and the ocean.
9Question F
When it is hot outside, we can wear ______!
10Question G
It is completely safe to look up at the sun.
11Question H
The beach is always warm. Even in the winter.
12Question I
In which season do we get out of school?
13Question J
If it is a nice day outside at school, we might
go to the ________.
14Question K
Why do we need to wear sunglasses outside?
15Question L
What do we use to protect our skin from the suns
16Question M
It is important to protect our bodies from the
sun during activities.
17Question N
When the sun is shining bright, usually there are
not many ______.
18Question O
Swimming is something you can do to cool off when
it is very hot outside.
19Question P
Sunscreen helps to ______ us from the rays of the
20Question Q
Sun does not help plants grow.
21Question R
We should drink a lot of ______ when we play
outside in the hot weather.
22Question S
If the sun is shining, it cannot be cold outside.
23Question T
Warm weather is a lot of fun when you are outside
and protected.
24Question U
The _______ is a fun place to go when it is warm
25- That was incorrect. The other team gets to try
and answer a question.