Title: Chapter 3 Implementing Classes
1Chapter 3 Implementing Classes
2Chapter Goals
- To become familiar with the process of
implementing classes - To be able to implement simple methods
- To understand the purpose and use of constructors
- To understand how to access instance fields and
local variables - To appreciate the importance of documentation
- What is a black box?
- Why do we call it a black box?
- What are some instances of a black box?
43.1 Black Boxes
- A black box magically does its thing
- Hides its inner workings
- Encapsulation the hiding of unimportant details
5- Not everything is hidden in a black box
- Ways to interact with it, but all done on the
outside - Interaction possibilities are well defined
6Properties of Encapsulation
- What is the right concept for each particular
black box? - Concepts are discovered through abstraction
- Abstraction taking away inessential features,
until only the essence of the concept remains - How much does a user really need to know?
7Example Cars
- Black boxes in a car transmission, electronic
control module, etc
8Example Car
- Users of a car do not need to understand how
black boxes work - Interaction of a black box with outside world is
well-defined - Drivers interact with car using pedals, buttons,
etc. - Mechanic can test that engine control module
sends the right firing signals to the spark plugs
- For engine control module manufacturers,
transistors and capacitors are black boxes
magically produced by an electronics component
9Example Car
- Encapsulation leads to efficiency
- Mechanic deals only with car components (e.g.
electronic control module), not with sensors and
transistors - Driver worries only about interaction with car
(e.g. putting gas in the tank), not about motor
or electronic control module
10Example Doorbell
- What can we do to a doorbell?
- Do we know how a doorbell works?
- Models
- Flintstones
- Simpsons
- Rube Goldberg Device
- Noise
11- In object-oriented programming the black boxes
from which a program is manufactured are called
12Levels of abstraction Software Design
13- Old times computer programs only manipulated
primitive types such as numbers and characters - Gradually programs became more complex, vastly
increasing the amount of detail a programmer had
to remember and maintain
14- Solution Encapsulate routine computations to
software black boxes - Abstraction used to invent higher-level data
types - In object-oriented programming, objects are black
15Important Concept
- Who designs objects you use
- Other programmers
- What do these other objects contains
- Other Objects
- Developed by other programmers, who used other
objects, etc. - Lesson Multiple levels of abstraction
- Almost always, you will be designing an
abstraction while simultaneously using another one
16- Encapsulation Programmer using an object knows
about its behavior, but not about its internal
structure - In software design, you can design good and bad
abstractions understanding what makes good
design is an important part of the education of a
software engineer - First, define behavior of a class then,
implement it
- Chapter 2 you used objects
- Analogous to engineer who puts final parts
together in car - Now you will learn how to design the different
parts of the car - NOTE software engineering more complex
- No physical limitations to abstraction
183.2 Designing the Public Interface to a Class
- Your task Develop a BankAccount class
- First step Define essential features
- Behavior of bank account (abstraction)
- deposit money
- withdraw money
- get balance
19Designing a Class
- Remember you are designing a class that another
programmer could use. - Design your class as a black box
20Designing 1 Methods
- Methods of BankAccount class
- deposit
- withdraw
- getBalance
- Support method calls such as the following
- harrysChecking.deposit(2000)
- harrysChecking.withdraw(500)
- System.out.println(harrysChecking.getBalance())
- Which methods are accessors? Mutators?
21Designing Method Definitions
- access specifier (Ex. public)
- return type (Ex. String or void)
- method name (Ex. deposit)
- list of parameters (Ex. amount for deposit)
- method body in braces
22- Examples
- public void deposit(double amount) ...
- public void withdraw(double amount) ...
- public double getBalance() ...
23Syntax 3.1 Method Definition
- accessSpecifier returnType methodName(parameterTyp
e parameterName,...) - method body
- Example
- public void deposit(double amount) . . .
- Purpose
- To define the behavior of a method
24Designing 2 Constructor
- A constructor initializes the instance variables
- Constructor name class name
- public BankAccount() // body--filled in later
- Constructor body is executed when new object is
created - Statements in constructor body will set the
internal data of the object that is being
constructed - How does the compile know which constructor to
26Constructor vs. Method
- Constructors are a specialization of methods
- Goal to set the internal data of the object
- 2 differences
- All constructors are named after the class
- Therefore all constructors of a class have the
same name - No return type listed EVER!
27Syntax 3.2 Constructor Definition
- accessSpecifier ClassName(parameterType
parameterName, . . .) constructor body - Example
- public BankAccount(double initialBalance)
- . . .
- Purpose
- To define the behavior of a constructor
28BankAccount Public Interface
- The public constructors and methods of a class
form the public interface of the class. - public class BankAccount
- // private fields--filled in later
- // Constructorspublic BankAccount() //
body--filled in later -
29- public BankAccount(double initialBalance)
- // body--filled in later
- // Methods
- public void deposit(double amount)
- // body--filled in later
- public void withdraw(double amount)
- // body--filled in later
- public double getBalance()
- // body--filled in later
30Syntax 3.3 Class Definition
- accessSpecifier class ClassName
- fields
- constructors
- methods
- Example
- public class BankAccountpublic
BankAccount(double initialBalance) ...public
void deposit(double amount) .... . . -
- PurposeTo define a class, its public interface,
and its implementation details
- Public methods and constructors provide the
public interface to a class - They are how you interact with the black box
- Our class is simple, but we can do many things
with it - Notice we havent defined the method body yet,
but know how we can use it
323.3 Commenting the Public Interface
- Part of creating a well-defined public interface
is always commenting the class and methods
behaviors - The HTML pages from the API are created from
special comments in your program called javadoc
comments - Place before the class or method
- /
- ..
- /
33Javadoc Comments
- Begin with /
- Ends with /
- Put on lines in between as convention, makes it
easier to read - Javadoc tags - _at_ mark is one
- _at_author, _at_param, _at_return
- Benefits
- Online documentation (Assignment 1)
- Other java documents
34Javadoc comments
- First sentence is extracted for HTML page
- Carefully explain method
- _at_param for each parameter
- Omit if no parameters
- _at_return for the value returned
- Omit if return type void
35- /Withdraws money from the bank account._at_param
the amount to withdraw - /
- public void withdraw(double amount)//
implementation filled in later -
- /Gets the current balance of the bank
account._at_return the current balance - /
- public double getBalance()// implementation
filled in later
36Class Comment
- /A bank account has a balance that canbe
changed by deposits and withdrawals. - /
- public class BankAccount. . .
- Seems repetitive, but is necessary
- Very helpful if you comment before you code your
methods - Provide documentation comments for
- every class
- every method
- every parameter
- every return value.
- When in doubt comment
- But make sure comments are concise
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403.4 Instance Fields
- Remember methods are the public interface of a
class - Instance Fields are part of the internal workings
- An object stores its data in instance fields - Field a technical term for a storage location
inside a block of memory - Instance of a class an object of the class
- AKA Data Members
41- The class declaration specifies the instance
fieldspublic class BankAccount private
double balance ... -
42- An instance field declaration consists of the
following parts - access specifier (usually private)
- type of variable (such as double)
- name of variable (such as balance)
- Each object of a class has its own set of
instance fields - You should declare all instance fields as private
43Access Specifiers
- Access Specifiers defines the accessibility of
the instance field and methods - private only accessible within the class
methods - public accessible in outside class methods and
inside class methods - Private enforces encapsulation/black box
- AKA Visibility Modifier
44(No Transcript)
45 Syntax 3.4 Instance Field Declaration
- accessSpecifier class ClassName
- . . .
- accessSpecifier fieldType fieldName. . .
- Example
- public class BankAccount . . . private
double balance . . . - Purpose To define a field that is present in
every object of a class
46Accessing Instance Fields
- The deposit method of the BankAccount class can
access the private instance field - public void deposit(double amount) double
newBalance balance amount balance
47- Other methods cannot
- public class BankRobber public static void
main(String args) BankAccount
momsSavings new BankAccount(1000) . .
. momsSavings.balance -1000 // ERROR
48- Encapsulation Hiding data and providing access
through methods - By making data members private, we hide internal
workings of a class from a user - Note We can have public instance fields and
private methods, but commonly we do not
493.5 Implementing Constructors Methods
- Constructors contain instructions to initialize
the instance fields of an object public
BankAccount() balance 0public
BankAccount(double initialBalance) balance
50Constructor Call Example
- BankAccount harrysChecking new
BankAccount(1000) - Create a new object of type BankAccount
- Call the second constructor (since a construction
parameter is supplied) - Set the parameter variable initialBalance to 1000
- Set the balance instance field of the newly
created object to initialBalance - Return an object reference, that is, the memory
location of the object, as the value of the new
expression - Store that object reference in the harrysChecking
51Why put instructions in a method?
- or why not just have one long list of
instructions in our programs? - smaller ?? easier
- test debug once, execute as often as needed
- more readable code
52Method Properties
- Methods have several components that allow them
to be functional units of code.
53Implementing Methods
- Some methods do not return a value public void
withdraw(double amount) double newBalance
balance - amount balance newBalance - Some methods return an output value public double
getBalance() return balance
54Implementing Methods
- public void deposit(double amount)
- double newBalance balance amount
- balance newBalance
55Method Call Example
- harrysChecking.deposit(500)
- Set the parameter variable amount to 500
- Fetch the balance field of the object whose
location is stored in harrysChecking - Add the value of amount to balance and store the
result in the variable newBalance - Store the value of newBalance in the balance
instance field, overwriting the old value
56Syntax 3.5 The return Statement
- return expression or
- return
- Example
- return balance
- Purpose
- To specify the value that a method returns, and
exit the method immediately. The return value
becomes the value of the method call expression.
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60Wus Template
61Template in action
- /
- This class is used to do the currency
conversion - between a foreign currency and the US Dollar
- _at_author Ameet Soni
- /
Class Comment
62Defining the class
63Template in action
- /
- This class is used to do the currency
conversion - between a foreign currency and the US Dollar
- _at_author Dr. Caffeine
- /
- class CurrencyConverter
Class Name
64Defining the class
65Template in action
- /
- This class is used to do the currency
conversion - between a foreign currency and the US Dollar
- _at_author Dr. Caffeine
- /
- class CurrencyConverter
- /
- how much 1 USD is worth in foreign currency
- /
- private double exchangeRate
Declaration (Data Members/Instance Fields
66Defining the class
67Template in action
- /
- This class is used to do the currency
conversion - between a foreign currency and the US Dollar
- _at_author Dr. Caffeine
- /
- class CurrencyConverter
- /
- how much 1 USD is worth in foreign currency
- /
- private double exchangeRate
- public void setExchangeRate (double rate )
- exchangeRate rate
68Not in Book
- In this course, there are three types of classes
you will write
69What's a Class? Defn 1
- Source code that defines a new data type by
encapsulating - data members
- constructors
- method.
- Ex. BankAccount class we just created
- AKA Instantiable class designed to be created
as objects
70- / Stores information about one pet. /
- public class Pet
- / Name of the pet. /
- private String name, kind
- private int age
- / Initializes a new instance.
- _at_param n The pet's name.
- /
- public Pet( String n, String k, int a )
- name n kind k age a
- / Returns the name of this pet. /
- public String getName() return name
- / Changes the name of this pet.
- _at_param newName The new name of the pet.
Data member
71What's a Class? Defn 2
- Code that is written to test another class.
- Has a main method that
- Creates instances of the class
- Executes methods
- Compares the actual with expected.
- Classes should be tested before being used in
Java Applications. - Ex. Part of Assignment 1
72- / A Test Program. /
- public class TestPet
- /
- Test Program starts here.
- _at_param args Unused in this program.
- /
- public static void main( String args )
- // Declare and create a pet
- Pet pet1 new Pet( "George", "bird", 14 )
- // Test the pet's information
- testGetName( pet1, George )
- / Tests Pet getName method. /
- public static void testGetName( Pet pet,
- String expectedName )
73What's a Class? Defn 3
- Java Application
- Source code that uses instances of other classes
(objects) to solve problems. - Must have a main method.
- Ex. Programs you completed in A0
74- / A Java Application. /
- public class PetApplication
- /
- Program starts here.
- _at_param args Unused in this program.
- /
- public static void main( String args )
- // Declare and create a pet
- Pet pet1 new Pet( "George", "bird", 14 )
- // Output the pet's information
- display( pet1 )
- / Prints Pet information to screen. /
- public static void display( Pet pet )
- System.out.println(
753.6 Testing Classes
- Previous section was designing a class
- By itself, we cannot actually run a program
- No main() method, like most classes
- We create instances of it in other classes
- Idea use a test class to make sure it works
properly before dispensing the product
763.6 Testing A Class
- Test class a class with a main method that
contains statements to test another class. - Typically carries out the following steps
- Construct one or more objects of the class that
is being tested - Invoke one or more methods
- Print out one or more results
- Verify output is correct and program behaves as
77Youve done this
- A0 asked you to make test classes
- Perimeter.java tested getHeight() and getWidth()
methods - MoveTester tested the translate() method
78- Details for building the program vary. In most
environments, you need to carry out these steps - Write a test program for the methods
- Include the class being tested in the project
- Run the test program
79- /
- A class to test the BankAccount class.
- /
- public class BankAccountTester
- /
- Tests the methods of the BankAccount class.
- _at_param args not used
- /
- public static void main(String args)
- BankAccount harrysChecking new
BankAccount() - harrysChecking.deposit(2000)
- harrysChecking.withdraw(500)
- System.out.println(harrysChecking.getBalance())
803.7 Categories of Variables
- Categories of variables
- Instance fields (balance in BankAccount)
- Local variables (newBalance in deposit method)
- Parameter variables (amount in deposit method)
- Share the same properties of declaring and
creating - Differ in their lifetime (AKA scope)
81Instance Field
- An instance field belongs to an object
- AKA Instance variable
- Each object has its own copy of the instance
field - The fields stay alive until no method uses the
object any longer - More specifically, until the object no longer
- In Java, the garbage collector periodically
reclaims objects when they are no longer used - If no variables reference to the object anymore,
it can no longer be used and is collected
83Local Variables
- Local and parameter variables belong to a method
- You declare them and create within the method
- When method is done executing, variable is thrown
out - EVERYTIME the method is executed, a new copy of
any variables is created, values do not carry over
84Initialization with scope
- Instance fields are initialized to a default
value, but you must initialize local variables - Default values for numbers is 0
- Objects is null
- COMMON ERROR forgetting to create objects for
instance fields, declaration leaves it at null - Not an issue with parameter variables
85Parameter variables
- Parameter variables are initialized to the values
that are passed to them - Maintain same lifetime as local variables
- Only difference is that they receive values
86Lifetime Of Variables
- harrysChecking.deposit(500)
- double newBalance balance amount
- balance newBalance
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883.8 Implicit and Explicit Method Parameters
- The implicit parameter of a method is the object
on which the method is invoked - Why is this important?
- When a method is invoked, and an instance field
is used, how does it know which object it belongs
89- Use of an instance field name in a method denotes
the instance field of the implicit parameter - public void withdraw(double amount) double
newBalance balance - amount balance
90- balance is the balance of the object to the left
of the dot - momsSavings.withdraw(500)
- means
- double newBalance momsSavings.balance -
amountmomsSavings.balance newBalance
91Implicit Parameters and this
- Every method has one implicit parameter
- The implicit parameter is always called this
- The method knows what object called it based on a
reference, but does not know/care about the
identifier name - E.g. you cannot say momsSavings.balance in the
class, because momsSavings is a local variable of
another class - Exception Static methods do not have an implicit
parameter (more on Chapter 9)
92Implicit Parameters and this
- double newBalance balance amount// actually
meansdouble newBalance this.balance amount - When you refer to an instance field in a method,
the compiler automatically applies it to the this
parameter - momsSavings.deposit(500)
93Implicit Parameters and this
94Advanced Info
- this operator very powerful
- Can call one constructor from another to avoid
redundancy - Important goal in programming, never have
duplicate code
95Example without this
- public class BankAccount
- double balance
- public BankAccount(double initialBalance)
- balance initialBalance
- public BankAccount
- balance 0
96Example with this
- public class BankAccount
- double balance
- public BankAccount(double initialBalance)
- balance initialBalance
- public BankAccount
- this(0)
97HOW TO 3.1 Designing and Implementing a Class
- Step 1 Find out what you are asked to do with an
object of the class - What do you want to be able to do with the
object? - Step 2 Specify the Public Interface
- Convert the list from step 1 into methods, and
the parameters (think input) they need - Constructors how do I want to initialize this
98HOW-TO 3.1 (cont)
- Step 3 Document the public interface
- Create Javadoc comments for each method and the
class - Step 4 Determine instance fields
- What information needs to be maintained?
- Step 5 Implement
- One at a time, from easiest to most difficult
99HOW-TO 3.1 (cont)
- Go back to Step 2 if implementation doesnt work
- Step 6 Test your class
100Note on Style 1
- A couple ways to use curly braces
- Option 1
- public class SomeClass
- Option 2
- public class SomeClass
101Note on Style 2
- Book says to place instance fields at the bottom
of a class - public class SomeClass
- //constructors
- //methods
- //instance fields
- Most conventions have it at the top of a class
- public class SomeClass
- //instance fields
- //constructors
- //methods
102Note on Style 3
- Already discussed variations on import
- Dont use import (fully qualify all classes)
- Import just one class (java.awt.Rectangle)
- Import the entire package (java.awt.)
103What is the right way?
- You can use any of the options
- You MUST(will grade on this) be consistent though
- Dont use both styles of curly braces in the same