2 Computer technology is a
proof of todays growing world by the developing
technology its effects -advantages or
disadvantages- are seen in many parts of daily
life. At first, connections between computer
technology and the real world seem far, but
computers are not used only for computing due to
the representations of many variables and
conditions of real life. Abacus is called to be
the first computer, but comparing Abacus with
modern computers shows that there have been many
stages, up to coming to this level in computer
technology. Many details in real life can be
simulated for instance, colours can be
represented by pixels or manner of thinking by
artificial intelligence.
3Because of the common problems,
theories of computing, logic and nature of life
have to be tied together to get the most
effective solution. As a result of this
combination, methods that are used for
representing situations and developing
applications are based on the same structure,
supported by Discrete Mathematics. To deal with
advanced subjects of computer technology many
applications of Discrete Mathematics are required.
4Although Discrete Mathematics does not
seem essential for computer technologies, it has
many important advantages for developments such
as converting problems of real world to computer
technology and creating algorithms, using Boolean
Algebra, as well as supporting software
5I. First of all, making the
connection between real world and computer
technology leads to the developments of new areas
and opportunities. As an axiom,
a function of different variables has to produce
results both in life and theory.
6 1. Both numeric symbols and other
variables in real life correspond to numbers in
computer technology 2. Representation of
mathematical expressions by electrical devices
lead to new results in mathematics and computer
7II. Due to the values of variables
and results, domain and range sets differ.1. A
proposition can be only true or false, in other
words, it is a dichotomy 2. 0 and 1 are
the only elements of domain for variables in
computer technology, which cover many hazards of
real world by corresponding all the elements of
it to 0 and 1
8III. As a way of creating algorithms
flow charts are useful for small programs or
functions. 1. Being efficient, data
structures occuring during the execution time of
a program and using functions
A comprehensible and effective method for
advancing algorithms is pseudocade
3. Correctness
of a program besides debugging
9IV. Boolean Algebra is a bridge that
supports transition between computer technology
and real life.
System of
Boolean Algebra is quite easy it consists of
literals, operators and some basic theorems
10 1. Boolean Algebra is a form of
equational reasoning 2. Boolean
expressions can be represented by truth tables
11V. Applications of Boolean Algebra are
generally on logical and electrical circuits
1. In general, the first design of a
logical circuit is not systematic, the main
problem for logical circuits is making the
cheaper one with including required features
2. Many different physical
devices, both electrical and nonelectrical, have
been used to build logical gates
12VI. Taking advantages of Discrete
Mathematics in software applications makes things
easier to deal with problems. Artificial
intelligence structures are based on logical
13VII. Taking advantages of Discrete
Mathematics in software applications makes things
easier to deal with problems.
14In conclusion discrete mathematics
and computer technology are unseperatable.
Since all computer technology is based on
discrete mathematics.