Title: 2003 Menghai 7572 Dayi Ripe Cake - Chineseteaart.com
12003 Menghai 7572 Dayi Ripe Cake - Pu-erh Tea
Size Price
1 piece - 357 grams - US158
Free Shipping on Orders over 30
Menghai 7572 Dayi Ripe Cake is the classic Pu-erh
made by Menghai tea factory from 1970s. It use
the Jin Hao Xi Cha on the surface and use the Qin
Zhuang Cha Jin inner.It is reddish-brown,
Moderate Fermentation, Mellow taste, red and
bright tea soup, and unique 'Menghai' flavor.
It is so popular and high-quality that people
choose it as the standard product to judge Pu-erh
This tea cake is made in 2003. It is the oldest
Da Yi 7572 in ChineseTeaArt, and you can find
other years Dayi 7572 in our store.
At the same time also has the longer the better
quality characteristics.
Other names
Menghai 7572, Da Yi 7572
Brand, Manufacturer
Meng Hai Factory
Pu-erh Type
Ripe / Cooked / Black
Harvest Period
Tea Link http//www.chineseteaart.com/2003-mengha
i-7572-dayi-ripe-cake-puerh-tea-p-92.html Picture
come from http//www.chineseteaart.com/