Title: Oregon Deaf
1Oregon Deaf Hard of Hearing Services
A Program
2Things to Know When Working With Deaf HH
- Major causes of deafness
- Terminology
- Myths about hearing loss
- Medical model vs. social-cultural model
- Clues that a person may have a hearing loss
- Communication tips and modes
3Things to Know When Working With Deaf HH
- American Sign Language and its components
- Characteristics of Deaf people
- Overcoming linguistic barriers
- How to use an interpreter
- How to obtain interpreters at OSH
- Heredity (About ½)
- Rh Factor
- Illness Scarlet Fever, Rubella, Spinal
Meningitis, Mumps - AccidentsMajor Head Trauma
- Menieres Disease
- Aging
- Noise
- Use the term preferred by the person when
referring to their hearing loss. - Most Deaf or hard of hearing people prefer Deaf
or hard of hearing (usually depending on amount
of residual hearing) - Hearing Impaired is seen by most Deaf and hard
of hearing people as pejorative - Big D (Deaf) Culturally Deaf people (more on
this later) - Hard of hearing In this presentation, refers to
people who have some useful residual, but who
sign most or all of the time - DHH Blanket term for Deaf and hard of hearing
6MYTHS about hearing loss
- Everyone can lip-read
- Lip-reading gives 100 understanding
- KEY Context
7MYTHS about hearing loss
- Hearing aids are the solution
- Everyone knows sign language
- Everyone knows English
8Medical Model Vs. Social-Cultural Model of
- Medical model perceives deafness as a pathology
to be fixed - Social-Cultural model sees deafness as a
difference to be accepted, much like skin or hair
color - Recognizes that American Sign Language (ASL) is a
true language with its own distinct grammar,
syntax, and idioms - Recognizes that Deaf culture is a true culture
with its own language, history, traditions, and
social norms of behavior
9Clues That A Person May Have A Hearing Loss
- Keep asking you to repeat
- Wears hearing aid
- Uses assistive devices
- Straining to hear puzzled look
- Focus on lips instead of eyes
- Do not respond when they can not see your face
- Nod and smile when they really dont understand
10Clues That A Person May Have A Hearing Loss
- Misunderstands names numbers (on phone)
- Responds inappropriately
- Speaks too loud or too soft
- Interrupts when someone is talking
- Participates less in group settings
- Cannot hear in a noisy room
11Communication Tips
- Have pad pencil available
- Gestures facial expressions important
- Refrain from putting things in your mouth or in
front of your mouth
- Do not shout or raise voice
- Whenever possible always face the person with
whom you are speaking - Clarify by rephrasing questions or statements
- Select a quiet environment when possible
12Communication Modes
- Oral, Lip-Read
- Total Communication
- Gesture Body Language
- Writing
13American Sign Language (ASL)
- ASL is primary languagestructure, syntax,
grammar are different from English. - ASL is spatial cannot be written
- ASL is visual and Deaf think and see in pictures.
Highly attuned to visual details due to hearing
loss - 3rd to 5th grade average reading level for Deaf
14 Components of ASL
- Grammatical structures are indicated by facial
expressions - Deaf people are more expressive than hearing
people. - Expressions dont necessarily reflect here and
now but rather, the affect at that particular
time of the experience being described. - Vocal sounds that do not resemble English words
are common. grunts, groans, whines --stems
from inability to hear and monitor their own
15Characteristics of Deaf people
- Inattentive to sounds and noises they make. i.e.
loud steps, loud voices, smacking lips, gaseous
emissions. - Deaf people communicate with an increased
intensity when angry, upset, or in an emergency
situation. Visual gestures are more dramatic or
exaggerated. - Watching interpreters takes up more energy than
does listening. Hearing is a passive sense,
vision is an active sense (cant control what you
hear but can control what you see).
16Deaf Culture
- Hearing loss necessitates a different way of
behaving - Must have light
- Deaf people love to chat, will often stay beyond
closing - Cannot use drive-thru intercom, will drive
directly to window - Deaf Standard Time (DST)procrastination
Hello, This is Joe. I will be late
I need a vaccine shot
My face has broken out in purple rash
Do I need to renew my driving license?
18Overcoming Linguistic Barriers
- It is the patients decision about what is
effective communication. - An oral deaf person needs an oral interpreter or
CART, just like a signing Deaf person needs an
ASL interpreter - Offer an interpreter or Computer-Assisted Real
Time Captioning (CART) services to every Deaf
patient, every time. - Lower functioning Deaf patients may require a
Certified Deaf Interpreter (CDI) in addition to
the standard interpreter - CDIs are Deaf people with strong ASL skills as
well as skills and training in using alternate
communication modes such as drawing and
gesturing whatever is needed to meet the
clients communication needs
19Overcoming Linguistic Barriers
- English fluency should NEVER be used to gauge a
Deaf patients cognitive level - Reinforce verbal instructions with written and/or
visual instructions - Any written instructions must be written to the
patients level of understanding - See attached examples of visual instructions used
for titration of medication dose - Test for comprehension of verbal instructions
- Deaf people are the masters of the smile and
nod and just because someone says they
understand, doesnt necessarily mean they do.
20How to use an interpreter
- Speak directly to the deaf person speaking
through the interpreter, not to the interpreter. - Remember that hearing loss does not effect
intelligence. - Speak at a normal rate of speed and use a natural
tone of voice. - The interpreter should be seated next to and
slightly behind the speaker. - In a meeting one person speaks at a time.
- As a final courtesy, thank the interpreter
21Sign Language Interpreter
- Since ASL (American Sign Language) is a
completely different language from English it
cannot be translated "word for word",
22Interpreter vs. Signer
- A certified Professional
- Bound by a Code of Ethics Confidentiality
- Trained to facilitate communication
- Stays within role
- Skilled in interpreting
- Knowledgeable in ASL Deaf Culture
- Family member or friend
- Bound by trust as in friendship/family
- May not have training
- May interact inappropriately
- May not be able to interpret accurately
- May not understand ASL Deaf Culture
23How to request an Interpreter
- Jeff Brownson, Communications Coordinator
- Oregon Deaf Hard of Hearing Services
- 676 Church Street NE
- Salem, OR 97301
- 503-343-7605 voice/tty
- Jeff.Brownson_at_state.or.us
- http//oregon.gov/dhs/odhhs/ecs_home.shtml
- (interpreter request form)
- Oregon Deaf Hard of Hearing Services
- 676 Church Street NE
- Salem, Oregon 97301
- (503) 373-7609 voice or TTY
- (800) 358-3117 voice or TTY
- Bentley.fink_at_state.or.us
- www.oregon.gov/DHS/ODHHS