Title: Federal Budget and Appropriations Process Overview
1Federal Budget and Appropriations ProcessOverview
Budget Training
2Where the Money Comes From
3Where the Money Goes
4HHS Budget Authority 660 Billionof which only
10.7 is Discretionary
Discretionary Programs 10.7
Childrens Entitlement Programs 3.1
TANF 2.8
Other Mandatory Programs 0.4
5Phases of the Overall Budget Process
Work on any Single Years Budget takes more than
3 Years to Complete
Present to Congress
Sept Feb Feb Oct
For FY 2010
6Levels of Review/Recommendation
IHS, Tribes, Urbans
The President
Present to Congress
Conference Committee Full House Senate Approps
IHS, Tribes, Urbans
7IHS Tribal Consultation Policy - Budget
Formulation Process
Individual Area I/T/U Worksessions Oct-Dec
Evaluation Session June/July
National I/T/U Budget Worksession February
8IHS Process Step-by-Step
Evaluation Session June/July
- Budget workgroup evaluates how the process has
worked and makes recommendations for improvement - The recommendations are incorporated into the
planning for the next fiscal year's process.
9IHS Process Step-By-Step
Individual Area I/T/U Worksessions Oct-Dec
- Each Area develops a set of health / budget
priorities and makes budget recommendations
within a designated amount.
- Area input regarding the GPRA performance
measures should also occur at this time.
10IHS Process Step-by-Step
- At the National Worksession, the 12 sets of Area
recommendations are consolidated into one set of
national recommendations. - Health Priorities
- Budget Priorities
- Two representatives from each Area participate.
National I/T/U Budget Worksession February
11IHS Process Step-by-Step
- The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
has one annual Tribal Consultation meetings,
which includes all HHS Operating Divisions.
- Typically the workgroup co-chairs and other
members present the recommendations for the IHS
budget from the National Worksession at these
meetings. - The Department provides the opportunity for
anyone to participate in the planning of this
meeting, with the Tribal leads being NIHB / NCAI.
12IHS Process Step-by-Step
- The Tribal priorities are used as the basis of
IHS official budget submission to HHS and
throughout the remainder of the budget cycle for
justification and support for other initiatives
or opportunities that arise.
13How Does IHS Determine Its Budget Request?
- I/T/U Input
- Area sessions - recommendations for designated
funding levels (e.g., 500 mil) - National Worksession - consolidation of
recommendations for percent increases agreed to
through consensus (e.g., minimum 20 increase)
- HHS Budget Guidance
- Includes
- direction on funding levels for budget request
- Secretarial budget priorities
- Technical instructions, e.g., pay raise
IHS Budget Request to HHS