The Dialogue Between the Science of Turbulence and Transport and a Burning Plasma Experiment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Dialogue Between the Science of Turbulence and Transport and a Burning Plasma Experiment


What does a burning plasma experiment need from the science of turbulence and transport? ... The transport & turbulence community speaks consistently of a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Dialogue Between the Science of Turbulence and Transport and a Burning Plasma Experiment

The Dialogue Between the Science of Turbulence
and Transport and a Burning Plasma Experiment
  • E.J. Synakowski
  • Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
  • December 11, 2000
  • UFA Workshop on Burning Plasma Science
  • Austin, Texas

There is great value in discussing the scientific
needs of and contributions from a burning plasma
  • Heartfelt, strong sentiments from every vantage
  • At issue is the quality of the scientific
  • What are the issues and concerns a BP must
    address to be viewed as an attractive scientific
    test bed?
  • Give take
  • What does a burning plasma experiment need from
    the science of turbulence and transport?
  • Assume that predicting the performance is of
  • What would a burning plasma experiment give to
    the science of turbulence and transport (TT)?
  • What the integration goal means to TT
  • Flexibility

The transport turbulence community speaks
consistently of a couple of major thrusts
  • I. A strong desire , what inspires the transport
  • scientifically, and what it feels is required to
    advance the field, is to
  • develop predictive models based on an
    understanding of
  • turbulence and turbulence dynamics.
  • From Snowmass
  • Goal 1 Comprehensive transport models
  • Goal 1a Pursue the challenging, yet realistic
    goal of developing comprehensive predictive
    transport models, based on physically reasonable
    assumptions and well-tested against experiments.
  • Goal 1b Detailed Experiment/Theory Comparisons
    at the level of the turbulence

The second primary goal develop tools for
turbulence manipulation to control the plasma
  • Again, from Snowmass
  • "Goal 2. Develop tools and understanding for
    control of transport and transport barriers...
  • This is what the BP language of integration
    speaks to
  • Even a doubter of the value of transport barriers
    can benefit from control tools (managing a
    self-heated environment)
  • Intrinsically interesting
  • Many in the community ask Is a BP the place to
    develop the understanding and the tools?
  • Will a BP be able to find a self-consistent
    operating point?

What a BP needs from TT issues have been
identified for predictive transport modelling
during the next 10 years
  • Highlight items from the Snowmass report are
  • Need convergence of models for reliable
  • Reliable models for plasma boundary needed
  • Need accurate models for transport barrier
    dynamics (edge and core)

There has been progress in developing transport
models that capture experimental trends, but it
is not decisive
  • "Are you better off now than you were 8 years
  • For temperature profile predictions several
    models are now reasonably successful, but no
    single model is generally preferred. All models
    have flaws and failures.
  • The underlying differences between reasonably
    successful models are large enough that we can't
    say that their characteristics point to the
    importance of particular processes
  • More complete physics is being included (electron
    dynamics, ExB shear, for example)

Turbulence dynamics understanding is key to
developing predictive capability and is a premier
  • Example Zonal flow dynamics
  • Several facets have been appreciated only in the
    last several years
  • their existence (not verified)
  • interaction between zonal flows and
    microinstabilities - saturation levels
  • Some consistency in measured features (e.g.
    bursting), but there are other explanations

Knowledge of electron thermal transport is key to
predicting BP performance
  • Some promising links between theory and
  • Nevertheless, we are a long way from
    demonstrating that theory explains a lot of
    experimental data.
  • Critically important in prediction of a heating
    effectiveness and need for ash removal strategies
  • Issue is forcing progress in codes high k modes,
  • Need for a similar experimental assault

Predicting BP performance requires significant
improvement in knowledge of pedestal height and
  • Many caveats, contradictory theories,
  • experiments ? predictive capability not in hand
  • Over a range of theories, many have ? r 2/3- 1.
  • JT-60U, JET support standard model of ? r
  • and gradient near the ideal MHD limit
  • Others (DIII-D) support ? independent of r
  • perhaps related to second stability
  • Progress useful cross-machine database being
  • ITER H-mode Edge Pedestal Expert Group, March
  • Edge turbulence simulations becoming more
  • Xu and Cohen (LLNL), Rogers and Drake (U. Md.),
    Scott, Jenko, Zeiler et al. (Garching))

Dynamical models capture many features of present
experiments, but cannot yet predict
  • Required to assess robustness of operating point
    of a BP and to develop a control strategy
  • Self-consistent evolution of turbulence, fluxes,
    shear, and profiles beginning
  • Character of some dynamics seen in codes, but
    robust predictions are not in hand

Present-day modelling cannot capture dynamics of
new regimes
  • For example, an opportunity NSTX
  • Lots of exciting speculation about possible
    confinement characteristics - sheared flows,
    aspect-ratio-induced stabilization of drives
    speaks very well of the science
  • BUT
  • No model has yet dared to try to capture the
    dynamics of the ST in advance in a way that
    guides our experimental choices
  • H mode physics, core dynamics, particle
  • Lack of predictive capability not intrinsically
    different from the situation on a BP
  • Strong self-heating a significant extrapolation.
    Perhaps no stable operating point without
    pressure profile control.

The question of what a BP gives back to
turbulence and transport, and the value of the
investment, causes much debate
  • If the question is confined narrowly,
  • "I have a passion for turbulence and transport
    dynamics what is the best way to learn about
  • so far, it is not accepted that the BP experiment
    is the experiment
  • of choice.

The strongest case arises for a BP when two
issues are discussed
  • Transport control in a self-heating environment
  • But many feel that the flexibility of a D-D
    experiment is better suited for developing
    control tools (e.g. shear flow generation tools)
  • r scaling of core transport and edge pedestal
  • This is of value in predicting the performance of
    a DEMO or ITER, but the range of r in present
    experiments exceeds the change that a next-step
    BP will provide
  • Main value is to prediction of yet another BP
    intrinsic value is debated

The BP feature of integration strongly suggests
the need for turbulence manipulation tools to
modify P(r)
  • To the Snowmass transport and TTF audiences, the
    BP goal of integration
  • speaks to transport barrier control tool
  • Discussions focus on the value of confronting the
    BP, self-heated core and transport control
  • vs.
  • for , getting more bang-for-the-buck in one's
    investment by developing a flexible control
    strategy in existing machines
  • No doubt the self-consistent alpha heating
    profile will be hard to simulate to everyone's
  • But the science of turbulence manipulation,
    bifurcations, flow shear, Ti/Te effects, would
    benefit greatly from an investment in flexibility
  • Of lasting value to a BP is learning to control
    what we have

The TT community is motivated by the possibility
of manipulating turbulence dynamics to modify the
pressure profile
  • From AT Workshop, GA, March 1999 The single
    issue that was virtually unanimously agreed to be
    the most pressing in terms of the ultimate
    viability of the Advanced Tokamak is the
    following In both the experimental and modeling
    efforts... significant progress... would result
    if local pressure profile control, through
    manipulation of the local transport, can be
  • The transport community equates the challenge of
    BP integration as the challenge of pressure
    profile control tool development based on
    manipulating turbulence.
  • What does a BP contribute to help this effort?
  • What development is required in advance of a BP?

Flexibility, not rules for enhanced confinement
access, will help ensure the success of a BP
  • The question, "What is the power threshold of a
    core barrier?" is too narrow.
  • For example,
  • Supershot is transitionless (no bifurcation)
  • ERS regime access related to the conditions
    required for Vq (Er) shear layer development
  • what is the physics of this event?
  • Slow transitions to enhanced confinement
  • DIII-D NCS, TFTR RS with co-rotation
  • Low or no power threshold
  • Some transitions with simple q values
  • Wide range of dynamics ? BP needs flexible
  • tools. There is no scaleable rule.

Flexibility allows theories of dynamics to be
  • External Er variations are a powerful teaching
  • Independent variations of Te, Ti push theory to
    different extremes
  • The BP community would strengthen their case with
    quantitative discussion regarding flexibility and
    tools, and what will be learned about
  • Transport and turbulence dynamics and control,
    e.g. bifurcations, spontaneous shear flow
  • barrier dynamics, expansion, front propagation
  • ion vs. electron transport
  • that cannot be learned better elsewhere

Challenge to the BP community make a scientific
argument for what BP physics can teach about
transport and turbulence dynamics
  • The TT community is passionate about
    understanding of turbulence and turbulence
  • The scientific basis for predictive capability
  • Intrinsically front-line physics, and a great
    export to other fields
  • Flexibility, accessibility essential for making
    progress in a BP or elsewhere
  • Advances being made, but ability to predict
    performance of a BP has not changed in a decisive
  • Flexibility is required for the integration goal
    of a BP to be compelling to TT
  • Tools to vary Er, Ti/Te, diagnostics need high
  • Control tool development required to ensure a
    stable operating point
  • Many feel that the place to do this is in an
    invigorated base program
  • Integration ltgt P(r) control via turbulence
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