Title: World Class luxurious Office Spaces
1World Trade Center Noida
- World Class luxurious Office Spaces
2Overview World Trade Center Noida
- World Trade Center Noida is a destination where
any kind of business organizations can perform
business activity with great ease. Ideally
located at Tech Zone -1 Greater Noida, this
exclusive business center offers well equipped
office spaces built on the land area that ranges
between 350 square feet and 1000 sq ft. Moreover,
hi-tech conference room, spacious auditorium and
seminar hall helps in performing all important
business activity. Exotic work place built on the
land area that ranges between 350 sq ft to 1000
sq ft is available here at affordable price.
Furthermore, entire building of World Trade
Center Noida is fitted with world class
facilities, such as 3 tier security with CCTV
surveillance, high speed lift service, 24X7
security services water supply, world class
recreational center etc. For more information
about World Trade Center Noida kindly! contact us
at 91-9582647964.
3Specification World Trade Center Noida
- Tenant Services
- Video conferencing Facility
- World Class Technology
- Two High Rising Towers
- Three Basement Parking
- Huge Conference Room
- Spaces for Offices in Various Sizes
- Two level of Ground Parking
4Master Plan World Trade Center Noida
5Location Map World Trade Center Noida
6Registered Office B - 184,Lajpat Nagar - I, New
Delhi - 110024 For Best Deal Contact 91-9999727
438,91-9582647963 Tel 91 11 41099299 Fax 91
11 46539558 Toll-free 1800 102 8418 SMS 'PFL'
to 567675 Email info_at_propertyframes.com Thank
Property Frames