Title: Advising Freshmen in the Second Semester
1Advising Freshmen in the Second Semester
- Course selection and Beyond
2Focus Areas
- Core curriculum
- Pre-Med requirements
- Any special requirements in a potential major
3Core A Theology, Philosophy, Ethics
- THL 100 should be taken this year
- No other THL can be taken as frosh
- PHL 250 can also be taken this year if they have
taken PHL 107 in the Fall.
4CORE B Culture, Ideas and Civilizations
- PHL 107 should be taken this year.
- HIS 101 should be taken this year. A few are
ready for HIS 10X (non-western). - ENG 120 and ENG 150 are a must if not taken in
the first semester - ENG 121 is a common 2nd semester course
- Global 3XX cannot take yet
5CORE C- Non-science major or not pursuing
pre-health science courses
- Must take 2 sciences must take a lab
- Start frosh on their science this year
- Remaining science sometime before they graduate,
but preferably in their sophomore or junior year
6Typical Science Courses for These Students
- ATS 113 and 114 Introduction to Atmospheric
Science - Can be taken with or without ATS 114 UCA
section not open - BIO 149 (Human Biology) or BIO 150 (new course!)
- CHM 105 Introductory Chemistry
- CSC 121 Computers and Scientific Thinking
- PHY 107 and 108 Introduction to Astronomy
- Can be taken with or without PHY 108 (lab)
- PHY 191- Frontiers in Physics
8CORE C Science Major or Pre-Health Science
- CHM 205/206 or CHM 285/286
- BIO 212 (most take this now it can be taken
before BIO 211 which is offered in the Fall) - Students will have completed their Core C
- after this semester
9Education Majors
- Must take EDU 103 first
- CHM 216 Natural Sciences II
- Have student check with the Education Department
10Core D Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Two courses from different fields
- See that they take at least one this year
- Low on SOC 101 More seats in ANT 111 and NAS
101 can also take core in PLS, PSY , ECO. - Education Majors have different requirements
(EDU 108 and 110)
11More space in ANT 111 than SOC 101 this Spring!
12CORE E - Skills
- Writing
- ENG 150 most take as frosh. Be sure to sign them
up for Spring if course has not been taken - Math
- MTH 201 for non-prehealth- best to take soon
- MTH 245 for all science and prehealth take as
sophs if not already completed. - Speech or Performance Art
- most take COM 152 as frosh/soph increased
interest in Art, Dance, Music or Theatre. Can
take in Junior year.
13Language (Classic or Modern)
- If continuing from HS, they should take 201
level by now (they may have taken 102 in Fall) - If choosing a new language, they can start any
time and must take two courses. Chinese 101 is
new. - If going to Dominican Republic, must have some
Spanish competency
14Skills Pass out of requirement
- ENG 150 Portfolio (Dr. Sheri Stenberg)
- MTH 201 or 245 Test (Dr. Crist)
- COM 152 Test and Speech (Dr. Schuler)
- FPA Check with Department Chair (Dr. Hanna
portfolio or performance) - LANG Test (Dr. Hewlitson or Admin.Asst)
- Native Language Test on reading, writing and
speaking (Associate Dean, Dr. Francis Klein)
15Disabilities in Skill Areas
- Must have test results establishing a disability,
i.e. results must connect disability to the skill
to be learned - Can bring from HS or go to Counseling Center or
bring from Student Support Services - Bring to CCAS Academic Office
- Substitute disability with course in a
non-troubling skill area or, with language, a
second global diversity course
16Frosh Pre-Med Requirements
- BIO 212 (4 credits, includes lab - Spring)
- CHM 205/206
- ENG 150
17Other courses that pre-med student may need or
want to take
- Anatomy
- Biochemistry
- Physiology
- Some cannot be taken until Junior year some are
space available.
18Special Requirements for the Major
- These are requirements they must complete before
they are accepted to the Major - Found in the Bulletin Posted on RSP Website
- If students are thinking of a major, they should
always check this information