Social Class and the media - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Social Class and the media


... types even when those types were written as peripheral characters or villains. ... Fred Flintstone. Archie Bunker. Homer Simpson ' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Social Class and the media

Social Class and the media
  • The powerful influence most denied in the United

Social stratification
  • In all societies there is some form of hierarchy
  • Distribution of social rewards/values is not
    entirely equal in any society
  • Hierarchy varies
  • How steep
  • Bases for hierarchy

Social Class
  • Stratification within a society based on a number
    of variables
  • Income
  • Education
  • Breeding (Tastes)
  • Blood (Old rich v. nouveau riche)

Does class exist in America?
  • Largely denied by U.S. culture
  • Classless society
  • The belief that the United States is a classless
    society or, alternatively, that most Americans
    are middle class persists . . . despite
    pervasive socioeconomic stratification
  • (Bullock, Wyche and Williams, 2001)

Reasons for denial
  • Meritocracy
  • Market system
  • Equal opportunity
  • Legal blindness to most demographic differences
  • Upward mobility
  • Overshadowed by other concerns
  • Race
  • Sex (Gender)
  • Religion
  • Nationalism

Yessocial class exists in America
  • Vast differences among Americans in their
    incomes, property, power
  • Life chances largely determined by social class
    at birth
  • Education
  • Access to technology
  • Network of opportunities

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  • But things are getting better, right?

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What about social mobility?
  • Mobility among classes is relatively common in
    the United States, but
  • Children of the rich tend to be afforded a great
    deal of advantage in education, networking,
    ability to try and fail, etc.
  • People of different classes have fairly limited
    personal contact
  • Geographic segregation
  • Intermarriage across widely differing social
    classes is uncommon
  • Cinderella
  • Pretty Woman
  • Princess and the Pea
  • The Nanny
  • Old money tends to maintain the class position of
    the next generation
  • Greatest access to higher circles has been
    through technology

Social class affects
  • Media access/choice
  • Content preferences
  • Interpretation of media content
  • Representation within media content
  • Power over media

Social class and media use
  • Access to media
  • More expensive media tend to be used more by the
    relatively well-to-do
  • Digital divide
  • Literacy levels
  • Written materials
  • Taste cultures
  • High culture v. low culture (popular culture)
  • Opera v. hip-hop

Internet use by household income
  • iPods/MP3 players are gadgets for the upscale.
    Fully 18 of those who live in households earning
    more than 75,000 have them 13 of those living
    in households earning 50,000 to 75,000 have
    them 9 of those living in households earning
    30,000-50,000 own them and 7 of those living
    in households earning less than 30,000 have
    them. (20 of respondents did not tell us their
    household income.)
  • Source Pew Internet and American Life Project

Source Mediamark Research, Inc.
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Content Preferences
Source 2000 Porter Novelli Healthstyles Survey
Interpretation of content
  • Class-based worldview influences interpretations

Working-class preferences
  • Working-class men preferred shows featuring a
    character sympathetic to working-class values.
    They identified with working-class types even
    when those types were written as peripheral
    characters or villains. They contradicted the
    notion of working-class viewers as passive and

  • Just as for African Americans or women, etc.
    there are stereotypes that go with being working
    class or lower class
  • Usually negative for those lower on the status

Prime Time programming
  • Early television included a number of
    working-class leads
  • Ralph Cramden
  • Marty
  • More recent examples
  • All in the Family
  • Roseanne

What are lower-class women like?
  • Trashy
  • Oversexed
  • Unsophisticated
  • Domestic
  • Kids
  • Dependant/Golddigger
  • Focused on men

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What are lower-class men like?
  • Violent
  • Brutish
  • Dominant
  • Stupid
  • Ignorant
  • Focused on cars, sports, sex
  • Racist
  • Sexist
  • Engage in hair-brained schemes to get ahead
  • Lack taste

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What does all this lead to?
  • Blaming the victim
  • Maintenance of a heavily hierarchical reward
  • Low self-esteem among lower classes
  • Ability of the well-to-do to engage in modern
    Social Darwinism
  • Dont have to face their own responsibility for
    poor conditions many live under
  • Exultation of self-interest
  • Mean World (for real)

Media facilitate classless society myth by
  • Presenting the interests of the well-off (e.g.,
    stock, financial portfolios, and leisure time) as
    general concerns
  • Downplaying the structural economic concerns
    (e.g., job security, income) of the working class
    and poor, and
  • Emphasizing shared interclass concerns (e.g.,
    safety, crime)
  • Portraying the middle class as the norm, with
    little representation of interclass tension

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The Hatfiel Clan
Media use
  • Working-class families used television as
    background or fillerthe TV was constantly on
  • Middle-class families turned the TV on and off,
    based on selective viewing of particular content

When lower- and working-class people are depicted
  • Tend to be portrayed as foolish or ignorant
  • Trailer trash can be portrayed in ways that
    would cause significant outcry if applied to
    racial minorities, etc.
  • Archie Bunker
  • Homer Simpson

Clampetts go to Maui
Blue Collar Males
  • Seen as sexist, racist, violent, unintelligent
    and entirely lacking in taste
  • Jerry Springer
  • WWE
  • Blue Collar Comedy

  • The prototypical working-class male is
    incompetent and ineffectual, often a buffoon,
    well-intentioned but dumb.
  • Ralph Kramden
  • Fred Flintstone
  • Archie Bunker
  • Homer Simpson

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  • He fails in his role as a father and a husband,
    is lovable but not respected. Heightening this
    failure is the depiction of working-class wives
    as exceeding the bounds of their feminine status,
    being more intelligent, rational, and sensible
    than their husbands. In other words gender is
    inverted, with the head of the house, whose
    occupation defines the families social class,
    demeaned in the process. . . . Working-class men
    are de-masculinized by depicting them as
    child-like their wives act as mothers.

  • Over-representation of professionals and
    relatively well-to-do on TV
  • Parallel situation in film, though more varied
  • Working class and poor invisible
  • Except as cops and criminals
  • Occasional representations are often stereotypic

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  • However, the tone of Prime Time is heavily
    white-collar/professional or upper class
  • The main exceptions are law enforcement personnel
    in cop shows, reality shows and daytime talk
  • Often connect poor and working class with
    negative depictions, low culture

  • In most middle-class series, however, both
    parents are mature, sensible and competent,
    especially when there are children in the

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Tabloid news shows
  • Tabloid news shows tended to focus on stories
    involving upper-class criminals, particularly
    celebrities, whereas highbrow news programs
    were more likely to focus on stories involving
    working-class, unemployed criminals.
  • Also tend to show rags to riches stories or the
    hollowness of wealth

  • Welfare recipients are among the . . . the most
    hated and stereotyped groups in contemporary
  • Out of 17 stereotyped groups (feminists,
    housewives, retarded people, Blacks, migrant
    workers, etc.) welfare recipients were the only
    one that respondents both disliked and
  • Lacking both competence and warmth
  • However, most common group of welfare recipients
    is poor children
  • Media representations concentrate on their mothers

Connection to race
  • European Americans greatly overestimate the
    percentage of African Americans who are poor

  • Their personal shortcomings lead to a need for
    care from professionals
  • Problems stem from personal failings (not
    society, actions of others)
  • Jerry Springer
  • WWE
  • Implies that social policy should protect the
    populace from a dangerous, personally lacking
    group rather than treating a structural problem

Soap operas
  • On soap operas, single mothers are typically
    portrayed as White, upper-middle-class
    professionals, with nurturing male friends and an
    abundance of reliable child care providers
    (Larson, 1996).
  • Teenage girls who were heavy viewers of soap
    operas were more likely than lighter viewers to
    underestimate the relationship between single
    motherhood and poverty and to overestimate the
    percentage of single mothers in high-paying jobs.

Stereotypes in media and popular culture
  • African American menmembers of threatening and
    violent underclass
  • African American womenwelfare queens or as
    ignorant, promiscuous women caught in a
    self-perpetuating cycle of dependency
  • Emphasis on African Americans tends to render
    white poor invisible in popular culture

  • Popular music draws heavily from urban lower
    class and rural working class

Social mobility
  • Reinforcing the middle-class ideal was an
    exaggerated display of affluence and upward
  • Lewis Freeman found that upward mobility in
    sitcoms of 1990-1992 was achieved through
    self-sacrifice and resilience, reinforcing the
    ethic of individualism which makes each person
    responsible for his or her socio-economic status.

Depictions of drug crimes
  • Although the typical drug consumer and dealer
    is an employed, high-school-educated European
    American man, the majority of arrests depicted on
    reality-based crime programs involve African
    American and Latino men in densely populated,
    urban areas (Anderson, 1994).

  • In a recent study of soap operas and their
    viewers . . . Working-class women viewers of
    daytime serials rejected the affluent long
    suffering heroines in favour of villainesses who
    transgressed feminine norms and thus cast off
    middle class respectability.
  • Butsch

  • Many media stories talk about the economy
    overall, citing recovery etc. but do not look
    at the differential class-based effect of various
    policies and events

  • By dedicating little broadcast time or print
    space to stories that openly discuss class
    privilege, class-based power differences, and
    inequalities, the poor are either rendered
    invisible or portrayed in terms of
    characterological deficiencies and moral failings
    (e.g., substance abuse, crime, sexual,
    availability, violence).

Depictions of drug crimes
  • Although the typical drug consumer and dealer
    is an employed, high-school-educated European
    American man, the majority of arrests depicted on
    reality-based crime programs involve African
    American and Latino men in densely populated,
    urban areas (Anderson, 1994).

Tabloid news shows
  • Tabloid news shows tended to focus on stories
    involving upper-class criminals, particularly
    celebrities, whereas highbrow news programs
    were more likely to focus on stories involving
    working-class, unemployed criminals.
  • Also tend to show rags to riches stories or the
    hollowness of wealth

  • Limited number of stories on poverty on national
  • 11 per network per year 1981 to 1986

Two categories of stories(Entman, 1995)
  • 239 stories
  • 39 depicted poverty as a source of threat (e.g.,
    crime, drugs, and gangs)
  • 61 portrayed poverty in terms of suffering (e.g.
    racial discrimination, poor health, and
    inadequate medical care)

Two frames(Iyengar, 1990)
  • Episodic frame
  • Personal circumstances of a poor individual or
  • More common
  • Thematic frame
  • Abstract, impersonal approach that looks at
    general poverty trends and public assistance

Framing effects
  • Those exposed to episodic frames in an experiment
    were more likely to blame the poor for their own
    poverty and to perceive them as responsible for
    improving their socioeconomic status. Those
    exposed to thematic frames tended to make
    structural attributions for poverty and to regard
    the government as responsible for social change.

Framing effects
  • Those exposed to episodic frames in an experiment
    were more likely to blame the poor for their own
    poverty and to perceive them as responsible for
    improving their socioeconomic status. Those
    exposed to thematic frames tended to make
    structural attributions for poverty and to regard
    the government as responsible for social change.

  • Welfare recipients are among the . . . the most
    hated and stereotyped groups in contemporary
  • Only one among 17 stereotyped groups (feminists,
    housewives, retarded people, Blacks, migrant
    workers, etc.) that respondents both disliked and
  • Lacking both competence and warmth
  • However, most common group of welfare recipients
    is poor children
  • Media representations concentrate on their mothers

Content analysis of Newsweek 1993-1995
  • De Goede (1996) found that the language used in
    the articles reinforced strong ingroup-outgroup
    class-based distinctions, simultaneously
    extolling the moral superiority of the middle
    class while degrading the values and behaviors of
    the poor.
  • Single African American mothers and teenage
    mothers often the focus of these negative articles
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