Title: UNTHSC Power Point Template
1Program DirectorsAnnual Evaluation The AOA
requires Program Directors to assess the Core
Competencies in all AOA training programs.
Access the Program Directors Annual Evaluation
tool at the ACOOG website acoog.org
2Select the Education link.
3Then select Residency Program
4Select Program Directors
5You will see a list of all Residents in your
Dr. Pete Franks, Program Director
Resident List
Osteopathic Medical Center of Texas
Resident Eval
ProgDir Eval
6Dr. Pete Franks, Program Director
Resident List
Osteopathic Medical Center of Texas
Resident Eval
ProgDir Eval
ProgDir Eval Status indicates whether the Program
Directors Report is complete or not. If
incomplete, click on the word Due to access that
Residents Program Director Evaluation page.
7From this screen, you will evaluate this
Residents performance in each of the seven core
competencies, complete the Trainee Assessment,
and the end of year ???.
8The number under Status represents your
percentage of completion for that item.
9You will evaluate each competency one at a time.
Click the Edit button under Action.
10Each competency will have 2 to 3 Required
Elements which must be evaluated.
11First, check appropriate boxes indicating to what
extent the resident fulfilled the required
element. At least one box MUST be checked
12Then check the boxes on the right to indicate the
evaluation tool used to document what you
selected on the left. At least one box MUST be
checked here too.
13Then select the item to indicate the residents
performance for this element. You MUST make a
selection here.
14If you mark a residents performance as
Deficient, you MUST enter a comment.
15When you have completed evaluating all required
elements for this competency, select the Save
Work button at the bottom of the form. (Note The
Reset Form button will clear this form and let
you start over.)
16You will be presented with a summary of your
evaluation for this competency. If you need to
make further changes, click the Edit button. If
the evaluation is complete, click the Competency
List button to return to the list of core
17The number under Status for Medical Knowledge now
reads 100 to show that you have fully completed
the evaluation for that core competency.
The number for Report Status near the bottom of
this page shows what percentage you have
completed of the entire evaluation.
18You are also asked to complete a Trainee
Assessment as part of the Program Directors
19The Program Director must respond to each
question in the Trainee Assessment by clicking
Yes, No, or Not Applicable (N/A). Comments boxes
are provided to allow the Program Director to
provide more information.
20At the end of the Trainee Assessment is a large
comment box with the instructions Please
comment on this trainee in terms of progress in
the program, promise as a physician, and in other
areas not specifically mentioned above. A
comment MUST be entered in this box before this
Trainee Assessment is considered 100 complete.
Click Save Assessment when you are finished with
the Trainee Assessment. (Remember, the Reset Form
button will clear this form, deleting any
comments you have entered.)
21You will be presented with a summary of the
Trainee Assessment. If you need to make further
changes, click the Edit button. If the assessment
is complete, click the Competency List button to
return to the list of core competencies.
22When you have completed each competency
evaluation and the Trainee Assessment, the Report
Status will change from a number to the word
Ready with a Sign button. If you are completely
finished with the Program Directors Evaluation,
check the box to certify this report is complete
and click the Sign button.
Once you check the box and click Sign, this
residents evaluation will be removed from your
list of evaluations due.
23If you have any questions or need assistance
completing the Program Directors Evaluation, you
may contact Martha CardozaAcademic Information
ServicesUniversity of North Texas Health Science
Center(817) 735-2320mcardoza_at_hsc.unt.edu