6 Creative and Engaging Marketing Projects We Can Learn From - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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6 Creative and Engaging Marketing Projects We Can Learn From


Direct mail, inserts, and to some extent, even TV and magazine advertising. What do all of these things have in common? If you answered, “They’re largely relics of the past,” you’ve won this round. While many older forms of advertising do survive in some form, the real heart of contemporary marketing lies in online content strategies, which have the potential to deeply engage followers and create unique and loyal relationships with greater rapidity and effectiveness than any other medium. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 6 Creative and Engaging Marketing Projects We Can Learn From

6 Creative and Engaging Marketing Projects We Can
Learn From
blo g.act ivat emedia.co m /post
/55178204461/6-creat ive-and-engaging-market
ing-project s- we-can-learn
Direct mail, insert s, and t o so me ext ent ,
even T V and magazine advert ising. What do all
o f t hese t hings have in co mmo n? If you ans
we re d, The yre large ly re lics of the
pas t," youve won this round. While many olde
r forms of adve rtis ing do s urvive in s ome
form, the re al he art of conte mporary
marke ting lie s in online conte nt s trate gie
s , which have the pote ntial to de e ply e
ngage followe rs and cre ate unique and loyal
re lations hips with gre ate r rapidity and e
?e ctive ne s s than any othe r me dium. But a
s ucce s s ful online marke ting campaign re
quire s more than s pe e d typing a thre e
line blogpos t. To re ce ive , youve got to
give notably, more than your compe titors
both in your indus try and in the online s
pace . The following 6 cre ative and e ngaging
marke ting campaigns are gre at e xample s of
how to do jus t that. Le ts take a look for
a little ins piration. 1. S imply Business S
mall Business Guide t o YouT ube
S ome time s , the be s t tool in your marke
ting box is knowle dge . No, not knowle dge
about your product, but knowle dge that ?lls
any information and s kills gaps your cus tome
rs may have . Thats jus t what s mall bus ine
s s ins urance provide r, S imply Bus ine s s ,
doe s with its Knowle dge Community Ce nte
r, which fe ature s in-de pth re s ource s like
this YouTube guide . He re , s mall bus ine s
s owne rs can ?nd guide s and tips to ans we
r any numbe r of que s tions and arm the ms
e lve s with s kills the y can active ly apply
to the ir bus ine s s e s . The YouTube
guide is large ly re pre s e ntative of the
re s ource ce nte r, providing e xte ns
ive re s ource s within this modular, ?owchart
guide , without s acri?cing functionality or be
coming too de ns e . This re s ource ce nte r
is notable not jus t for the we alth of he
lpful information it provide s , but als o be
caus e its cons tructe d around what its cus
tome r bas e wants , not what the company
wants to impos e on its cus tome rs . This
builds trus t and re s pe ct as we ll as an e
xpe rtis e re putation, as it will make followe
rs fe e l the company re ally knows what s
mall bus ine s s e s ne e d. Lesson Learned
Provide your customers with helpful, in-depth
resources, and theyll reward you with loyalty,
engagement, and evangelism. Twe e t this
2. S harpies T wit t er Campaign
  • What do you do whe n you dis cove r an untappe
    d marke t of young us e rs , looking for cre
    ative s timulation? He ad to Twitte r, of cours
    e . Or at le as t, thats what the e ve r
    dynamic and e ngaging brand, S harpie , did with
    the ir re ce nt Twitte r campaign, which invite
    d us e rs to s hare the ir cre ative work as
    we ll as the ir conve rs ations about cre
    ativity by adding the has htags s harpie
    and uncapwhats ins ide .
  • The company s pre ad the word ?rs t through
    promote d twe e ts and the n us e d the has
    htags to promote the ir e qually e ngaging
    Ge t Ins pire d" YouTube playlis ts , which fe
    ature d inte rvie ws with artis ts us ing the
  • Be fore long, the company was gaining 1,000
    followe rs pe r day, for a 6-fold incre as e
    by the e nd of the campaign.
  • Lesson Learned People want to create be their
    excuse to do so Twe e t this , whether through
    a strategic hashtag or a contest calling for user
    submissions. And for the greatest bene?ts, dont
    forget to fold these activities into your wider
    marketing campaigns, a la Sharpies YouTube
  • S impliS af es Digit al S ecurit y Quiz
  • Ofte ntime s , to ge t buye rs inte re s te d
    in your product, you ne e d to te ll the m why
    anything you s ay is of us e to the m. Try
    to do that through an ad, and pote ntial buye
    rs can fe e l like youre that one child in
    the room dancing around and s houting, Look at
    me , look at me e e e !" Do it, on the othe r
    hand, through a de vice that re ve
    als s ome thing about the cus tome r, and
    youll s us tain inte re s t for much gre ate r
    pe riods of time . Thats the logic be hind S
    impliS afe s e ngaging digital s e curity quiz
    , which te lls us e rs about the ir company
    through the le ns of the ir individual digital
    habits .
  • S te p by s te p, que s tion by que s tion,
    quiz take rs e xamine the ir online habits
    and re ce ive e xpe rt ans we rs to ?ll in
    the blanks . In this way, the quiz is he
    lpful and it establishes the company as a
    knowledgeable industry expert. And who wouldnt
    want to share this on social media?
  • Lesson Learned Provide customers with helpful
    and revealing information by focusing on them
    ?rst Twe e t this , and by tapping into all of
    the intrinsic motivation associated with
    gami?cation. This way, customers will much more
    actively engage.
  • Et sys Guest Pinners
  • While mos t bus ine s s e s know the y s hould
    have a pre s e nce on Pinte re s t, the y
    ofte n dont know what the y s hould pin, e s pe
    cially if the y dont fall in the life s tyle
    or food cate gory. Jus t follow the le ad of
    Ets y, the online marke tplace for s mall,
    inde pe nde nt crafts pe ople . The company
    pins both fe ature s of its own products and
    a wide

6. McDonalds Canadas Our Food. Your Quest
  • S ocial me dia is a gate way to your cus
    tome rs , but what lie s on the othe r e nd of
    that gate is nt always a public re lations s
    pe cialis ts dre am. No brand knows this be
    tte r than McDonalds , whos e McDS torie s
    Twitte r campaign was me t with wide s pre
    ad de ris ion online . The ne gative s torie s
    far outnumbe re d the pos itive one s , with
    cus tome rs re porting ?nding ?nge rnails in
    the ir food, s e e ing rats in the kitche n,
    and gaining we ight.
  • That, howe ve r, didnt s top McDonalds Canada
    from launching a much s avvie r campaign calle
    d, Our food. Your que s tions ." The conce pt
    was s imple Cus tome rs we re allowe d to as
    k or s e arch for any que s tions , and the
    company would re s pond as frankly as pos s
    ible . The campaign was a mas s ive s ucce s
    s , with thous ands of que s tions s ubmitte d
    s o far, and a gre at boos t to the companys
    image . Note that the ke y di?e re nce he re
    was that the company dire ctly as ke d for
    the ir cus tome rs true e xpe rie nce s and
    re s ponde d in kind, rathe r than twe e ting
    ove rly nos talgic and cle arly comme rcial twe
    e ts like , Whe n u make s ome thing w/pride
    , pe ople can tas te it, - McD potato s
    upplie r."
  • Lesson Learned While you may not be able to
    a?ord to hire a team of customer service
    representatives to answer a slew of questions,
    you can still take the message of transparency to
    heart. Why not hold an hour long, Reddit style
    AMA on social media? Alternatively, you could
    host a regular event on your company blog, like,
    Your Questions Tuesdays" and tackle one
    important question at a time. The more you
    respond to all questions, good or bad, the
    greater the trust youll build Twe e t this .
  • T he T akeaway
  • Todays world of marketing brings with it
    countless new platforms and sources for
    inspiration. Embracing these tools will allow
    companies to get creative and reach formerly
    untappable markets, while also cementing customer
    loyalty. What will your next creative campaign
    entail? Let us know in the comments below.
  • About t he aut hor
  • Luke is a S e attle bas e d write r and inte
    rne t marke te r who s pe cializ e s in conte
    nt s trate gy. Follow him on twitte r _at_ luke
  • Need help wit h your digit al st rat egy?
  • Ge t your fre e branding guide
  • Contact us for a fre e digital re vie w. You
    can als o ge t an ove rvie w of what we do
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