Title: Jets in Nuclear Collisions: Experimental Aspects
1 Jets in Nuclear Collisions Experimental Aspects
- Peter Jacobs
- CERN and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Lecture 2
2Jets in Nuclear Collisions
- Introduction jets in elementary collisions
- what is a jet?
- pdfs and fragmentation functions
- characteristics of gluon, light quark and heavy
quark jets - Hard processes in nuclear collisions
- nuclear geometry and scaling rules
- experimental issues collider parameters,
luminosity - Partonic energy loss and heavy ion collisions
- leading hadrons
- correlations
- what have we learned?
- Open questions and future prospects at RHIC and
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5Jets at RHIC
Find this.in this
pp ?jetjet (STAR_at_RHIC)
AuAu ???? (STAR_at_RHIC)
6Partonic energy loss in a colored medium
(discussed in detail by Nestor Armesto)
Bjorken, Gyulassy, Pluemer, Wang, Baier,
Dokshitzer, Mueller, Pegne, Schiff, Levai, Vitev,
Zhakarov, Wang, Salgado, Wiedemann, Armesto
- Bjorkens collisional energy loss generates only
small effects - But medium-induced bremsstrahlung is more
- Essential physics radiated gluon decoheres due
to multiple interactions with medium - DE sensitive to color-charge density of the
medium - Unique non-abelian feature system size
dependence DE L2
7Partonic energy loss in cold nuclear matter?
Hermes semi-inclusive DIS off nuclei
Charged hadron yields in N and Kr relative to
- z fraction of ?? energy carried by hadron
- strong nuclear-dependent suppression for hard
fragments - Theory
- partonic energy loss ? L2 dependence E Wang and
XN Wang, PRL 89, 162301 - hadronic absorption rescaled fragmentation A
Accardi et al NuclPhys A720 131 - Data consistent with partonic energy loss but not
P. DiNezza JPhysG 30, S783
8Partonic energy loss in hot matter
Multiple soft interactions
(without expansion)
Gluon bremsstrahlung
Opacity expansion (few hard scatters)
(with expansion)
linear dependence of energy loss on gluon
density ?glue measure DE ? color charge density
at early hot, dense phase
9Partonic energy loss via leading hadrons
Energy loss ? softening of fragmentation ?
suppression of leading hadron yield
10pp inclusive spectra vs NLO pQCD
NLO W. Vogelsang
charged hadrons
NLO calculations OK pp reference under control
11Inclusive hadron yields in 200 GeV AuAu
12Inclusive hadrons yields in central AuAu
collisions are suppressed
Factor 5 suppression large effect
- Qualitatively inconsistent with conventional
nuclear effects - initial state multiple scattering (Cronin
enhancement) - shadowing
13Initial or final state effect?
Initial state?
Final state?
e.g. gluon saturation
How to discriminate? Turn off final state ? dAu
14Inclusive yields not suppressed in dAu
PRL 91, 072302/3/4/5
Hadron suppression in central AuAu is a final
state effect
15Cross check direct photon production
Direct g dominant channel for pTgt10 GeV is
Compton process
Photon does not carry color charge ? production
should not be suppressed by medium-induced
16Direct photons are not suppressed
Photons scale as binary collisions while p0 are
suppressed ? consistent with partonic energy
17Another test h production
PHENIX preliminary
h/p0 invariant with system
h suppression p0 suppression ? partonic energy
loss followed by fragmentation in vacuum
18What do we learn from inclusive hadron
see lectures by Nestor Armesto
Partonic energy loss calculations observed
suppression requires initial density gt30 times
cold nuclear matter density
Suppression only supplies lower bound on
19Surface emission (trigger bias)
Large energy loss ? opaque core
Inclusive measurements insensitive to opacity of
bulk ? need coincidence measurements to probe
20Jets via dihadron azimuthal distributions
pp ? dijet
- trigger highest pT track, pTgt4 GeV/c
- Df distribution 2 GeV/cltpTltpTtrigger
- normalize to number of triggers
Phys Rev Lett 90, 082302
21Dihadrons in AuAu vs pp
AuAu peripheral
AuAu central
pedestal and flow subtracted
Phys Rev Lett 90, 082302
Near-side peripheral and central AuAu similar
to pp ? trigger bias recoil heads towards core
Strong suppression of back-to-back correlations
in central AuAu
22Initial or final state effect?
Initial state?
Final state?
e.g. gluon saturation
How to discriminate? Turn off final state ? dAu
23Final state suppression? dAu dihadrons
Phys Rev Lett 91, 072304
Near-side pp, dAu, AuAu similar Back-to-back
AuAu strongly suppressed relative to pp and dAu
Suppression of the back-to-back high pT
correlation in central AuAu is a final-state
24Away-side suppression non-central collisions
Back-to-back suppression strength correlated with
reaction plane orientation ? suppression is
sensitive to propagation length in medium
25Jet quenching at RHIC
- High pT measurements
- inclusive hadrons suppressed
- direct photons unsuppressed (no color charge)
- near-side dihadron correlations unchanged
- back-to-back dihadron correlations suppressed
- azimuthal modulation of correlations vis a vis
reaction plane
- Consistent picture core of reaction volume is
opaque to jets - ? surface-biased trigger
- observed jets fragment in vacuum
26Where do jet energy and momentum go? Look at
lower momentum correlated hadrons
4lt pT,trig lt 6 GeV
pT,assoc gt 2 GeV
pT,assoc gt 0.15 GeV
STAR nucl-ex/0501016
- Suppression of high momentum?enhancement of low
momentum pairs - recoil distribution soft and broad cos (Df)
(momentum conservation) - but S/B1/200 difficult background subtraction
27Low pT dihadron correlations uncertainties
Recall CDF dihadron analysis from lecture 1
- Ambiguities
- hadrons from jets vs underlying event
- momentum conservation effects
- resonances
28Dihadron correlations uncertainties (contd)
- low pTassoc
- signal/bkgd 1/200
- large v2 corrections
- normalization is
- ambiguous
Too much energy in recoil peak pickup from
My personal view this analysis is interesting
and provocative but not yet quantitative
29Evidence for shock waves?
M. Horner (STAR) see also PHENIX
lectures by Edward Shuryak, Nestor Armesto
Broad recoil peak exhibits possible substructure
Work in progress look for news at Quark Matter
from STAR and PHENIX
30Where does jet-like behavior emerge?
Time scale for hadronization for pT few GeV/c
is few fm/c ? hadronization in
medium? Factorization in nuclear collisions?
31Recall indications of factorization
h/p0 invariant with system
PHENIX prelim.
near-side peaks unchanged
32But simple jet phenomenology (factorization)
breaks down at intermediate pT 2-5 GeV/c
Mesons are suppressed, baryons are not
Limited to 2ltpTlt5 GeV
33Intermediate pT II constituent quark scaling of
elliptic flow
Scale by n3 for baryons, n2 for mesons
34Intermediate pT IIIMeson vs baryon-led dihadrons
Intermediate pT 2.5ltpTtriglt4.0 GeV/c
1.7ltpTassoclt2.5 GeV/c
- Associated yields similar for meson and baryon
35Intermediate pT IV hadronization via quark
- recombination from thermal hard scattering
sources - provides natural explanation of baryon
enhancement, elliptic flow scaling
Correlation data require recombination of soft
and hard partons interplay between hard
scattering and medium
36Near-side correlations at intermediate pT
Dan Magestro, STAR
dAu, 40-100
Near side small Df New puzzle two distinct
components in Dh 1. dAu, AuAu short range,
jet-like 2. AuAu only long range, flat
STAR preliminary
AuAu, 0-5
3 lt pT(trig) lt 6 GeV2 lt pT(assoc) lt pT(trig)
37Dh correlations (contd)
- Recombination effects? Coupling of radiation to
flow medium? - Long-range correlation interplay of jet
quenching and transverse radial flow? Voloshin,
Armesto et al.
38Jets _at_ RHIC summary to date
- jet structure is strongly modified in dense
matter - signals are large and statistically robust,
testable multiple ways - consistent with partonic energy loss via induced
gluon radiation - ? medium is very dense gt 30 times cold nuclear
matter - intermediate pT complex phenomena, interplay
between bulk medium and hard processes ? window
into partonic equilibration? - Open issues
- differential measurement of DE (not lower bound)
- shock waves in recoil direction?
- coupling of induced radiation to collective
flow? - no direct observation of induced radiation
- no accurate accounting of full jet energy
- dependence on color charge (q/g) and quark mass
of probe - .
39Jets in Nuclear Collisions
- Introduction jets in elementary collisions
- what is a jet?
- pdfs and fragmentation functions
- characteristics of gluon, light quark and heavy
quark jets - Hard processes in nuclear collisions
- nuclear geometry and scaling rules
- experimental issues collider parameters,
luminosity - Partonic energy loss and heavy ion collisions
- leading hadrons
- correlations
- what have we learned?
- Open questions and future prospects at RHIC and
40 84 days to QM05
AuAu results to date are from here
R. Bellwied, RHIC II workshop
42Jets in nuclear collisions at the LHC
2007 pp collisions _at_ 14 TeV 2008 PbPb
collisions _at_ 5.5 TeV
43Hard process rates at the LHC
ALICE EMCal convenient example I found on my
laptop Rates in CMS and ATLAS acceptances are
yet larger
Jet rates and kinematic reach at LHC are large!
44Jets in nuclear collisions at the LHC (in one
- LHC is a new physics regime ? surprises
- higher density ? stronger medium effects?
- Jet cross sections are huge robust statistics
enable precise, microscopic studies - Detailed probes of energy loss mechanisms
- Kinematic reach in jet ET is huge from RHIC
(large quenching effects) to asymptotia (small
quenching effects?) - Robust tests of quark mass dependence, color
charge coupling - g/Zjet ? fragmentation function
- Hadronization of high energy jets (gt 100 GeV)
- many fragments still have modest pTlt10 GeV/c
- intermediate pT breakdown of factorization?
- coupling of radiation to medium?
- ? new phenomena?
45Some obvious comments on preparing for the LHC
It is crucial to continue developing new ideas
and to anticipate where the most exciting physics
lies in LHC heavy ion collisions However, it is
equally crucial to build flexible instruments
that can respond to the surprises when they come
? especially important but difficult to
maintain flexibility at trigger level for rare
46Jets in ALICE
Large backgrounds ? optimal resolution using
small jet cones R0.3?
- Complex underlying event fluctuations in heavy
ion events - full jet reconstruction is difficult
- jet trigger is tricky (large background
fluctuations) - real jet capabilities will only be known with
first data
47Observables jet broadening and softening
Medium Modification of Jet Shapes and Jet
Multiplicities C.A. Salgado, U. A. Wiedemann
Longitudinal momentum fraction z along the
thrust axis of a jet
pT relative to thrust axis
Cleanest measurements gjet, Zjet (but low-ish
cross sections even at LHC)
48Smaller energy loss for heavy quarks ?
Dokshitzer, Khoze, Troyan, JPG 17 (1991)
1602. Dokshitzer and Kharzeev, PLB 519 (2001) 199.
- In vacuum, gluon radiation suppressed at q lt
- ? dead cone effect
- Dead cone implies lower energy loss
(Dokshitzer-Kharzeev, 2001) - energy distribution wdI/dw of radiated gluons
suppressed by angle-dependent factor - suppress high-w tail
49Ratio of heavy/light meson yields
Armesto, Dainese, Salgado, Wiedemann, PRD 71
(2005) 054027.
More detailed considerations multiple scattering
fills dead cone fragmentation q vs g color
pT10-20 GeV/c light mesons from glue, charm
effectively massless ? well-controlled
discimination of color-charge and mass effects
50Summary of Lecture 2
- Jet structure is strongly modified in dense
matter - Signals are large and statistically robust,
testable multiple ways - very high parton density early in collision
evolution - Intermediate pT complex phenomena, interplay
between bulk medium and hard processes ? window
into partonic equilibration?
51Phys Rev Lett 91, 072302/3/4/5