Title: Free GIS
1Free GIS
- an intro to open-source spatial software
2Be sure to examine the links and notes with these
slidesthere may be some not so obvious gems
- Paul Bartsch
- paul.bartsch_at_dcs.ucsb.edu
- Joe Larson
- Cal Fire
- gisfireguy_at_gmail.com until I get an official
Cal Fire email
4FOSS4G Free and Open Source Software for
Geospatial OSGEO The Open Source Geospatial
All of the products we'll talk about today are
both free and open-source
5Why Use Open Source GIS?
- 1. Marketable skills
- In this ever-changing job market it is a huge
benefit to be able to bring a total GIS package
to the table - 2. Supported by huge development support
community - Community is very passionate about helping each
other but and continually improving software - 3. Low start-up costs
- It is now possible to install a complete GIS
stack without paying a cent - LEGALLYÂ - 4. Security
- Arguably more secure than proprietary softwareÂ
- Backed by large development community
- Bugs are found and fixed quickly
6Why Use Open Source GIS? (contd)
- 5. Works on all major platforms (Mac, Linux,
Windows)? - 6. Complimentary business model vs linear (see
next two slides) - 7. There's nothing missing
- Desktop GIS, Spatial Database Storage, Server...
- Tons of analysis tools (No licensing worries)?
- Community developed add-ons
- 8. Works with existing GIS data
- Import .shp files, most major formats
- Export to most major formats
- ArcSDE now connects to PostGIS (OS Database)?
- 9. No file format lock-in
- 10. Did we mention FREE?
- Potentially save enough money on software to
save jobs
7Closed Source Software Dev
Organization 1
Organization 2
0110 0110
Organization 3
Credit http//wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Library
8Open Source Dev. Model
Org. 1 Code in
Org. 2 New feature funders
Org. 3 Documentation in, code out
0110 1001
0110 1100
OS Community 0110 0110
Org. 4 Community-funded Developers
0110 1100
0110 1100
Org. 5 Customer of contributor Org.6
0110 110
Org. 6 Consultant/ Contributor
0110 1100
0110 1100
Org. 7 Ideas and money in, code out
Org. 8 Code and money in, code and money out
Credit http//wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Library
9Who uses Open Source GIS?
- A few examples
- ArcGIS 9.2 uses GDAL
- United Nations
- UCSB Marine Map http//www.marinemap.org/marinemap
/ - Many case studies here http//postgis.refractions
.net/documentation/casestudies/ - More case studies http//wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Case
_Studies - Big projects like Linux, Apache, Mozilla Firefox
and OpenOffice are supported by Fortune 500
companies like IBM and Sun. OSGeo is supported
by Autodesk.
10Why Teach Open Source GIS?
- 1. Teach fundamentals of spatial data management
and analysis rather than button memorization - 2. Becoming an increasingly necessary job skill
- Â Companies with existing GIS are using this
software - Â Makes GIS marketable to smaller firms and
non-profits - 3. Drives innovation
- Through sharing of knowledge source code
- Â 4. Code is open and human-readable
11The StackFree Alternatives For Your GIS Needs
- PostgreSQL/ PostGIS - Spatial Database
- http//www.postgresql.org/
- http//postgis.refractions.net/
- GeoServer - Server for Online Publishing/ Data
Sharing - http//geoserver.org/display/GEOS/Welcome
- OpenLayers - Web Application Programming
Interface (API)? - http//openlayers.org/
- GRASS - (Geographic Resources Analysis Support
System)? - http//grass.osgeo.org/
- OSSIM - Advanced remote sensing image
processing - http//www.ossim.org/OSSIM/OSSIMHome.html
- Quantum GIS - Desktop GIS
- http//www.qgis.org/
- GDAL, OGR - Translator library for geospatial
data formats - http//www.gdal.org/
- Â
- There are many more options, but these are our
favorites so far.
12The Stack ..in another form..
Credit http//opengeo.org/publications/opengeo-ar
13PostgreSQL PostGIS
- PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source
object-relational database system - A true spatial database
- Conforms to Open Geospatial Consortium standards
- ArcSDE can connect to it
- New to ArcGIS Server 9.3
- Secure storage for both spatial and non spatial
data - Column level permissions granularityÂ
- PostGIS "spatially enables" the PostgreSQL
server, allowing it to be used as a backend
spatial database for (GIS), much like ESRI's SDE
The Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) is a
non-profit, international, voluntary consensus
standards organization that is leading the
development of standards for geospatial and
location based services.
Outputs WMS, WFS, KML, GeoJSON, GeoRSS,
more.. Share and edit geospatial data Open
standards allow publishing from any major spatial
data source including shapefiles, SQL Server,
PostGIS, DB2, Oracle, WFS, TIFF Images,
MySQL Integrates with existing API's (Google,
yahoo, etc.)? Connects to ArcGIS Server WMS can
be easily added into existing ArcMap .mxd's
GeoServer is an open source software server
written in Java that allows users to share and
edit geospatial data. Designed for
interoperability, it publishes data from any
major spatial data source using open
standardsGeoServer is the reference
implementation of the Open Geospatial Consortium
(OGC) Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web Coverage
Service (WCS) standards, as well as a high
performance certified compliant Web Map Service
(WMS). GeoServer forms a core component of the
Geospatial Web.
Credit http//opengeo.org/publications/opengeo-ar
JavaScript Library, including API Similar to
Google Maps API Makes building dynamic mapping
webpages VERY easy Provides the tools needed to
easily add a map to a webpage Allows overlaying
your own data Can display map tiles and markers
loaded from any source
http//openlayers.org/ OpenLayers
http//www.openlayers.org/ OpenLayers makes it
easy to put a dynamic map in any web page. It can
display map tiles and markers loaded from any
sourceOpenLayers is a pure JavaScript library
for displaying map data in most modern web
browsers, with no server-side dependencies.
OpenLayers implements a (still-developing)
JavaScript API for building rich web-based
geographic applications, similar to the Google
Maps and MSN Virtual Earth APIs, with one
important difference -- OpenLayers is Free
Software, developed for and by the Open Source
software community.
17GRASS Geographic Resources Analysis Support
Geospatial data management Analysis Image
processing Graphics/maps production Spatial
modeling Visualization Tons of tools functions
Very complex analysis Now there's a simple user
interface through QGIS
Commonly referred to as GRASS, this is a
Geographic Information System (GIS) used for
geospatial data management and analysis, image
processing, graphics/maps production, spatial
modeling, and visualization. GRASS is currently
used in academic and commercial settings around
the world, as well as by many governmental
agencies and environmental consulting companies.
GRASS is an official project of the Open Source
Geospatial Foundation. http//grass.osgeo.org/
18OSSIM Open Source Software Image Map?
C software library that provides advanced
remote sensing, image processing, and
geo-spatialfunctionality Includes
orthorectification, precision terrain correction,
rigorous sensor models, very large mosaics, and
cross sensor fusions, a wide range of map
projections and datums, and a large range of
commercial and government data formats  OSSIM
Planet - an accurate 3D global geo-spatial viewer
that is built on top of OSSIM
19Quantum GIS (QGIS)
Desktop application very user friendly Can work
directly with .shp file, WMS, too many to list
Any Platform Windows, Mac, Linux FREE Plugins
available (Similar to Firefox add-ons)? Allow
spatial analysis, 3-D analysis, statistical
analysis... User interface for GRASS tools. OGR
interface allows use of TONS of formats PostGIS
interface MapServer export
GDAL is a translator library for raster
geospatial data formats...It also comes with a
variety of useful commandline utilities for data
translation and processing.
The OGR Simple Features Library is a C open
source library (and commandline tools) providing
read (and sometimes write) access to a variety of
vector file formats including ESRI Shapefiles,
S-57, SDTS, PostGIS, Oracle Spatial, and Mapinfo
mid/mif and TAB formats.
21Possible OGR Sources in QGISÂ AVCBin, BNA, CSV,
GeoJSON, Interlis, KML, MapInfo FIle, Memory,
MySQL, ODBC, OGDI, PGeo, PostgreSQL, REC, S57,
With GDAL tools you can  Report information
about a file. Copy a raster file, with control
of output format. Warp an image into a new
coordinate system. Build a MapServer raster
tileindex. Convert nearly black/white borders
to exact value.  Contours from DEM. Create a
TMS tile structure, KML and simple web viewer.
 Tools to analyze and visualize DEMs. Build a
quick mosaic from a set of images. Rasterize
vectors into raster file. Transform
coordinates. And much more
Possible OGR Targets in QGIS BNA, CSV, DGN, ESRI
Shapefile, GML, GMT, GPX, GeoJSON, Interlis 1,
Interlis 2, KML, MapInfo FIle, Memory, MySQL,
ODBC, PostgreSQL, S57, SQLite, TIGER
22Looks Cool, Now What?
- Quantum GIS is a great place to start
- If you've ever used a GIS, you'll feel right at
home! - http//qgis.org/
- Â
- Windows users start with OSGeo4W
http//trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/ - Windows XP, Vista, etc.Â
- Includes GDAL/OGR, GRASS, MapServer, QGIS as
well as many other packages (about 70 as of
summer 2008) - Â
- Mac Users http//www.kyngchaos.com/softwareunixp
ort - Â
- Linux Ubuntu Users contact Paul or Joe
23Tutorials / User Guides
- QGIS http//qgis.org/en/documentation/manuals.htm
l - PostGIS, OpenLayers, and more
http//www.bostongis.com/ - PostGIS http//postgis.refractions.net/documentat
ion/manual-1.3/ - GeoServer http//docs.geoserver.org/1.7.x/user/
- GRASS http//grass.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_Help
24Tutorials / User Guides
- OpenGeo Workshops
- Quite recent, http//blog.opengeo.org/2009/05/22/o
pengeo-where/ Looks really interesting ! ! ! - OpenLayers intro http//workshops.opengeo.org/open
layers/intro/ - PostGIS workshop http//workshops.opengeo.org/post
gis/contents.html - OpenGeo Workshop Installing GeoServer, Geoserver
Basics, Working With PostGIS, Creating a Base
Map, Working with OpenLayers, Google Earth
25Want to get involved with Open Source GIS?
- Join the local California Chapter of OSGeo
http//wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/California - For general help on getting started with OSGeo
see http//www.osgeo.org/content/faq/getting_start
ed.html - Contact Paul or Joe
- http//www.gdal.org/gdal_utilities.html
- http//www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_formats.html
- http//freegeographytools.com/2009/gis-related-sof
tware-for-the-mac - http//opengeo.org/publications/opensource-as-vert
ical/ - http//apb.directionsmag.com/archives/1937-ArcGIS-
9.2-uses-GDAL.html - http//wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Library
Ticheler_2005.ppt - http//www.redhat.com/about/whyopensource/
- Defense Dept. committee has open-source leaning
27Final Thoughts
- In the spirit of Open Source this presentation
should really be viewed in OpenOffice.org Impress
http//www.openoffice.org/ - More about PostGIS http//opengeo.org/community/po
stgis/ . Theres also a book coming out
http//www.manning.com/obe/ - More about QGIS http//www.qgis.org/en/about-qgis/
features.html - More about GeoServer http//opengeo.org/community/
geoserver/ , http//geoserver.org/display/GEOS/Wha
tisGeoServer - More about OpenLayers http//opengeo.org/community
/openlayers/ - Interesting discussion on PostgreSQL/PostGIS and
ArcGIS Server 9.3 http//www.nabble.com/PostgreSQ
L-PostGIS-and-ArcGIS-Server-9.3-td17419730.html - Very important white papers
- The OpenGeo Architecture http//opengeo.org/publ
ications/opengeo-architecture/ - open source as a disruptive technology WARNING
25MB http//s3.cleverelephant.ca/2008-kansas-keyno
te.pdf - Geospatial, An Open Source Microcosm
28Final Thoughts (contd)
- SpatiaLite http//www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite/
- California Geographical Society talk on the
potential of Spatialite to replace the Shapefile
in GIS http//www.scribd.com/doc/15063620/Spatiali
29Final Thoughts (contd)
- zigGIS http//pub.obtusesoft.com/ zigGIS is an
ArcGIS Desktop extension that allows you to
connect directly to spatial data stored in
PostGIS. It is a lightweight option allowing you
to centralize your spatial data into the leading
open source spatially-enabled relational
database. - Using zigGIS, you are able to take advantage of
the advanced analysis and cartographic tools of
ArcMap while leveraging the superior spatial data
storage and management capabilities of PostGIS.
zigGIS enables you to view, analyze and edit your
PostGIS spatial data from within ArcMap. - The most exciting new feature of zigGIS is the
introduction of multi-user editing of PostGIS
data from within ArcMap. zigGIS now includes
tools enabling you to check out your data and
make edits with the native ArcMap tools. - Best of all, zigGIS enables all of this
capability for users of ArcView on up without the
need for additional middleware. - http//www.spatiallyadjusted.com/2008/01/07/ziggis
30An after-thought..
- An after thought I had Portable GIS was a really
good introduction for myself (Joe), to one
version of an Open Source GIS stack. Jo Cook will
be releasing a new version of Portable GIS very
soon in fact! I encourage you to look at it here
http//www.archaeogeek.com/blog/portable-gis/ - The philosophy behind this idea was to provide
beginners with a ready-installed and configured
stack of open source GIS tools that would run in
windows without the need for emulation or a live
cd. By taking out the often difficult
installation and configuration, I hope to make it
easier for beginners to get started with open
source GIS, so they are not put off before it
gets interesting and fun. Not only that, but
having a fully self-contained GIS system may
prove useful in a number of real-life situations. - The current set of software includes
- Desktop GIS packages GRASS (windows native
version 6.3 does not need cygwin), QGIS (version
0.10 with GRASS plugin) and gvSIG (version 1.1), - FWTools (GDAL and OGR toolkit, version
2.10) - XAMPPlite (Apache2/MySQL5/Php5),
- PostgreSQL (version 8.2)/Postgis (version
1.1), - Mapserver, OpenLayers, Tilecache,
Featureserver, and Geoserver web applications. - If you dont know about portable apps, well,
theyre really cool. They run from a USB drive or
folder without effecting or leaving behind any
files/information into your computer
registry/system. Explore them further at