Title: Transportation Planning
1Transportation Planning
2What is a Traffic Model?
- Typical Definition
- A computer program that runs mathematical
equations using input data to replicate travel
choices that individuals make - The output is a measure of future travel demand
that is expressed in terms of future traffic
volumes. - Simply A forecast of future travel
- Where are people traveling to and from
- What routes are they choosing to get there
3Why are Models Important?
- Models are the heart of Transportation Planning
- They help us determine how much traffic will be
on our roadways in the future - They help us to understand the impact that
development has on our transportation system - They guide future investment strategies
- Models allow us to make informed decisions.
4What Are Travel Models Used For?
- Provide the best possible information about
future needs - Determining where congestion may be in the future
- Determining what projects will alleviate or
minimize that congestion. - Scenario analyses (What ifs)
- How many lanes are we going to need?
- Determine traffic impact due to land use changes
5Example Scenario
- Planner or Engineer
- Finite in available funding
- Your job ID what roadway projects will be in the
MPO Transportation Improvement Program - Resources are scarce
- Choices need to be good ones
- Public drives the roads every day and are ready
to complain - How do you go about selecting solutions?
- Use the travel demand model to aid in determining
how to address existing congestion problems. - Test various projects to determine effectiveness
- Measure in VMT and VHT savings
6Travel Demand
- Why did the chicken cross the road?
- Duh -- to get where they want to be???
7Why Do People Travel?
- Hence, the truism that Travel is a derived
demand -- i.e. the demand for travel is derived
from the demand for spatially-separated
activities - Corollary Travel is a disutility, that people
try to minimize
- Saved travel time is a benefit, hence a basis for
valuing transportation improvements - THE largest benefit component in most
cost-benefit analyses - We can reduce travel by
- ... making it more expensive
- congestion pricing, fuel taxes, parking pricing
- We can reduce travel by
- bringing activities closer together
- increasing density and mixture of land uses
- using ICT (information and communication
technology) to conduct the activity remotely - telecommuting, -conferencing, -shopping,
-education, -medicine, -justice
10But is that the only reason people travel -- to
get somewhere in particular?
11Why Would Travel be Desirable?
- Escape
- Exercise, physical/mental therapy
- Curiosity, variety-, adventure-seeking conquest
- Sensation of speed or even just movement
- Exposure to the environment, information
- Enjoyment of a route, not just a destination
- Symbolic value (status, independence)
- Buffer between activities, synergy with multiple
12Trends In Travel Demand
13Global Changes, 1960-1990
NAM N. America LAM Latin America WEU W.
Europe EEU E. Europe FSU Former Soviet
Union MEA Middle East and North Africa AFR
Sub-Saharan Africa CPA Centrally Planned Asia
and China SAS South Asia PAS Other Pacific
Asia PAO Other Pacific OECD
Motorized mobility (pkm) per capita, 1960 and
1990. Source Schafer, 1998
14Avg. Annual Growth Rate of Cars and Their Use,
15Mobility as a Function of GDP
NAM N. America LAM Latin America WEU W.
Europe EEU E. Europe FSU Former Soviet
Union MEA Middle East and North Africa AFR
Sub-Saharan Africa CPA Centrally Planned Asia
and China SAS South Asia PAS Other Pacific
Asia PAO Other Pacific OECD
Motorized mobility (car, bus, rail, and aircraft)
per capita by world region vs GDP per capita,
between 1960 and 1990. Source Schafer, 1998
16Car Ownership vs. GDP
SAS South Asia PAS Other Pacific Asia CPA
Centrally Planned Asia and China
Estimated motorization rates for CPA, PAS and
SAS, compared with the observed rise in
motorization in several countries. Source of
historical data United Nations, 1960 United
Nations, 1993a and IRF, various years. Source for
figure Schafer and Victor, 2000
17Projected Mobility, 2050
Historical and estimated future total global
mobility by mode in 1960, 1990, 2020 and
2050. Source Schafer and Victor, 2000
18The 4 step transport planning process
- Estimated trips
- Estimated modal shares
- Estimated travel speeds
- Estimated travel delays
- Air Quality
19Inputs- Demographic Data
- Household size
- Income level
- Autos per
- household
- Age
20Inputs- Transportation Systems
- Most streets, all highways
- Parking
- Public Transportation
- Speeds, travel times, and speed limits
- Traffic volumes
- Transit ridership and fares
- Vehicle occupancy
21Inputs- Land Use
- Current land use and zoning
- Activity for each area
- Land use and zoning plans
- Base maps and topography
22Land Use
- Definition Spatial pattern of different economic
uses of land - Residential
- Industrial
- Commercial
- Institutional
- A component of the urban system
- Defines, at least in part, the personality of a
23Land Use
- Urban form spatial arrangement of built
environment elements and urban activities - Density
- Homogeneity
- Concentricity
- Connectivity
24Transportation-Land Use Connection
- Changes in location, type and density of land use
affects travel choices and patterns - Past transportation decisions evident in todays
development patterns
25Transportation-Land Use Connection
Land Use
Transportation Needs
Land Value
Transportation Facility
- Ease of movement between places
- Can be assessed separately for different modes,
purposes, etc.
27Urban Sprawl
- Sprawl is random unplanned growth characterized
by inadequate accessibility to essential land
uses such as housing, jobs, and public services,
i.e., schools, parks, and mass transit
28Urban Sprawl
- Sprawl is directly identified with urban growth-
as cities get bigger, they expand around their
peripheries - Big cities are attracting population.. But
population is being added to the edge at lower
densities and the dominant transport is the car,
for ease of access - Population and other activity is also
decentralizing very fast to lower density suburbs
29Results of Sprawl
- More Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
- Longer Travel Times
- Greater Number of Auto Trips
- Less Cost-Effective and Efficient Transit
30Building a Travel Demand Model
- Population (how many people do we have?)
- Households (where do they live)
- Employment (jobs, shopping, restaurants,
recreation, etc.) - Schools and college locations
- Roadway Network TAZ (traffic analysis zones)
31Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ)
- Used to represent transportation demand
- Design guidelines
- equal size
- homogeneous land use (residential, retail,
industrial, etc) - not crossed by network or physical barriers
- Trip assumed to originate from a single point
32TAZ Characteristics
- TAZ boundaries are major roadways or physical
barriers such as railroads, rivers, airport
boundaries etc. - Typically follow block or block group boundaries
- Goal replicate areas of Origin and Destination
for trips being made. - Home to Work Home to Shopping Work to
Shopping, etc
33TAZ Characteristics
- Zones are characterized by their population,
employment, and other factors - They are the places where trip making decisions
are made (trip producer) and the trip need is met
(trip attractor)
34Traffic Analysis Zones
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37TAZ Characteristics contd
- Simple representation of the geometry of the
transportation systems (usually major roads or
transportation routes) - Links sections of roadway (or railway)
- Nodes intersection of 2 links
- Centroids center of TAZs Trip making is
assumed to begin at the zone centroid - Centroid connectors centroid to roadway network
where trips load onto the network
38Trip Generation
- Decision to travel for a specific purpose (e.g.
eat lunch) - -HOW MANY TRIPS??
39Trip Generation
- Defines the relationship between trip-making,
socio-economic characteristics, and land use
activities - Purpose
- Predict how many trips will be made
- Predict exactly when a trip will be made
40Trip Purposes
41Trip Generation
- Methods
- Cross Classification
- Regression Analysis Linear relationship
- Households in TAZs aggregated into groups
- Rates for each group used to determine the number
of trips. - Trip rates based on household characteristics
(income level, vehicle ownership, household size,
43Cross-Classification Method (cross-classification
44Regression Analysis
- Allows multiple variables and nonlinearity
- The number of trips f (population, autos,
number of dwelling units, ) - The trip predictors (population, autos, ) need
to be independent
45Trip Distribution
- Choice of destination (a particular restaurant?
The nearest restaurant?) - -Given a location, where do people go to satisfy
demand for an activity type? - -Determine origin and destination of trips
46Trip Distribution
47Gravity Model
48Trip Distribution-Gravity Model
49Trip Distribution
- f(D) travel impedance can be a function of
distance, time, or user cost. Usually use time.
50Trip Distribution
51Trip Distribution
52Mode Choice
- How do people use the transport system?
- What modes do they choose
- (transit, walk, carpool, drive alone,)?
- How do they react to varying
- transport service quality?
53Mode Choice
54Mode Choice
- Travel Time
- In-vehicle time
- Walk, wait and drive access
- Travel Cost
- Auto operating, transit fares, parking, tolls,
55Trip / Traffic Assignment
- How do people use the transport system?
- Given a mode, which route do they choose (e.g.
E-5..)? - Which parts of the transport system do they use?
56Path Selection Criteria
- The driver wants to minimize impedance..
- Composite index of travel impedance
- normally includes
- Travel Time
- Trip Cost
- Out of pocket costs
- Tolls
- Turn Penalties Prohibitions
- (e.g., no left turn)
57Trip Assignment Models
- All-or-Nothing Assignment
- User Equilibrium Assignment
- System Optimum Assignment
58All-or-Nothing Assignment
- Trips are assigned on the shortest route which is
the minimum travel time or cost - Simple and inexpensive to perform
- Does not take account of congestion effect
- Disadvantage
- Assumes all traffic will travel on shortest path
- Creates unrealistic flow patterns
Step 1 Find shortest route between the TAZs
Step 2 Assign all trips to links comprising
shortest route
Step 3 Continue until trips between all TAZ
pairs have been assigned
59User Equilibrium Assignment
- User equilibrium problem formulated by Beckmann
et. al.(1956) can be solved using Wardrops First
condition - For each O-D pair, at user equilibrium, the
travel time on all used paths is less than or
equal to the travel time that would be
experienced by a single vehicle on any unused
path. - Thus, at equilibrium, no one can reduce his or
her travel cost by choosing another choice set.
60System Optimum Assignment
- Social Equilibrium principle
- Traffic should be assigned in a congested network
in such a way that the total system travel cost
is minimized - It is more of a design principle for transport
planner and engineers