Title: Secretory otitis media
1Secretory otitis media
Shankai Yin Prof Dept of Otolaryngology, the
sixth hospital affiliated to Shanghai jiaotong
university Otolaryngology institute at Shanghai
jiaotong university
- Otitis media with effusion
- Exudative otitis media
- Mucoid otitis media
- Catarrhal otitis media
- Tubotympanitis
- Non-suppurative otitis media
- Secretory otitis media
1991 ?????????????
- Middle ear effusion
- Serofluid? Mucus?Sero-mucous,non blood or CSF
- Epithelium mucosae thicken,Epithelial metaplasia
- Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
Secretory epithelium
- Main in children
- 5.2-21.6( by aural speculum,Hongkong),7.3-30.7(b
y acoustic impedance,Hongkong)in 2-7 year-old - 15-40(2004,USA)in 1-5 year-old
- 3.8 in 2 year-old,1.1 in 11 year-old(Suarez
Nieto,1983,USA) - More than 50 infant occurs,most natural cure in
3 months
- Eustachian tube dysfunction
- Eustachian tube blockage
- Ciliary dysfunction
- Infection
- Immune reaction
6Eustachian tube dysfunction
- Disease in pharynx nasalis
- Adenoidal hypertrophy
- Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
- Tumour from parapharyngeal space
7Eustachian tube dysfunction
- Circumflexus palati?levator palati weak
- Cartilage of eustachian tube problem
8Eustachian tube dysfunction
- Rhinosinusitis
- Nasal polypus
- Germ in excretion of mid ear(Senturia,1958)
- 22-52 positive in excretion of mid ear
- Hemophilies influenzae (14.7,USA)and micrococcus
pneumoniae (7.0,USA) are the main pathogenic
bacterium - Also influenzavirus?adenovirus?chalmdiae
10Immune reaction
- Type I
- Allergic rhinitis
- Nasal polyp
- Bronchial asthma
- Type III
- Bacterium in adenoid and pharynx oralis
11Clinical manifestation
- Common cold
- Hearing disturbance
- Earache
- Fural fullness
- Tinnitus
12Objective sign
- Deaphragma auris
- Hyperemia
- Invagination
- Mobility diminished
- Cavum tympani
- Fluidify
- Air bubble
13Objective sign
- Pure tone test
- Conductive hearing loss
14Objective sign
- Combined deafness deafness
- Bacterium or toxin reach inner ear by RWM
- HC hurt
15Objective sign
- Acoustic impedance
- Type Btypical plot
- Type Ceustachian tube dysfunction
16Differential diagnosis
- Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
- Single secretory otitis media,adult,lump in
neck,epistaxis - Epipharyngoscope,CT,MRI
- Cerebrospinal otorrhea
- Trauma or congenital deafness
- Temporal bone CT
17Differential diagnosis
- Perilymphorrhea
- Stapes operation,sudden deafness
- Tullio phenomenon
- Cholesterol granuloma
- Sequela of secretory otitis media
- Dark blue eardrum
- Temporal bone CT
- Spontaneous cure
- Etilogical treatment
- Adenoidectomy
- Amygdalectomy
- Explorative tympanotomy
- Drug treatment
- Antibiotic
- Glucocorticosteroid
- Decongestant
- Ambroxol
- Eustachian tube inflation
Both diagnosis and treatment
- Paracentesis tympani
- Surface anesthesia
- Only adult
- Asepsis
- Complication
- infection,
- impairment of RWM
- auditory ossicle
- fenestration oval window
- Myringotomy
- Cutter knife
- Carbon
- Dioxide laser
- Grommet insertion
- Indication
- inefficacy of myringotomy
- glue ear
- hearing loss 40db
- Complication
- Tympanosclerosis
- Permanence perforation of ear drum
- Chronic suppurative otitis media
- Sensorineural deafness