Title: combatingaggressivedriving
1the Best Value Hostel in London
- An internet station
- Laundry room
- 24 hour security with CCTV
- Large and secure locker room and storage facility
- Brand new toilets and showers on many floors
- Free WiFi in all public areas
- A restaurant and Espresso Bar
- Television lounge and Game Room
3Restup London Hostel Rooms
En-Suite Twin Room En-Suite Double Room Quad
Room Six Bed Room Eight Bed Room Mixed Shared
Rooms Mixed Dormitories Larger Rooms
4A London Hostel with Access to Everything
- London
- Eye Buckingham Palace
- Tower Bridge
- Borough Market
- Big Ben
- Oxford Street Tate Gallery
- The British Museum Trafalgar Square
- West End Theatres
5Hostel Facilities for Your Group
Large areas to hold meetings Internet and
computer stations WiFi in public areas Television
and game rooms Large dining areas Restaurant and
Espresso Café
6Contact Us
stay_at_restup.co.uk 44 (0)20 3642 4549 172 New
Kent Rd London SE1 4YT
7Thank you!!!