Title: JapanBrunei Darussalam APEC Joint Seminar
1Japan-Brunei Darussalam APEC Joint Seminar
on Strengthening Human Resource Development fo
r Structural Reform Theme Aligning Hu
man Resource Development with Advancing
Industrial Structure 12th and 13th September 20
00, BSB Brunei Darussalam
2Organisational Challenge Developing Human
Resource for Managing Information Knowledge
Dr C T Yong, Brunei Darussalam
Organisational Change Amid uncertainties,
difficulties Information Flow HRD Policie
s for Competitive Advantage Management System-
principles, policies, strategies, procedures
Harmonising Micro and Macro Level Adjustments
Japan-Brunei Darussalam Joint APEC Seminar on
Strengthening Human Resource Development for
Structural Reform, 12th and 13th Sep. 2000
3Organisational Change Amid uncertainties,
Constant Collision with High-tech equipment/ m
achinery Changing customer requirements and expec
tations Emerging globalisation processes Diverse
socio-economic landscapes Exposure to abundant i
nformation Changes occur from inside an organsa
tion as well as from outside Old system operator
s specialists Manager Informed decisions to r
eact or strategise business plans is based on
Timely and reliable information (perhaps
knowledge) New system f information, manager,
Japan-Brunei Darussalam Joint APEC Seminar on
Strengthening Human Resource Development for
Structural Reform, 12th and 13th Sep. 2000
4Information Flow
New Melting Pot articulated by Kenichi Ohmae
(The End of the Nation State)
4 Is Investment, Industry, Information
(technology) Individuals Emerging paradigm of
Information- explosive collision with
information, Hi-tech equipment, fuels, potentia
l assets, active, but tacit in nature
Generating, filtering, communicating, blending,
retaining, developing Information to knowledge
From operational, to administrative and manageri
al decisions System Adequacy Principles, polic
ies, strategies, procedures, motivation
Japan-Brunei Darussalam Joint APEC Seminar on
Strengthening Human Resource Development for
Structural Reform, 12th and 13th Sep. 2000
5HRD Policies for Competitive Advantage
Availability of right human resource, attracting
the right pool of staff Capacity building/devel
opment in connectivity, creativity,
communication, Competence, competitive advantages
Balancing structured approached and flexible s
ystem for documenting, Developing, retaining and
refining information and knowledge
Utilising appropriate technology (eg multimedia)
, allowing mistakes, Generating Feedbacks, enhanc
ing motivation, employer-employee tie. etc
If an innovation does not aim at leadership from
the beginning, It is unlikely to be innovative
enough---Peter Drucker The Discipline of
Japan-Brunei Darussalam Joint APEC Seminar on
Strengthening Human Resource Development for
Structural Reform, 12th and 13th Sep. 2000
6Management System principles, policies, strategie
s, procedures
Based upon principles, values, Perception,
knowledge Establishing and maintaining manageme
nt system policies, targets, plans,
Strategies, procedures Extracting, voluntary co
ntribution and transfer of knowledge/ skills,
Sharing and communicating, performance based,
rewards Adopting and adapting new ideas, change
s, learning practices
Japan-Brunei Darussalam Joint APEC Seminar on
Strengthening Human Resource Development for
Structural Reform, 12th and 13th Sep. 2000
7Harmonising Micro and Macro Level Adjustments
Corporate influence on public sector
organisations, national policies
Educational support as entry level impetus for
organisational change Continuting education foc
ussing on relevant/ specific knowledge,
Skills, and generic managerial-technical
development Creating clusters of knowledge work
ers and industrial activities
Japan-Brunei Darussalam Joint APEC Seminar on
Strengthening Human Resource Development for
Structural Reform, 12th and 13th Sep. 2000