Title: Gordon Prain and Donald Cole
1Agriculture and human health proposals for the
Gordon Prain and Donald Cole
2- Agriculture and health at CIP
- Mapping agriculture and health research
opportunities onto the pro-poor cycle (PPC) - Systems mapping
- Interventions
- Policy platforms and monitoring and evaluation
- Partnerships
3Why an agriculture and human health project at
- Improving production among poor farming families
does not necessarily improve nutrition - Excess carbohydrates with deficient protein, iron
and Vit A in CIP Ecuador study of child nutrition
- Macro AND micro-nutrient deficiency from food
scarcity, hunger Increased agricultural
production by itself will not address nutritional
deficiencies Irelands Hunger Task Force - Synergies from de-compartmentalizing agriculture
and health - Two way positive and negative interdependencies
- Importance of agriculture for women and
children's health - Understanding economic and health trade-offs in
agriculture - From fear-based to evidence-based agricultural
policies differentiating health hazards and
health risks - Why not cross-cutting?
4Mapping agriculture and health research
opportunities onto the pro-poor cycle (PPC)
5Global Science Opportunities (i)Synergy in
system-mapping and opportunity assessment
- Map agricultural systems and scope opportunities
for pro-poor science interventions that include
health sciences in areas where human health and
livelihoods can both be improved through
sustainable agriculture.
6Causal diagrams for mapping agriculture health
linkagesJoffe, Michael and Jennifer Mindell,
2006. Complex causal process diagrams for
analyzing the health impacts of policy
interventions. American Journal of Public Health,
vol 96, No 3.
- Help interpret multi-strand, complex pathways (an
escape from the proximate) - Captures both positive and negative changes in
health outcomes - Move from plausible hypotheses to evidence-based
representation - Provides a guide to policy influence
7Mapping dynamic agriculture-health linkages
8MTP changes in 2008 (for 2009-2011)Output 1 new
- Agriculture-human health linkages mapped across
learning sites and opportunities for agricultural
interventions for health identified - Develop framework for carrying out mapping
exercise using existing secondary and appropriate
primary data (with Division 1) - Map linkages at learning sites in LAC (Puno) and
SSA (? Uganda) first, then SWCA (? Orissa) and
ESEAP (Bandung)
9Mapping agriculture and health research
opportunities onto the pro-poor cycle (PPC)
10Global Science Opportunities (ii)
- Bring nutritional assessment/ epidemiology rigour
to fill gaps in evidence on effectiveness of
joint agriculture and nutrition interventions
11Reaching End Users (REU) Orange Flesh
Sweetpotato (OFSP) in Uganda and Mozambique
- Goal Introduction and promotion of OFSP in
Uganda and Mozambique to reduce vitamin A
deficiency - Three pillars of project
- Production of OFSP,
- Demand creation for OFSP, and
- Market development
- Strategies for farmer adoption and consumer
acceptance of OFSP (Operations research) - Impact assessment objective Identify impact and
cost effectiveness of REU models (IFPRI, CIP)
12Combating HIV/AIDS in urban communities through
food and nutrition security interventions (N.
Karanja, M. Samwel, M. Njenga, G.Prain/F.
Yeudell/D. Cole)
- Strategies for using small livestock, vegetable
production and dietary diversification to improve
food and nutrition security of HIV/AIDS affected
households - Capacity-building of local authorities and care
givers in food and nutrition security approaches - Policy constraints and needs dialogue for
strengthening food and nutrition security and
social inclusion of HIV/AIDS affected households.
13MTP changes in 2008 (for 2009-2011)Output 2
- The value of orange fleshed sweet potato and
other options as a component of food-based
approaches to improved nutrition is demonstrated.
- On the basis of assessment of interventions with
OFSP for reducing Vitamin A deficiency, scale up
through involvement in the SSA GATES proposal - Extend interventions to assist HIV/AIDS affected
households, where limited evidence on effective,
equitable and efficient response options for
nutrition and livelihoods.
14Mapping agriculture and health research
opportunities onto the pro-poor cycle (PPC)
15Global Science Opportunities (iii)
- Incorporate health promotion approaches in
working with stakeholders to translate research
findings into policy change, with follow up
monitoring and subsequent actions - Example, Ecosalud Ecuador HortiSana in Central
16HortiSana Safe and sustainable vegetable
production in the Central Andes
- Determine relationships among horticultural
practices, producer livelihoods and health
indicators, - Assess the feasibility, appropriateness and
efficiency of alternative horticultural
production methods - Support development of fair markets for
alternative horticultural inputs and safer
vegetables - Strengthen the contribution of producer
organizations, government agencies and other
social actors to healthier and more sustainable
horticultural systems in metropolitan regions - Monitor social actor activities, re-assess
production, commercialization, health and
livelihood indicators among small-scale producers
for changes, and analyze relationships among
17Mapping agriculture and health research
opportunities onto the pro-poor cycle (PPC)
18Implementation of the FAO Code of Conduct on
pesticide use in Ecuador
- Evidence-based policy proposals on pesticide use
(CIP Eco-health 1) failed to be enacted by
Ecuador Govt. - CIP Eco-health 2 use as proxy indicator data on
knowledge, practices and health outcomes
associated with pesticide use to reflect
implementation of FAO Code of Conduct in the
Andean region of Ecuador - FAO to work with Ecuador Govt. to implement Code
of Conduct for pesticides using CIP data
19MTP changes in 2008 (for 2009-2011)Output 3
updated 1 from 2007
- Integrated health and agriculture strategies to
reduce pesticide exposure risk and promote
healthy and sustainable agriculture among farm
families in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia designed
and promoted - - FAO Ecuador to review highly hazardous
pesticide use using CIP generated evidence - - Collaborating with organic and conventional
horticultural producers, regional governments and
mayors in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia
20PartnershipsChallenge Programs, SWEPs and
- Harvest Plus
- Genetic Enhancement and Crop Improvements
screening potato and sweet potato for nutritional
properties, particularly micronutrients - Urban Harvest
- project collaboration in Nakuru, Kenya and Andes
- Book on Urban Food Production and Public Health
based on Kampala, Uganda case study - Agriculture and Health Research Platform (IFPRI)