Title: Law Firm Research Charges and Cost Effective Research Skills
1 Law Firm Research Charges and Cost Effective
Research Skills
- Legal Research Cost Recovery Trends
- Commercial Adoption of Lexis Advance
- Lexis Advance pricing/managing costs
- Cost Effective Research Skills
3 2011Cost Recovery AFA Survey
Large Law Firms Corporate
- Law Firm Economics
- Corporate Counsel Perceptions value of paid for
research services - Billing Cost Recovery Practices
- Alternative Fee Arrangements
4- Online research costs typically comprise less
than 10 of total
law firm expenses in Large Law and
less than 5 in Mid-Law.
Online Research Costs as a Percentage of Total
Question Thinking about your firm's total
expenses, approximately what percentage of total
expenses do online research costs represent after
you recover charges billed to clients?
Base Firms that bill clients for online research
costs Note Large Law is defined as firms with
51 attorneys. Mid-Law is defined as firms with
21-50 attorneys.
5 Three-fourths of corporate counsel (75)
believe that the value of online research
conducted by outside counsel is commensurate
with or exceeds the cost.
N 158 Corporate Counsel
Question Do you perceive that the value of
online research conducted on your behalf by
outside counsel typically (meaning more times
than not) ...?
6 Reliability and accuracy of search results
are the most important factors driving the
value of online research for corporate counsel.
N 158 Corporate Counsel
Question Which of the following factors
contribute to the value you receive from the
research outside counsel conducts on your
organization's behalf? Select all that apply.
7 AFAs Billing Arrangements
8 Aggressive Migration in the Marketplace
Lexis Advance has been in the market since 2010.
By the time 1Ls graduate, we expect 100 of our
customers to have access to Lexis Advance.
- Have Lexis Advance Today
- Over 80 of Am Law 100 firms
- Over 60 of Am Law 200 firms
- Rapidly migrating Small Law firms
- Rapidly migrating Government customers
- US Supreme Court, US Court of Appeals, numerous
circuit courts - State Local Government
- Federal agencies including Dept. of Commerce,
DOJ, Dept. of Defense and many more. -
9- How much does
- Lexis Advance cost?
10Commercial Pricing Basics
- Subscription Pricing Plan Most firms, courts,
and agencies that have access to Lexis have a
subscription pricing plan. - Solo practitioner packages range 75 - 250
per month -
- Managing Plans
- - Overhead
- - Bill Back
- Transactional (pay as you go) Access to
LexisNexis but pay retail rates for each search
transaction -
11Lexis Advance Pricing
- Lexis Advance Retail Pricing Pricing is based on
a per document access model. For example, there
is no charge to run a search across all content,
browse cite lists, and filter results. A document
access charge only occurs when a document is
opened. - NOTE ONLY applies if billing research back or
accessing content out of plan and discounts may
apply. Majority of students will not be billing
research to clients and rarely accessing content
out of plan.
12What is Cost Effective Research?
- Achieving a high level of competence using the
product. - Asking your employer questions about the
topic/issue assigned so you have a strong
foundation to begin your research. - Understanding your employers Subscription Plan.
- Understanding how your employer manages online
research performed for clients. - Using the research features and tips shared
today to become more efficient. -
13 Searching is free Pre/Post filtering is free
14Lexis Advance Documents In Out of Plan
15Lexis Advance Free Preview
16Lexis Advance Price Guide
17Time Efficient Features
18Topic Summaries
19Legal Issue Trail
20Delivery Options are free
21Shepards is free
22History is free for 90 days
23Work Folders
- Lexis Advance is available at the majority of
firms, courts and agencies - Most customers have a flat rate subscription
pricing plan - Less than 10 of a law firms expenses are for
online research (majority between 1-4) - The vast majority of Corporate Counsel (75)
deem the value of online legal research by
outside counsel to be at least equal to the cost - Top 3 factors driving value of online research
- Reliability accuracy of results
- Current and up to date information
- Comprehensiveness of Database
- Majority of students will NOT be incurring
research charges.
- Take advantage of cost effective features like
- Free to Search and Filter
- Free Preview and Out of Plan notification
- Save time with Legal Issue Trail, Topic
Summaries, Lexis Web, Table of Contents - Shepards is free
- Work Folders time efficient and documents free
for a year - History free for 90 days
- Document Delivery is free
- Customer Service is free
26Additional Resources
- NEW video Law Firm Simulation Understanding
research charges on Lexis Advance - Updated Video Researching Cost Effectively with
Lexis Advance - Updated Literature Be Cost Effective for
Employers and Clients - Think Like a Lawyer site www.lexisnexis.com/tlal