Title: Tahitian Pearls in Australia
1Ikecho Pearls - Wholesale Pearl Jewellery
Supplier in Australia Phone (02) 9266-0636 Fax
(02) 9266-0969 Email Id info_at_ikecho.com.au
Website http//www.ikecho.com.au/
2About Us
- Ikecho Pearls (pronounced i-ket-cho) is an
Australian wholesaler of the worlds finest
quality pearls. - Ikecho was the first pearl company to import
natural pink pearls to Australia. As time moved
on Ikecho has established very close
relationships with pearl farms around the world,
enabling them to supply Australia and N.Z with
the most extensive range of quality South Sea,
Tahitian, Akoya, Mabe and Chinese Freshwater
3Akoya Pearl Jewller
- The Akoya oyster is famously found in Japan
where it has formed the basis of a multi-million
dollar pearling industry. Akoya Pearls are
considered the classic cultured pearl.
4Freshwater Pearls Jewellery
- Freshwater Pearls are the most common type of
pearl. As the name suggests they are grown in
freshwater, usually in mussels that live in lakes
and rivers. The process used to produce most
freshwater pearls doesnt require a shell
nucleus, instead tissue grafting techniques are
5Mabe Pearls Jewellery
- Mabe Pearls are cultivated from the silver and
black lipped oysters from the waters of Australia
and the South Pacific. Mabe pearls are half round
or dome shaped and are grown on the inside of the
6Tahitian Pearl Jewellery
- The famous Tahitian Pearls also known as
Black South Sea pearls are the most celebrated
natural black pearls found in the world and are
cultivated in French Polynesia, the Cook and
Micronesian Islands. Tahitian Pearls are
considered to be the second most valuable
commercially farmed pearls in the world.
7South Sea Pearls Jewellery
The worlds finest White South Sea Pearls are
cultivated in Australia. They are mainly produced
in the tropical waters along the North West coast
of Australia. Indonesia and the Philippines also
produce the magnificent natural gold South Sea
South Sea pearls are generally much larger
than other pearl types and have a unique lustre
quality, therefore they command the highest price
of all pearls.
- Ikecho Pearl Company Pty Ltd
- Head Office
- Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
- Telephone(02) 9266-0636
- Fax(02) 9266-0969
- Email Id info_at_ikecho.com.au
- Website http//www.ikecho.com.au/