Title: Kaushik Sripathi - A Highly Experienced QA Engineer
1Kaushik Sripathi - A Highly Experienced QA
2Kaushik Sripathi is a quality analysis
professional who has worked with the top names in
the industry. He has been at the forefront of
several important quality analysis projects where
he handled everything from conception to
execution of the process. He has played a crucial
role in software development which further helped
him in anticipating user behavior, writing
automated test scripts, and testing new software.
3He also interacted with programmers to suggest
required changes to any programs that he analyzed
and deemed fit for use in industry settings.
Previously, he worked as a Senior Automation QA
Engineer with a major automobile company and
worked on a range of projects there.
4He also contributed through his knowledge of
accounting and finances to conduct in-depth
business analysis of business requirements and
functional specifications which defined how
customers should interact with each component and
the overall business workflow should be automated
and supported by various business components.
Kaushik Sripathi is a born leader with interest
in a wide range of fields.
5Kaushik Sripathi also handled quality analysis
for various software firms and organizations that
deal in the software business. His understanding
of the field allowed him to offer creative
solutions to the problems faced by them. As a
professional quality analysis engineer, he
believes that his job is to make the user
experience as smooth and flawless as possible.
6Thank You!