Child Abuse for the General Pediatrician - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Child Abuse for the General Pediatrician


... impaired child under 21 years has suffered or faces a threat of suffering ... Two local physicians charged with felony charges for failure to report child abuse. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Child Abuse for the General Pediatrician

Child Abuse for the General Pediatrician
  • Marcus DeGraw, MD
  • St. Johns Hospital
  • Detroit, MI

Who am I?
  • General Pediatrician with a fellowship completed
    in Child Abuse at Cincinnati Childrens Hospital
  • Will provide any support necessary for inpatient
    or outpatient cases to St. Johns physicians

What are child abuse specialists?
  • Now over 12 University supported fellowship
    programs in the country
  • Have received pre-approval and awaiting final
    approval to become a board certified specialty by
    the AAP
  • Able to support physicians for physical and
    sexual abuse, neglect, Munchausens and other
    related child abuse cases.

Why talk about abuse?
  • You are mandated reporters
  • Who Must Report?
  • Physicians, including hospital interns or
    residents dentists podiatrists practitioners
    of limited branches of medicine or surgery
    registered nurses licensed practical nurses
    visiting nurses other health care professionals
    speech pathologists audiologists coroners
    Teachers Principals
  • Under What Conditions?
  • When they are acting in their official or
    professional capacities and know or suspect that
    a child under 18 years or a mentally retarded,
    developmentally disabled, or physically impaired
    child under 21 years has suffered or faces a
    threat of suffering any physical or mental wound,
    injury, disability, or condition of a nature that
    reasonably indicates child abuse or neglect.

Why talk about abuse?
  • Unfortunately, failure to report is a crime.
  • Two local physicians charged with felony charges
    for failure to report child abuse. Detroit, 2003
  • Nurse charged with two counts of misdemeanor
    failure to report child abuse in Greene County,
    Missouri. 2003
  • Jury awards 5 million in damages after finding
    that three doctors failed to detect symptoms of
    child abuse in an infant who was later
    permanently disabled. Washington DC, 2004

What to know about child sexual abuse.
  • General pediatricians should examine male and
    female genitalia at every well child exam up to
  • Reason 1 Believe it or not, genitalia is as
    prone to abnormalities as other body parts (even
    girl parts!!!)
  • Reason 2 1 of all office complaints involved
    vaginal pain, discharge or dysuria
  • If you dont know what youre looking at you
    cant make an accurate diagnosis
  • Pre-pubertal girls DO NOT get yeast infections as
    a general rule
  • Reason 3 Kids who have never been examined will
    hate being examined when they have a true problem
  • Reason 4 Knowing what the genitalia looks like
    helps differentiate previous abnormalities from
    new trauma (i.e. abuse)

How to do a Proper exam
  • Frog-legged position

How to do a Proper exam
  • Knee Chest Position

What should an exam look like?
What to know about child sexual abuse.
  • 20 of adult woman in the U.S. have experienced
    sexual abuse. 20 retrospective studies
  • Male sexual abuse is estimated at 7. Finklehor
  • Of the 63 million children in the U.S., ½ million
    are sexually abused.
  • 500,000 children/year are abused.

Signs of sexual abuse
  • Behavior changes
  • new fears
  • depression
  • acting out
  • night terrors, nightmares
  • runaway
  • suicide attempt
  • Physical symptoms
  • discharge
  • genital injury
  • bleeding
  • STD
  • pregnancy

The Emergent Examination
  • Sexual Assault within 72 hrs
  • Particularly when forensic evidence may be
  • Most likely will need a full rape kit
  • Emergent symptoms
  • Bleeding (anal or genital)
  • Discharge
  • History / signs of injury
  • bruising, abrasion or laceration

Non-Emergent Examination
  • Sexual assault greater than 72 hours or no
    forensic evidence collection indicated
  • No acute injury, discharge or bleeding
  • Best done by a child abuse professional in a
    controlled setting
  • 80 of examinations meet this criteria

Why a Child Abuse Expert?
  • MOST Pediatricians, FPs and ER docs are
    inexperienced at this.
  • More than half of primary care physicians could
    not identify major parts of a female childs
    genital anatomy
  • More than half could not recognize clear evidence
    of chronic sexual trauma
  • Ladson et al AJDC l987

Why a Child Abuse Expert?
  • ER docs just as bad
  • Study at Cincinnati Childrens Hospital 1994-1998
  • Enrolled 46 kids thought to have chronic abuse
    findings on exam by ER doctors
  • Follow up exams done by Child Abuse center docs
    found only 8 had clear evidence of abuse
  • 32 kids had normal exams
  • The rest had non-specific findings
  • Makoroff, et al, Child Abuse and Neglect 2002

  • 10- Uses the term virginal or intact to describe
    the hymen
  • 9 - Does not recognize the importance of a
    prompt exam in cases of sexual abuse
  • 8 - Believes that only female attending
    physicians should do genital examinations
  • 7 - Uses a speculum to exam the genitalia of
    pre-pubertal girls

  • 6 Calls the abuse MD on call just to let them
    know Hey, the exam was normal
  • 5 - Collects forensic specimens on all children
    who were assaulted within the previous 3 days
  • 4 - Says this child was abused because she has
    no hymen
  • 3 - Believes they can tell if an adolescent has
    had sex by an examination
  • 2 Completes the GU exam in under 3 seconds
  • 1 - Tells the prosecutor that they dont testify

What to know about child physical abuse
  • If you SUSPECT you must REPORT
  • Most cases need to be admitted for medical and
    medical-legal reasons
  • File 3200, order appropriate studies and ask for

Accepted Protocols
  • If child is less than 1 year old and you suspect
    physical abuse you should order
  • Head CT, skeletal survey, LFTs and Optho consult
  • If child is 1-2 years old and you suspect child
    physical abuse you should order
  • Skeletal survey and others as necessary
  • If child is gt 2 years old and you suspect abuse
    you should order tests as indicated by exam

Dont forget siblings!
  • All siblings of known or suspected abused
    patients should be examined and have studies
    based on the same protocol
  • All siblings of known abuse cases should be
    placed in a safe environment pending results of
    the investigation.

Skeletal Survey Protocol
  • An American College of Radiology accepted
    protocol since 1997
  • No room for self changes, this is a very specific
  • AP and Lateral Skull
  • AP and Lateral Chest
  • AP Pelvis and Abdomen
  • AP dedicated of EACH Humerus, forearms, femurs,
  • Lateral Lumbar Spine
  • Lateral Cervical Spine
  • AP feet
  • PA or AP hands
  • Check your own films!!!

  • 2 year old girl with Bilateral black eyes and
    vomiting for 2 days

  • 4 month old with irritability and lethargy

(No Transcript)
  • 6 month old accepted from outlying hospital for
    treatment of a femur fracture
  • No other problems noted

Referring hospitals Skeletal Survey
(No Transcript)
How to Report Child Abuse
  • 3200 Form to file with Protective services
  • Must fill out form AND call in report
  • Copy goes to police when filed
  • File in county of childs residence
  • Wayne County 313-396-0300
  • Oakland County 248-975-5010
  • Macomb County 586-412-6109

Keeping children safe A guide for simple steps
to protect children from abduction and child
  • Dr. Marcus DeGraw
  • St. John Hospital
  • Detroit, MI

The Problem of Pedophilia
  • Pedophilia involves sexual attraction/orientation
    towards children.
  • Usually involves males.
  • Sexual attraction/orientation of the person
    (usually a male) is toward a child rather than an
  • Sex offenders are often involved with two or more
    children, and the problem is often a recurrent
  • Four percent of the population suffers from
    sexual orientation toward children.

The Numbers
  • In 1999, 93,000 kids were sexually abused.
  • 50 of the abusers were parents of the children.
    18 were relatives.
  • This means that almost 70 of children were
    molested by family members.
  • In one year 58,200 children are victims of
    non-family abduction!

Protection for Children
  • The U.S. Congress passed three laws that require
    States to monitor child offenders.
  • Wetterling Registration Act
  • Lynchner Tracking and Identification Act
  • Megan's Law
  • On March 5, 2003, The Supreme Court ruled that
    information about registered child offenders may
    be posted on the Internet.

Wetterling Registration Act
  • 1994 - Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children
    and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act is
    passed as part of the Federal Violent Crime
    Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.
  • This law requires states to implement a sex
    offender and crimes against children registry.

Megan's Law
  • 1996 - Megan's Law amends the Wetterling Act.
  • It requires states to establish a community
    notification system.

Lynchner Tracking and Identification Act
  • The Pam Lychner Sexual Offender Tracking and
    Identification Act of 1996 becomes an amendment
    to the Wetterling Act.
  • It requires lifetime registration for recidivists
    and offenders who commit certain aggravated

Other Amendments
  • 1998 - Provisions contained in Section 115 of the
    General Provisions of Title I of the Commerce,
    Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related
    Agencies Appropriations Act (CJSA) amend the
    requirements of the Wetterling Act.
  • Include heightened registration requirements for
    sexually violent offenders, registration of
    federal and military offenders, registration of
    nonresident workers and students.
  • Also mandates participation in the National Sex
    Offender Registry (NSOR).
  • 2000 - The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act
    amends the Wetterling Act.
  • Requires offenders to report information
    regarding any enrollment or employment at an
    institution of higher education and to provide
    this information to a law enforcement agency
    whose jurisdiction includes the institution.

Protecting Children
  • Be Prepared!
  • Well Exams
  • Talk to your Children
  • Pediatrician Teaching
  • ID Kits
  • Being Invovled
  • Take kids to school
  • Talk to them!
  • Being Aware
  • Who to call if there is a problem?
  • Being Informed
  • State and Federal Sex Offender Registries

Be Prepared!
  • Well Exams drilled into you at nauseum!
  • Talk to Children
  • Teach Kids Key information.
  • Teach kids who might be safe in emergency.
  • Teach them what types of behavior are
    inappropriate from adults and peers.
  • Let your kids know they can talk to you about
    anything - even sexual abuse.
  • Stranger Danger and Family Passwords
  • Stranger Safety
  • Even if nice, candy, zoo!
  • Cars too!
  • Safe and Danger areas

Be Prepared!
  • Pediatrician Teaching
  • ID Kits
  • Description Height, weight, hair and eye color
  • Medical and other information
  • Last Clothing worn
  • Some even use small hair sample

Being Invovled
  • Take your children to school or have them taken
    by a trusted person.
  • Buddy system ALWAYS!
  • Home security.
  • Teach 911 and family back up.
  • Block safe house/Neighborhood Watch
  • Talk to kids about what might be suspicious and
    hear them!

Being Aware
  • Local Authorities Numbers CALL 1st
  • Time is a very critical factor in abduction
  • Seventy four percent of children who are abducted
    and murdered are killed within three hours of the
  • Ask for info to be entered into the National
    Crime Information Center's Missing Person File
  • National Center for Missing Exploited Children
  • http//
  • 1-800-THE-LOST

Being Aware
  • Local Division of FBI
  • FBI Tips and Public Leads
  • https//
  • Call the Department of Homeland Security's
    Operation Predator 1-866-DHS-2ICE

Being Informed
  • State and Federal Sex Offender Registries
  • National Alert Registry
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • Search by Zip code (7 listed in mine)
  • Federal List
  • Small fee - 10 for list in your zip code with
    pictures, addresses and names. 5 a month for
  • State of Michigan Registry
  • http//
  • Search by Zip Code (6 shown by this method)
  • Free Names, addresses and level of crime
  • No pictures

How to contact me
  • Office 313-343-3481
  • Pager 313-609-0177
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