Title: Prilosec 1 Label Comprehension Studies 02255 and12179
1Prilosec 1 Label Comprehension Studies 02255
- Karen Lechter, J.D., Ph.D.
- Division of Surveillance, Research, and
Communication Support - Office of Drug Safety
- Purpose of label comprehension studies
- 2 Prilosec 1 label comprehension studies
- Study 02255--general pop./self-selection
- Study 12179--appropriate use by special
populations - Issues about which we have concerns
- Implications for label
321 CFR 330.10 (a) (4) (v)
- OTC labels must be
- likely to be read and understood by the ordinary
individual, including individuals of low
comprehension, under customary conditions of
purchase and use.
4Study 02255 Participants
- N684 43 male 57 female
- 1. General population (N297)
- Frequent HB sufferers
- 2. low literate (lt8th gr. reading level N162)
- 3. high literate (N155)
- 4. HB sufferers taking drugs listed on label as
requiring MD advice (N96) - 5. Pregnant or nursing HB sufferers (N42)
5Study 02255--Product Purpose
- Product Purpose (open-ended question)
- High
- Response Gen.pop. Lit. Low Lit.
- Prevent frequent HB 39 39 36
6Study 02255--Episodic Use
- 3 questions about acute episodic relief
- range 48-55 correct (general cohort)
- 2 questions about acute episodic prevention
- range 54-61 correct (general cohort)
7Study 02255--Self-Selection
- Subgroup Correct/Acceptable
- Had labeled symptoms (85) 41
- Used labeled meds (96) 50
- After brand names 82
8Study 02255--Self-Selection Those who should not
use or should consult MD
- Subgroup Correct/Acceptable
- Total should not use (659) 67
- Non HB (137) 80
- Infreq. HB (92) 76
- Allergic to product (7) 86
- HB preg./nursing (42) 91
- continued...
9Study 02255--Applying the Label to Self and Others
- Self-selection questions suggest problem applying
label to self - Scenario responses about use with listed
medications or medical conditions suggest good
understanding but may be artifact -
10Conclusion--Study 02255
- The tested label failed to convey adequately that
Prilosec is not for episodic use - It is not for acute HB symptoms
- It is not for prevention of meal-induced HB
11Conclusion--Study 02255
- It is not clear if consumers can apply the label
well to their own situation if they require
physician consultation because - They are using medicines listed on the
- label, or
- They have health conditions listed on the
- label
12More Data Needed
- Further testing would help determine if the
proposed label works better.
13Study 12179 Purpose
- Do consumers with medical conditions requiring
physician consultation - Understand they must see a physician before use?
- Understand the indication?
- Apply label information correctly about
consulting a doctor before use with certain
medical conditions?
14Study 12179 Participants
- N145 41 male 59 female
- Had frequent heartburn
- Had at least 1 condition mentioned on label as
requiring physician consultation - Were not taking medications listed on label as
needing physician consultation
15Study 12179 Label
- Label similar to final proposed label, but listed
6 medications requiring physician consultation,
rather than 3
16Study 12179 Agency Analysis of Self-Selection
- Include only those who should see a physician
before use - Eliminate those 40
- Taking Prilosec
- With infrequent chest pain or infrequent wheezing
- Analyze results for the 105 remaining
- All should have said they should not use or would
consult a physician
17Study 12179 Scoring Differences with Sponsor
- Sponsor scored anyone who had ever discussed
their condition listed on label with health care
professional as OK to use the product. - Agency did not score these participants as OK to
18Study 12179 Agency Analysis of Self-Selection
- Responses N
- Incorrect--would use 56 53
- Correct/Acceptable 47 45
- Ask a doctor 27 26
- Would not use 20 19
19Study 12179 Product Purpose
- Response (N145)
- Prevent frequent HB 32
20Study 12179 Applying the Label to Other People
- Hypothetical question scores in 90s
- 3 conditions needing physician consultation
- Correct response was to consult doctor or not use
- 1/3 said person with headache should consult
doctor or not use
21Label Changes after Label Comprehension Studies
- The label was not changed to improve
communication of non-episodic use and prevention
only messages. - List of medications shortened in proposed label
from 6 to 3. - List of medical conditions in proposed label is
shorter and more bulleted than in 02255 study,
same as in 12179
22Conclusions Studies 02255 and 12179
- Participants understand
- Prilosec 1 is for frequent heartburn
- Do not use Prilosec 1 if you
- Do not have heartburn
- Have infrequent heartburn
- Are allergic
- Are pregnant or nursing
23Conclusions Studies 02255 and 12179
- Participants understand do not use if
- Trouble swallowing
- Chest pain with other symptoms
- Chronic cough
- Black tarry stools
- Unexplained weight loss
- Under age 18
- Heartburn worse with nausea and vomiting
- Consumers believe Prilosec 1 can be used
episodically to relieve acute HB symptoms or to
prevent meal-induced HB - Not clear if consumers with medical conditions
listed on label or taking medications listed on
label would seek medical advice before use or
decline to use