Title: CaseNEX and Gale Group: A winning partnership
1Harnessing the Richness of Administrator Online
collaboration in Professional Development CoSN
Conference Diane S. Reed, PhDCaseNEX Joanne
Goodwin,Fairfax County Public Schools
2- LEAD Fairfax Grantor
- Wallace Funds
- 150 million initiative to promote systemic
reform of leadership to improve learning - Leadership for Education Achievement in Districts
(LEAD or LEADERS Count) - Focus on disadvantaged students
- Funds districts in State Action for Educational
Leadership Program states
3 Goals
- Improve the professional preparation of
educational leaders at all levels - Strengthen and diversify the pool of future
leaders to support succession planning goals - Create better conditions for leaders to succeed
at increasing student achievement, especially of
economically disadvantaged students
4Administrative Intern Leadership Topics
- Developing Professionally
- Leading People
- Managing the Business of Education
- Building Community Relationships
- Leading, Planning, and Assessing Instruction
5Leadership Tool for Leading Learning
6CaseNEX and the Case Method
- A better way to learn
- There is no need to invent artificial
challenges for teachers. Real life in schools
presents the best opportunities from which to
learn. - - John Dewey
7- The new face of professional development will no
doubt look like CaseNEX. - - Vincent L. Ferrandino, Executive Director,
- National Association of Elementary School
8What is CaseNEX?
- Research-based professional development founded
at the University of Virginia Curry School of
Education. - Case-method learning in a collaborative setting
- Reflective case analysis process applicable to
real education problems and opportunities - Funded by two Department of Education Grants
Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers To Use Technology
9Benefits of the Case Method
- Realistic slices of life depicting actual
school scenarios as they are, not as they should
be - Traditionally used in legal, business and medical
education - Active engagement and reflection by teachers
- Training to act vs. training to know
- Cost efficient train-the-trainer model
- Convenient and flexible - 24/7 access to learning
10The cornerstones of CaseNEX
- A community of learners
- Reflect on what works
- Collaborate on the design of solutions to
instructional challenges - Assume a propensity for action
- Facilitate communication through
- Live chat
- Online journaling
- Discussion boards
- Interactive workbook
12Real-life Elements of a Case
Current research and journal articles relevant to
case topics
- Reflective approach to problem-solving
The part of the course that I will probably
continue to use the most is the case analysis. I
think that we do case analysis every week as we
work with our students and try to meet their
needs...I had never approached it from the
perspective of using a rubric. I really like
breaking it down into the categories of Issues,
Perspectives, Knowledge, Actions, and
Consequences. This is a terrific approach to
evaluating a situation, and I will continue to
implement it. Middle School Teacher,
Howard County, MD
14Keeping Score Case Study
- Multicultural
- Special Learners
- Teacher Evaluation
- Instructional Leadership
15How We Used CaseNEX
- Read case ahead of time and write an online
reflection - Online discussion board
- Round table discussions
- Role playing
- Data driven decision making
- Collaborative problem solving
16Impact on My Leadership
- Opportunity to practice the leadership craft
- Clarified and affirmed my thinking about issues
- Made me think about ethical leadership
- Practice situations and scenarios
- Collaborative problem solving
- Confidence
- Ready to take on the challenge of a principal
17- Joanne Goodwin
- Administrative Intern
- Stenwood Elementary School
- Fairfax County Public S.hools
- Joanne.goodwin_at_fcps.edu
- http//www.leadfairfax.org/
- Diane S. Reed, PhD
- CaseNEX
- Director of Instruction
- http//www.casenex.com
- dreed_at_casenex.com