Chapter 16 The Special Senses - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 16 The Special Senses


astigmatism. Transplants. common & successful ... Astigmatism. corneal surface wavy. parts of image out of focus. 28. Constriction of the Pupil ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 16 The Special Senses

Chapter 16The Special Senses
  • Smell, taste, vision, hearing and equilibrium
  • Housed in complex sensory organs
  • Ophthalmology is science of the eye
  • Otolaryngology is science of the ear

Chemical Senses
  • Interaction of molecules with receptor cells
  • Olfaction (smell) and gustation (taste)
  • Both project to cerebral cortex limbic system
  • evokes strong emotional reactions

Olfactory Epithelium
  • 1 square inch of membrane holding 10-100 million
  • Covers superior nasal cavity and cribriform plate
  • 3 types of receptor cells

Olfaction Sense of Smell
  • Odorants bind to receptors
  • Na channels open
  • Depolarization occurs
  • Nerve impulse is triggered

Adaptation Odor Thresholds
  • Adaptation decreasing sensitivity
  • Olfactory adaptation is rapid
  • 50 in 1 second
  • complete in 1 minute
  • Low threshold
  • only a few molecules need to be present
  • methyl mercaptan added to natural gas as warning

Gustatory Sensation Taste
  • Taste requires dissolving of substances
  • Four classes of stimuli--sour, bitter, sweet, and
  • 10,000 taste buds found on tongue, soft palate

Anatomy of Taste Buds
  • An oval body consisting of 50 receptor cells
    surrounded by supporting cells
  • A single gustatory hair projects upward through
    the taste pore
  • Basal cells develop into new receptor cells every
    10 days.

Physiology of Taste
  • Complete adaptation in 1 to 5 minutes
  • Thresholds for tastes vary among the 4 primary
  • most sensitive to bitter (poisons)
  • least sensitive to salty and sweet

Accessory Structures of Eye
  • Eyelids or palpebrae
  • protect lubricate
  • Tarsal glands
  • oily secretions keep lids from sticking together
  • Conjunctiva
  • stops at corneal edge
  • dilated BV--bloodshot

Eyelashes Eyebrows
Eyeball 1 inch diameter
5/6 of Eyeball inside orbit protected
  • Eyelashes eyebrows help protect from foreign
    objects, perspiration sunlight
  • Sebaceous glands are found at base of eyelashes
  • Palpebral fissure is gap between the eyelids

Lacrimal Apparatus
  • About 1 ml of tears produced per day. Spread over
    eye by blinking. Contains bactericidal enzyme
    called lysozyme.

Extraocular Muscles
  • Six muscles that insert on the exterior surface
    of the eyeball
  • .
  • 4 rectus muscles -- superior, inferior, lateral
    and medial
  • 2 oblique muscles -- inferior and superior

Tunics (Layers) of Eyeball
  • Fibrous Tunic(outer layer)
  • Vascular Tunic (middle layer)
  • Nervous Tunic(inner layer)

Fibrous Tunic -- Description of Cornea
  • Transparent
  • Helps focus light(refraction)
  • astigmatism
  • Transplants
  • common successful
  • no blood vessels so no antibodies to cause

Fibrous Tunic -- Description of Sclera
  • White of the eye
  • Dense irregular connective tissue layer --
    collagen fibroblasts
  • Provides shape support

Vascular Tunic -- Choroid Ciliary Body
  • Choroid
  • pigmented epithilial cells (melanocytes) blood
  • provides nutrients to retina
  • black pigment in melanocytes absorb scattered
  • Ciliary body
  • ciliary processes
  • folds on ciliary body
  • secrete aqueous humor
  • ciliary muscle
  • smooth muscle that alters shape of lens

Vascular Tunic -- Iris Pupil
  • Colored portion of eye
  • Shape of flat donut suspended between cornea
  • Hole in center is pupil
  • Function is to regulate amount of light entering

Vascular Tunic -- Description of lens
  • Avascular
  • Crystallin proteins arranged like layers in onion
  • Clear capsule perfectly transparent

Nervous Tunic -- Retina
  • Posterior 3/4 of eyeball
  • Optic disc
  • optic nerve exiting back of eyeball
  • Central retina BV
  • fan out to supply nourishment to retina
  • visible for inspection
  • hypertension diabetes
  • Detached retina
  • trauma (boxing)
  • fluid between layers
  • distortion or blindness

View with Ophthalmoscope
Rods Cones--Photoreceptors
  • Rods----rod shaped
  • shades of gray in dim light
  • 120 million rod cells
  • discriminates shapes movements
  • distributed along periphery
  • Cones----cone shaped
  • sharp, color vision
  • 6 million
  • fovea of macula lutea
  • densely packed region
  • at exact visual axis of eye
  • 2nd cells do not cover cones
  • sharpest resolution or acuity

Pathway of Nerve Signal in Retina
  • Light penetrates retina
  • Rods cones transduce light into action
  • Rods cones excite bipolar cells
  • Bipolars excite ganglion cells
  • Axons of ganglion cells form optic nerve leaving
    the eyeball (blind spot)
  • To thalamus then the primary visual cortex

Aqueous Humor
  • Continuously produced by ciliary body
  • Flows from posterior chamberinto anterior
    through the pupil
  • Glaucoma
  • increased intraocular pressure that could produce
  • problem with drainage of aqueous humor

Major Processes of Image Formation
  • Refraction of light
  • by cornea lens
  • light rays must fall upon the retina
  • Accommodation of the lens
  • changing shape of lens so that light is focused
  • Constriction of the pupil
  • less light enters the eye

Definition of Refraction
  • Bending of light as it passes from one substance
    (air) into a 2nd substance with a different
  • In the eye, light is refracted by the anterior
    posterior surfaces of the cornea and the lens

Refraction by the Cornea Lens
  • Image focused on retina is inverted reversed
    from left to right
  • Brain learns to work with that information
  • 75 of Refraction is done by cornea -- rest is
    done by the lens

Near Point of Vision and Presbyopia
  • Near point is the closest distance from the eye
    an object can be still be in clear focus
  • 4 inches in a young adult
  • 8 inches in a 40 year old
  • lens has become less elastic
  • 31 inches in a 60 to 80 year old
  • Reading glasses may be needed by age 40
  • presbyopia
  • glasses replace refraction previously provided by
    increased curvature of the relaxed, youthful lens

Correction for Refraction Problems
  • Emmetropic eye (normal)
  • can refract light from 20 ft away
  • Myopia (nearsighted)
  • eyeball is too long from front to back
  • glasses concave
  • Hypermetropic (farsighted)
  • eyeball is too short
  • glasses convex (coke-bottle)
  • Astigmatism
  • corneal surface wavy
  • parts of image out of focus

Constriction of the Pupil
  • Constrictor pupillae muscle contracts
  • Prevents light rays from entering the eye through
    the edge of the lens
  • Sharpens vision by preventing blurry edges
  • Protects retina very excessively bright light

Convergence of the Eyes
  • Binocular vision in humans has both eyes looking
    at the same object
  • As you look at an object close to your face, both
    eyeballs must turn inward.
  • convergence

  • Photopigment is integral membrane protein of
    outer segment membrane
  • photopigment membrane folded into discs
    replaced at a very rapid rate
  • Photopigments opsin (protein) retinal
    (derivative of vitamin A)
  • rods contain rhodopsin
  • cone photopigments contain 3 different opsin
    proteins permitting the absorption of 3 different
    wavelengths (colors) of light

Color Blindness Night Blindness
  • Color blindness
  • inability to distinguish between certain colors
  • absence of certain cone photopigments
  • red-green color blind person can not tell red
    from green
  • Night blindness (nyctalopia)
  • difficulty seeing in low light
  • inability to make normal amount of rhodopsin
  • possibly due to deficiency of vitamin A

Light and Dark Adaptation
  • Light adaptation
  • adjustments when emerge from the dark into the
  • Dark adaptation
  • adjustments when enter the dark from a bright
  • light sensitivity increases as photopigments
  • during first 8 minutes of dark adaptation, only
    cone pigments are regenerated, so threshold burst
    of light is seen as color
  • after sufficient time, sensitivity will increase
    so that a flash of a single photon of light will
    be seen as gray-white

Brain Pathways of Vision
Processing of Image Data in the Brain
  • Visual information in optic nerve travels to
  • occipital lobe for vision
  • midbrain for controlling pupil size
    coordination of head and eye movements
  • hypothalamus to establish sleep patterns based
    upon circadian rhythms of light and darkness

Visual fields
  • Left occipital lobe receives visual images from
    right side of an object through impulses from
    nasal 1/2 of the right eye and temporal 1/2 of
    the left eye
  • Left occipital lobe sees right 1/2 of the world
  • Fibers from nasal 1/2 of each retina cross in
    optic chiasm

Anatomy of the Ear Region
External Ear
  • Function collect sounds
  • Structures
  • auricle or pinna
  • elastic cartilage covered with skin
  • external auditory canal
  • curved 1 tube of cartilage bone leading into
    temporal bone
  • ceruminous glands produce cerumen ear wax
  • tympanic membrane or eardrum
  • epidermis, collagen elastic fibers, simple
    cuboidal epith.
  • Perforated eardrum (hole is present)
  • at time of injury (pain, ringing, hearing loss,
  • caused by explosion, scuba diving, or ear

Middle Ear Cavity
Middle Ear Cavity
  • Air filled cavity in the temporal bone
  • Separated from external ear by eardrum and from
    internal ear by oval round window
  • 3 ear ossicles connected by synovial joints
  • malleus attached to eardrum, incus stapes
    attached by foot plate to membrane of oval window
  • stapedius and tensor tympani muscles attach to
  • Auditory tube leads to nasopharynx
  • helps to equalize pressure on both sides of
  • Connection to mastoid bone mastoiditis

Inner Ear---Bony Labyrinth
  • Bony labyrinth set of tubelike cavities in
    temporal bone
  • semicircular canals, vestibule cochlea lined
    with periosteum filled with perilymph
  • surrounds protects Membranous Labyrinth

Inner Ear---Membranous Labyrinth
  • Membranous labyrinth set of membranous tubes
    containing sensory receptors for hearing
    balance and filled with endolymph
  • utricle, saccule, ampulla, 3 semicircular ducts

Anatomy of the Organ of Corti
  • 16,000 hair cells have 30-100 stereocilia(microvil
    li )
  • Microvilli make contact with tectorial membrane
    (gelatinous membrane that overlaps the spiral
    organ of Corti)
  • Basal sides of inner hair cells synapse with 1st
    order sensory neurons whose cell body is in
    spiral ganglion

Sound Waves
  • Vibrating object causes compression of air around
    it sound waves
  • audible range is 20 to 20,000 Hz
  • hear best within 500 to 5000 cycles/sec or Hz
  • speech is 100 to 3000 Hz
  • Frequency of a sound vibration is pitch
  • higher frequency is higher pitch
  • Greater intensity (size) of vibration, the louder
    the sound measured in decibels (dB)
  • Conversation is 60 dB pain above 140dB
  • OSA requires ear protection above 90dB

  • Nerve deafness
  • damage to hair cells from antibiotics, high
    pitched sounds, anticancer drugs
  • the louder the sound the quicker the hearing loss
  • fail to notice until difficulty with speech
  • Conduction deafness
  • perforated eardrum
  • otosclerosis

Physiology of Hearing
  • Auricle collects sound waves
  • Eardrum vibrates
  • slow vibration in response to low-pitched sounds
  • rapid vibration in response to high-pitched
  • Ossicles vibrate since malleus attached to
  • Stapes pushes on oval window producing fluid
    pressure waves in scala vestibuli tympani
  • oval window vibration 20X more vigorous than
  • Pressure fluctuations inside cochlear duct move
    the hair cells against the tectorial membrane
  • Microvilli are bent producing receptor potentials

Overview of Physiology of Hearing
Cochlear Implants
  • If deafness is due to destruction of hair cells
  • Microphone, microprocessor electrodes translate
    sounds into electric stimulation of the
    vestibulocochlear nerve
  • artificially induced nerve signals follow normal
    pathways to brain
  • Provides only a crude representation of sounds

Physiology of Equilibrium (Balance)
  • Static equilibrium
  • maintain the position of the body (head) relative
    to the force of gravity
  • Dynamic equilibrium
  • maintain body position (head) during sudden
    movement of any type--rotation, deceleration or

Detection of Position of Head
  • Movement of stereocilia or kinocilium results in
    the release of neurotransmitter onto the
    vestibular branches of the vestibulocochler nerve

Detection of Rotational Movement
  • When head moves, the attached semicircular ducts
    and hair cells move with it
  • Nerve signals to the brain are generated
    indicating which direction the head has been
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