Title: Multigenre Writing
1Multigenre Writing
- Research Project
- Miss Blume
- English 8
2What is Multigenre?
- You get to pick your topic
- You get to pick what you write
You are in charge!
3What is Multigenre?
Multi means many.
A genre is a type of writing.
Many different types of writing!
4Types of Writing (Genres)
Letters Comics Poems
Short Stories Plays Travel Journals
5Types of Writing (Genres)
News Articles Schedules Maps
Postcards Biographies Menus
Click here to see Genres of Writing
6What are we going to do?
Phase One
- Choose topic
- Do some research
- Generate ideas
- Choose genres
7Choose a Topic
- Broad topics are best
- Historic People or Events
- Countries
- Famous People
- Animals
Inspiration can help us generate ideas!
8Do Some Research
- Read Think!
- Internet
- Books
- Magazines
- Talk to people!
- Encyclopedia
Click to see the Source Page
9Generate Ideas!
- Conference with me!
- Talk to your friends and family
See the Inspiration Example
10Choose Genres
- Look at lots of examples
- Review your interests
- Conference with me
- Make a contract
Click here to see the Contract
11How do you get a good grade?
- Phase One
- Choose an appropriate topic
- Research 5 sources
- Use Inspiration for ideas
- Complete contract
See the Phase One Rubric
12Additional Information
You are going to need to bring in 1.95 and get a
form signed
Click here for parent information