Title: UC Student Resources
1UC Student Resources
- Pam Person
- Director, Office of
- Nationally Competitive Awards
2UC Students
Office of Institutional Research www.uc.edu/instit
3Bearcat Bond
- As a member of the University of Cincinnati, I
will uphold the principles for a Just Community
and the values of respect, responsibility, and
inclusiveness. I will promote the highest levels
of personal and academic honesty and aspire
continuously to better myself, the Bearcat
community, and the world.
Office of Judicial Affairs (513)
556-6814 www.uc.edu/conduct
4Resource Types
- Learning
- Professional Development
- Leadership
- Professional and Civic Engagement
- Student Life
- Exploration
- Educational Purpose/Passions
- Educational Planning
- University Systems
- Day-to Day Processes
- Personal Well-being
- Advocacy
5Which UC Student Resources could you incorporate
into your
- Teaching Activities
- Syllabus
- Course/Assignment Requirements
- Curriculum/Program Requirements
- Student Mentoring
- Research Activities
- Research Assistance
- Service Activities
- Student Advisement Programming
- Governance
6University Systems
- Onestop
- www.onestop.uc.edu
- About One Stop
- Registration Information
- Grades Transcripts
- Billing
- Financial Aid
- Parent/Friend Access
- Personal Information
- Calendars
- Forms
- New Student FAQ
- Parent FAQ
- Other Resources
- Basic Needs
- Day-to-day Business Processes
- Personal Well-being
- Advocacy
7University Systems
- Housing, Food, Resident Education Development
- www.uc.edu/uchousing
- www.uc.edu/food
- www.uc.edu/resed
- Campus Services
- www.uc.edu/campusservices
- Bearcat Card
- UC Bookstores
- Textbook Adoption
- Campus Recreation
- Central Stores
- Conference Event Services
- Housing Food Services
- Kingsgate Conference Center
- MainStreet
- Parking
- Trademarks Licensing
- Vending
- Basic Needs
- Day-to-day Business Processes
- Personal Well-being
- Advocacy
8University Systems
- Campus Recreation
- www.uc.edu/campusrec
- Health
- www.uc.edu/uhs
- Counseling Psychological Services
- www.uc.edu/counseling
- Womens Center
- www.uc.edu/ucwc
- www.uc.edu/LGBTQ
- Wellness Center
- www.uc.edu/wellness
- Public Safety
- www.uc.edu/publicsafety
- Child Care
- www.uc.edu/elc
- https//cech.uc.edu/centers/arlitt
- Basic Needs
- Day-to-day Business Processes
- Personal Well-being
- Advocacy
9University Systems
- Office of Judicial Affairs
- www.uc.edu/conduct
- University Ombuds
- www.uc.edu/ombuds
- UC International Services
- www.uc.edu/international/services
- Basic Needs
- Day-to-day Business Processes
- Personal Well-being
- Advocacy
10Resource Types
- Learning
- Professional Development
- Leadership
- Professional and Civic Engagement
- Student Life
- Exploration
- Educational Purpose/Passions
- Educational Planning
- University Systems
- Day-to Day Processes
- Personal Well-being
- Advocacy
- Academic Advising at UC
- www.uc.edu/registrar/advising
- Center for Exploratory Studies
- www.uc.edu/explore
- International Programs
- www.uc.edu/international/programs
- Educational Purpose/Passions
- Educational Planning
12Resource Types
- Learning
- Professional Development
- Leadership
- Professional and Civic Engagement
- Student Life
- Exploration
- Educational Purpose/Passions
- Educational Planning
- University Systems
- Day-to Day Processes
- Personal Well-being
- Advocacy
13Professional Development
- SALD Student Activities and Leadership
Development - www.uc.edu/sald
- Campus LINK
- Club Sports
- Diversity Education
- Greek Life
- Leadership Development
- Student Government
- Student Organization Handbook
- Student Organization Listing
- Get Active Registration, Events, and other
Student Org Resources - WorldFest Week
- Programs and Activities Council
- Red Black Bash
- Emerging Ethnic Leaders
- Camp Bearcats
- All University Recognition Ceremony
- Leadership
- Professional and Civic Engagement
- Student Life
14Professional Development
- Center for Community Engagement
- www.uc.edu/cce
- Online Volunteer Directory (for students)
- Weekly Service Update
- Division of Professional Practice
- www.uc.edu/propractice
- Center for Cooperative Education Research and
Innovation - Center for Service-Learning Civic Engagement
- Co-op Calendars Deadlines
- URSC Undergraduate Research Scholarly Endeavors
and Creative Practice - www.uc.edu/provost/priorities/URSC.html
- Leadership
- Professional and Civic Engagement
- Student Life
15Professional Development
- NCA Office of Nationally Competitive Awards
- www.uc.edu/nca
- Fulbright, Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell, Goldwater,
NSF GRP - Career Development Center
- www.uc.edu/career
- University Honors Program
- www.uc.edu/honors
- McNair Scholars/STARS
- www.uc.edu/mcnair
- Leadership
- Professional and Civic Engagement
- Student Life
16Resource Types
- Learning
- Professional Development
- Leadership
- Professional and Civic Engagement
- Student Life
- Exploration
- Educational Purpose/Passions
- Educational Planning
- University Systems
- Day-to Day Processes
- Personal Well-being
- Advocacy
- AESS Academic Excellence and Support Services
- www.uc.edu/aess
- Disability Services
- Accommodation Support and Advocacy
- Learning Assistance Center
- Academic Coaching
- Academic Writing Center
- BEARchats (International/American student
conversations - Peer Tutoring
- Supplemental Instruction
- Online resources notetaking test strategies,
learning styles study habits, math and writing
resources - Testing Services
- Standardized Tests
- Proctoring Services
- Accommodated Testing
- Certification Tests
- Prior Learning Assessment
- UC Math Placement Testing
- Veterans Programs Services
- Technology
- Student Planner
- Campus IT Handbook
- https//ucdirectory.uc.edu/StudentPlanner
- UCIT www.uc.edu/ucit
- UCIT Top 10 Resources for Students
- Help Desk
- UC Mobile App
- Blackboard
- Email
- Secure Wireless
- Computer Labs
- Charging Stations
- Information Security
- Discounts
- Lynda.com
- Technology (continued)
- Libraries www.libraries.uc.edu/services/tech_ser
vices - Student Technology Resources Center
- Design Web pages using Dreamweaver, MS Publisher,
or html - Convert one format to another (photo to digital
photo, etc.) - Create CDs or DVDs
- Scan images and work with Adobe Acrobat,
Photoshop, InDesign, MS imaging - Create presentations in PowerPoint or Flash
- Work with technology for digital video editing
- Receive assistance in preparing Electronic Theses
and Dissertations - Multimedia Services (equipment check-out)
- Adaptive Technology
- Library Workshops
- Citation Tools
- Off-campus Access
- Technology (continued)
- Libraries www.libraries.uc.edu/services/tech_ser
vices - Student Technology Resources Center
- Design Web pages using Dreamweaver, MS Publisher,
or html - Convert one format to another (photo to digital
photo, etc.) - Create CDs or DVDs
- Scan images and work with Adobe Acrobat,
Photoshop, InDesign, MS imaging - Create presentations in PowerPoint or Flash
- Work with technology for digital video editing
- Receive assistance in preparing Electronic Theses
and Dissertations - Multimedia Services (equipment check-out)
- Adaptive Technology
- Library Workshops
- Citation Tools
- Off-campus Access
- Center for First Year Experience Learning
Communities - www.uc.edu/fye
- Learning Communities
- First-year Experience Programming
22Which UC Student Resources could you incorporate
into your
- Teaching Activities
- Syllabus
- Course Design
- Curriculum/Program Requirements
- Student Mentoring
- Research Activities
- Research Assistance
- Service Activities
- Student Advisement Programming
- Governance