Title: Whats New and Whats Next
1Whats New and Whats Next? You Tell GALILEO
2- Agenda
- Whats New
- A tour of the new GALILEO interfaces
- Whats Next
- Share your ideas and suggestions to
- inform the future of GALILEO
3Three Years to Here GALILEO Upgrade
New Technology
Community Customization Working Groups
Federated Search
Advanced Customization
Find It Link
Journal Finder
Public Libraries
Citation Linker
K-12 Schools
Catalog Search
Resources Team
Courseware Integration
Interface Team
Usability Team
More to come . . .
4Features of the New User Views ?
Subject-based discovery of databases and journals
? Subject-based federated search sets ?
Bookmarkable pages ? Browsing by material
type ? Database spotlights with thumbnail
previews ? Links to local library and school
information ? Searches executed to library
catalogs or links to library catalogs ? Faster
page loading
5GALILEO is almost 15 years old. What will it look
like at 20 years (7 years from now)? What will
it look like at 30 (2025)? Will it still exist?
Will there be a need?
6In GALILEO, what barriers do your users encounter
that keep them from getting information they are
looking for? Are these barriers unique to
GALILEO or are they similar to barriers that
users experience in other areas of library
service? What are ways to mitigate or eliminate
the barriers?
7What is a specific change you would like to see
in GALILEO? (Circle the interface(s) that this
pertains to). Scholar Library High School Teen
8One .avi is worth a thousand .txt. Although
databases are evolving to include videos and
animation, most of the content is still text and
still graphics. What kinds of content and formats
would you like to see added to GALILEO?
(Examples music, audio books, more video,
interactive software, user-created content).
Which of these do you think are imperative to
keep GALILEO relevant in the fast-changing
technology world?
9What would it take for more of your users to know
about and use GALILEO? Think of specific
audiences, such as teens, older users, incoming
freshmen, or other populations.
10Think of the surfing you do on the Internet. What
tools, features, and services do you use on
non-library websites that may enrich your
experience using GALILEO?
11What question should we be asking that has not
already been addressed?
12Thank You!