Some more reading sources - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Some more reading sources


... there is no astigmatism. If they are oval in shape there is some astigmatism ... Unlike aberration astigmatism is easily corrected by simply changing the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Some more reading sources

Some more reading sources
  • The Carter and Williams book is on overnight loan
    in OLS
  • Some other useful books
  • Electron optics and the Electron Microscope
    QH212.E4ELE (be selective, its quite an old
  • Experimental High-resolution electron microscopy
    QH212.E4SPE (his descriptions are good, but dont
    panic about the maths)
  • Electron Optics and Electron Microscopy
    QH212.4HAW (another nice descriptive book, but
    not much depth to parts of it)
  • High voltage electron microscopy QH212.E4INT
    (proceedings of the 3rd conference of HRTEM.
    Interesting to see how far the field has come in
    the 35 years since this conference. Just glance
    through for an appreciation)
  • Introduction to Analytical Electron Microscopy
    TA417.23HRE (a very heavy read, but it has some
    good contents. Use only for clarification after
    consulting other texts)
  • Electron Microscopy in the Study of Materials
  • This is an excellent, quick, clean walk through.
    But use it in conjunction with lecture notes.

A useful online resource
  • The following website works you through much of
    the theory
  • There are some small simulations to illustrate
    the concepts
  • http//
  • The page http// is
    also useful

Books and etiquette
  • There is only one copy of each of the above
    mentioned books in the Biophy library
  • Please dont hog them
  • Especially the Carter and Williams and the Grundy

Reminding and revisiting
  • For a 300 kV TEM electrons have a wavelength of
    0.0708 nm
  • Electrons are moving relativistically
  • The source is either thermionic (big energy
    spread) or field emission (small energy spread)
  • Lenses are electromagnets that are non-uniform
  • The beam moves down the bore of the microscope
  • Apertures can be used to select and control the
    spread of the beam

Reminding and revisiting
  • Electrons interacting with the sample that we are
    interested in are only those that are forward
  • Elastically and incoherently and inelastically -gt
    Amplitude contrast
  • Elastically and coherently -gt Phase contrast
  • Magnification is achieved by changing the
    strength of the lenses

Basics of HRTEM Continued
  • Aberration
  • Astigmatism
  • Specimen considerations

  • This term describes the distortion of the
    electron beam passing through the lenses
  • Its cause is the imperfection of the lenses and
    the electron source as well as electron-electron
  • There are two significant forms of aberration in
    modern TEM
  • Spherical aberration which is a geometric
  • Chromatic aberration which is an effect of an
    energy distribution
  • Each of these carry a constant for a given
    machine, CS and CC respectively

Spherical aberration
  • Consider the path of the electrons through the

Spherical aberration
  • Those traveling further from the axis have to
    travel further
  • Those traveling further from the axis experience
    a different magnetic field
  • i.e. they experience a different focusing
  • the focal length is different

  • The result is a disc of least confusion

Disc of least confusion
  • This is a region where the beams that are
    overfocused are best matched with those that are
  • The radius of the disc is given by
  • Where M is the magnification, CS is the
    coefficient of spherical aberration and a is the
    semi-angle at which the beam is moving
  • CS can be found by taking measurements of a known
    material and using the spread of the diffraction

Correction for spherical aberration
  • Either in image analysis or physically
  • If physically it is carried out using octopoles
    and hexapoles designed to have a negative CS
  • Therefore those beams that are underfocused by
    the objective lens, become overfocused by the
  • This is elegant and works well
  • However it means another set of lenses on the
  • So chromatic aberration becomes worse
  • And aligning the microscope becomes even harder
  • In image analysis, allowance is made for CS, much
    like instrumental broadening in applying the
    Sherrer equation in PXRD

Chromatic aberration
  • There are three main sources of this
  • Energy spread in electrons coming off the gun
  • Electron-electron interactions at the gun
  • Energy changes resulting from electron-electron
    interactions in the sample
  • Chromatic aberration is the real limitation on
    the maximum resolution of the TEM

Chromatic aberration in optical lenses
Its effects
  • The effect of chromatic aberration is to change
    the focal length of the microscope as given by
  • Where CC is the coefficient of chromatic
    aberration for the TEM, dFC is the change in
    focal length from chromatic aberration, V is the
    accelerating voltage, I is the current in the
    objective lens and E is the spread in energy from
    electron-electron interactions.

Correction for Chromatic aberration
  • In optics this can be done using a corrector lens
  • In TEM no such lens can be built

Reducing chromatic aberration
  • Using a source that produces electrons with the
    smallest possible energy distribution
  • Operating in geometry as close to parallel beam
    as possible, limiting electron-electron

  • It is a balance in correction between chromatic
    and spherical aberration
  • If spherical aberration is corrected too much,
    chromatic aberration becomes worse
  • If it is not corrected, then the two sum to cause
    deterioration in image resolution

  • Arises from the non-uniformity of the magnetic
    field in specific directions
  • So the x-direction field being stronger than the
    y-direction field
  • Its effect is to create streaking on the image
  • It is found that it is possible to get the image
    in focus in the x, but not the y, or vice versa
  • The easiest way to observe it is to take the
    power spectrum, i.e. the FT, of an image of the
    amorphous support
  • If the rings that result are symmetrical, there
    is no astigmatism
  • If they are oval in shape there is some
  • If they form a cross shape, there is chronic

Correcting astigmatism
  • Unlike aberration astigmatism is easily corrected
    by simply changing the potential and current the
    electrons experience
  • As octapoles and quadrapoles are used, the x and
    y can be controlled separately
  • Therefore the strength of the field is varied for
    each of these and the astigmatism is corrected

Specimen considerations
  • There are many thoughts that need to go into
    specimens for the TEM
  • Thickness
  • Dispersion
  • Charging
  • Beam damage
  • Etc

  • One of the features of the TEM is the large depth
    of field and depth of focus
  • Depth of field means that the image can be
    collected through the entire sample at the same
  • Depth of focus means that all of the image is in
    focus at the same time through the entire depth
  • However the thicker the sample, the worse
    scattering effects become
  • If the sample is too thin, amplitude contrast
    vanishes almost entirely and phase contrast can
    also be hard to pick out from the background

  • If the sample is a powder, it needs to be well
    dispersed on the support
  • Clumps of sample are hard to analyse
  • It also relates to the projection problem are
    you looking at one particle or two?

Charging and beam damage
  • These are considerations in choosing whether TEM
    is a method that can really be used to study the

Specimen preparation
  • For powders
  • A suspension is made in ethanol, acetone or
    chloroform (or another solvent with low
    vaporisation temperature)
  • This is sonicated in the hope of dispersing the
  • A drop of the suspension is loaded on a support
    and dried before being mounted in the TEM
  • For solids
  • A thin slice is cut and loaded onto the support

That concludes the introduction. You are now
familiar with the basic operation of the TEM, now
for the science behind the images
Electron diffraction
  • We consider the electron beam to be a plane wave
    of the form
  • Where ?0 is the amplitude and 2pik.r is the phase
  • Upon interacting with an atom the wave is
  • The resulting wave, the scattered wave, is
    described by
  • Where f(?) is the atomic scattering amplitude

Scattering amplitude
  • Electrons are scattered by the potential in the
    specimen as described by
  • Where K is a constant, S is the vector describing
    the beam, r is the vector describing the atomic
    position and ?(r) is the potential
  • This is just like the scattering factor for
  • However it depends on the atomic mass to
    approximately Z1/3
  • So TEM is much more sensitive to light elements
    than X-rays, yet still sensitive to heavy
  • Therefore electron diffraction is the best method
    to find light atoms

Ewald sphere
  • The Ewald sphere is a mathematical construct
    relating to the wavelength of incident radiation
  • For X-rays, with a cubic lattice of 4Å for X-rays
    a typical Ewald sphere is

Ewald sphere for TEM
  • The sphere radius is approximately 40Å-1

Results of Ewald sphere
  • If we have a fixed detector located on the optic
    axis, the specimen will have to be rotated by 27
    before the sphere will contact the 200 point for
    the X-ray case
  • The system is also limited to sampling only those
    beams and reciprocal lattice points that lie
    within it
  • In electron diffraction, multiple beams will lie
    on the Ewald sphere at the same time and without
    any rotation
  • The result is that with a single electron
    diffraction image, far more of the sample is

Laue circles
More about the Ewald sphere
  • Laue zones

Measuring d spacings directly
  • This means that d-spacings can be found directly
    if the camera length is known using the fact that
    for small 2?, sin? is approximately ?.
  • The camera length, L, is known
  • t can be measured
  • Hence and b can be found

Finding the third parameter
  • If we are looking down the (001) zone axis, then
    we are looking down the c axis, so we can measure
    a and b directly from the diffraction pattern
  • c can be found by using the FOLZ (if the crystal
    is large enough for it to be observed)

Lattice parameter relations
V 2abcsin(s)sin(sa)sin(sb)sin(sg)
½ where s ½(a b g)
Intensity of diffraction spot
  • In the case of a discrete crystal, the structure
    factor can be calculated using the relation
  • The intensity of the spot for a particular hkl is
    then given by the modulus of the structure factor
  • Note that the spot also carries a phase term from
    the imaginary component
  • In recording the image, we lose this phase
  • However to solve the structure we need phase
    information back again

Image of effect of discrete number
  • When dealing with a finite crystal, the intensity
    of each diffraction spot is no longer a delta
    function, but is given by the summing of the
    phase changes from each scattering point.
  • The result is that the intensity is given by

Discrete crystal sizes and spot intensity
  • For 7 atoms For 30 atoms

Dynamical scattering
  • It is important to note that what is taking place
    in this system is that the electrons are
    scattered and interact with each other as wave
  • This is subtly different to treating the lattice
    as a phase grating
  • The reason for this difference is the very small
    wavelength of the electrons
  • Consider the path of a single electron
  • It interacts with an atom and scatters
    elastically, incurring a phase change
  • It then can either pass through the sample with
    no further interaction, or it can interact with
    another atom and incur an additional phase change
    after another scattering event
  • This leads to the idea of dynamical scattering
  • The kinematic scattering that we use for PXRD is
    not completely valid

Dynamical scattering
Mathematics of dynamical scattering
  • After layer 1 Ap A Ad B
  • After layer 2 Ap (A2 B2)exp(i?) Ad (AB
    BA) exp(i?)
  • 2AB exp(i?)
  • where exp(i?) is the phase factor from
    propagation between the layers.
  • The same process will be repeated at every
    subsequent layer of atoms with both beams losing
    and gaining amplitude from diffraction and
    transmission respectively. After the third
    layer, the amplitudes will be given by
  • Ap (A3 3AB2) exp(2i?) Ad (3A2B B3)
  • progressing at the fourth layer to
  • Ap (A4 6A2B2 B4) exp(3i?) Ad (4A3B
    4AB3) exp(3i?)

Dynamical scattering continued
  • After n layers, the separate amplitudes may be
    written as
  • Ap ½(A B)n (A - B)n exp(n-1)i?
  • Ad ½(A B)n - (A - B)n exp(n-1)i?
  • But AP2 Ad2 1
  • So to reconcile this we must have
  • A cos(?) B isin(?)

Wave formulation
  • ?O(x,y) expi??(x,y)?z
  • This may then be expanded as with any exponential
  • ?O(x,y) 1 i??(x,y)?z - ?2?2(x,y)?z2/2 -
    i?3?3(x,y)?z3/6 .......
  • If the total scattering of this single plane of
    atoms is relatively small, we may neglect all but
    the first term in ??(x,y)?z. Consequently the
    diffracted amplitude emerging from this plane of
    atoms can be written as
  • ?D(h,k) ?(0,0) i?FT(h,k)?z?(h,k)

And after some maths and n layers
  • AP cos?FT(h1,k1)t exp(n-1)i?
  • And
  • Ad isin?FT(h1,k1)t exp(n-1)i?

What does this mean?
  • Consider the (h20) and (-h30) beams for a system
    with a 21 axis of symmetry parallel to y
  • This relates atoms at (x,y,z) to (-x, ½y, -z)
  • It can be shown using the structure factor that
    the (0k0) spots are systematically absent
  • However the summation of the two beams above
    gives (h-h,23,0) (050)
  • So the spot is observed

Effect of multiple scattering
  • It means that it is not always possible to
    determine symmetry directly from SAED as the
    systematic absences may be broken.
  • There are ways around this, that we will touch on

Relate this to the thickness effect and edge
  • From the dependence of the intensity function on
    the number of atoms that it is summed across
    think back to the variation in intensity in the
  • You may start to get an appreciation of how the
    thickness effect and shape of the crystal can
    influence the relative contrast observed in the

Diffraction and apertures
  • If we place and aperture in the beam, we can
    select only certain spots of the diffraction

Meaning of n-beam images
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