Title: Vakhsh River Basin (VRB), Tajikistan
1Vakhsh River Basin (VRB), Tajikistan
Inom Sh. NormatovInstitute of Water Problems,
Hydropower and Ecology AS RT, 734002, Dushanbe,
12, Parvin street, e-mail owp_at_tojikiston.com
2Present State-of -art methodology
- Vakhsh River Basin is one of the main basins
which supports the life and livelihoods of
several hundred thousands people in Tajikistan.
From the beginning of 30s of the last century
water resources development has been taking place
in VRB. Since Vakhsh is a transboundary river
system- other downstream countries of the Central
Asia also have strategic interest on is water
resources. - For example Vakhsh have of all hydropower
resources of Amu Darya basin. Potential power
resources of Vakhsh is about 28.6 mln.kWt, it can
provide up to 250bln.kWt/hour of electric power
per year.
3Main issues
- Significant water losses together with ecological
and economic problems in VRB are connected with
unsatisfactory condition of infrastructures,
hydraulic structures such as irrigation canals
and drainage systems. Taking this account, it is
necessary to carry out restoration and
maintenances of technical facilities and
improvement of water related structures and
facilities. The local irrigating systems worsened
to the greater degree in comparison with regional
irrigating systems. The newly established
organizations such as agricultural farms and
water user associations are economically weak and
do not have ability to operate and maintain
irrigating systems properly.
4- Tajikistan cant fully cover water resources
expenses. This is due to an inadequate tariff on
water supply (0.15 cents per 1m3, where as real
price is 0.82 cents). Because of this 15-20
reductions in the irrigation network were
observed, similarly the loss of pumping system
was about to 20-30. The water losses and poor
infrastructure have caused the increasing
unreliable water supply system. Water supply
system is not only affected by poor
infrastructures but also because of poor
management and governance. - Ecology of the VRB is deteriorated in recent
years. Drastic decline of hydropower production
and reduction of natural gas, coal and other
energy resources in 90s caused massive
deforestations. From 1992 to 2001, 100 thousand
hectares of forest area have been destroyed.
Desertification and soil erosion are everywhere
in the upstream hilly areas due to deforestation.
5- There are more than 50 thousand registered land
slides areas, 1200 of them pose a threat to
settlements. humus losses are increasing. Annual
soil wash out is about 87 million tons, where as
humus loss reaches 11-13 million tons each year.
The main environmental problems of VRB are
inadequate access to potable water, land
degradation (decrease in fertility) and
degradation of ecosystem. - Water supply and sewage systems are very
important to maintain live and livelihood of the
population and economy. The main sources of
potable water in VRB are open water sources.
About 75 of water comes to systems from such
sources. About half of VRB population doesnt
have access to the centralized water supply
system and use River and irrigational canals as a
of source drinking water. Approximately 90 of
urban VRB population is provided with water
supply system, but in rural areas this figure
does not exceed to 45. Because of rapid
population growth uncontrolled urbanization is
everywhere. People even use agricultural lands
for settlements. This increases pressure on water
6- The organizational structure of water resources
management in Tajikistan is a very complex with
multiple structures. Water resources planning,
irrigation management are under Ministry of
Melioration and Water Resources. There are some
overlapping with the Ministry of Energy, which is
responsible for hydropower generation in the
country. There are several layers and multiple
departments with overlapping responsibility for
water resources monitoring (data collection and
analysis etc..). Water resources in Tajikistan
are regulated by its constitution and several
articles Water Code, Land Code, Civil Code, and
existing law related to natural resources, local
self-management and a number of other government
decrees. Responsibilities of the ministries and
the departments involved in planning and water
resources management show that many functions are
overlapped. Strictly centralized authority and
multiple departmental interests do not allow the
effective use of available human and
institutional resources.
7Baseline condition in the basin
(a) Geographical Characteristics
- The Vakhsh River Basin (VRB) is a large basin
with territory (31200 km2) located in the highest
part of Central Asia. The upper part of VRB is
located on the northern part of Pamir within the
Pamir- Alays ridges, the medium and lower parts
of this catchments are located in semi-arid zone
of the Southern Tajikistan. Vakhsh valley is
located in the southwest part of Tajikistan at an
altitude of 329-445 m above sea level.
8Geographical longitude and latitude of Vakhsh
River Basin
- At a source of the river Vakhsh
- 38?42I 10II northern latitude
- 70?04I 00II east longitude
- At downstream Vakhsh river outlet
- 37?02I 00II northern latitude
- 38?20I 05II east longitude
9- . In the Vakhsh valley the monthly average air
reaches 28,4 ?? -31,4??, and annual average is
15,7 ?? -16,7??. - There are about 569 mountain lakes with the total
area of 17,37 km2 in the VRB. They are located at
the height of 2800-3500 m and basically represent
small reservoirs of some square meters up to
1km2. VRB is characterized by rather high silt
and sediment load (2900 t/km2). Average value of
turbidity of the Vakhsh river exceeds 4000 g/m2 .
High values of the sediment and silt load are
explained by loose mineral rock in the water
courses and lack of vegetation cover in the VRB.
10(No Transcript)
11- The Vakhash is the main river of Republic of
Tajikistan, merging with Pyanj river it forms
Amu-Darya - the biggest river of the Central
Asia. The Vakhsh is 691km long. The Vakhash has a
basin area of 39160 km2-almost is a quarter of
Tajikistan. The Vakhsh River has 6276 tributaries
and 20 lakes covering the total area of 4 km2.
Glacier and snow are the main source of Vakhash.
More than 40 of its flow comes during July to
September from thawed glaciers. Thawing of
seasonal snows, springs and rains constitute
Vakhash flow. The mean discharge at the head
structure of the Vakhsh main canal is 2273 m3 per
second, the maximum discharge is about 4500 m3
per second, and the minimum discharge is 1420 m3
per second. March to October flow constitutes
about 87 of annual flow.
12G - WADI
13(b) Demographical features
- The basic demographic characteristics and
agricultural production in VRB are presented in
tables 3-15.
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25(c) Land Forms and Land uses
26G - WADI
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28- The main sources of drinking water in VRB are
open water sources (rivers, irrigational canals,
small reservoirs). Approximately 75 of water in
the supply systems comes from such sources. The
quantity of water consumed for industrial needs
(normative) is 13633,8 m3 / day. The amount of
water consumed for residential needs (normative)
is 119,25m3/day or 38947,9 m3/year. Waste water
production from residential area is 75,4 m3
/daily and is collected through sewage system of
Kurgan -Tube city. The water volume used for
household needs makes about 6 of the total
water supply which is about 1.2 billion m3.
Approximately the ratio is typical for VRB. The
main environmental problems for VRB are lack of
access to good quality water, soil degradation
(reduction in fertility) and ecosystems
degradation. Water quality deterioration is
connected with the absence of necessary treatment
facilities, and inappropriate and inadequate
management of water resources for rapidly growing
29(b) Environmental Characteristics
- It is observed that VRB rivers are highly
mineralized with chlorides and sulfates. VRB
rivers are polluted with minerals fertilizers and
pesticides from the irrigated land.
30G - WADI
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34- The swampy area in irrigated land of VRB covered
13,444 ha in 2003 an increment of 958 ha is
observed in comparison with 1990. Area affected
by salinization (salinity) covers 7,426 ha. - Salinity is observed in both groundwater and
irrigated areas covering 1182 ha. Presently
22,052 ha of irrigated area is not in
satisfactory condition with an increment of 261
ha from 1990. In VRB, 1,375 ha of irrigated land
was not used in 2003, which includes 328 ha
affected by salinity and water logging, 410 ha
due to water shortages and 160 ha because of soil
erosion. In 2003 168,9 thousand ha irrigated area
(85) required improvements in irrigations
systems. Drainage system was necessary for 2,736
ha, where as improvements in collectors and
drainage required for 12,011 ha of irrigated
area. It is necessary to wash out 11,618 ha of
heavily salted area. Similarly 95 ha needs
protection from flooding. The potential pasture
area in VRB is equal 24 the Tajik Pasture land
(880 thousand ha), 60 of which is located in the
mountain region. Water insufficiency is the
greatest barrier for maximum utilization of
available mountain pastures.
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37Baseline information availability
- observation networks
- One of the primary goals of the hydrometeorology
agency is to provide information on current and
expected hydro meteorological conditions and
climate changes, the level of pollution of the
natural environment, and the information on hydro
hazards in the country. - The hydrometeorological agency provides
information to various sectors and populations on
current and future conditions of the natural
environment and climate expected changes of
hydrometeorological conditions. The information
provided by agency is used for taking decisions
for the agricultural planning and crop
38The agency provides following information
- forecast and notification the hydro-hazard
(flood, avalanches, frosts, heavy rainfall) and
sharp weather changes - decadal review of the hydrometeorological
informations and publications of agrometeorogical
bulletin, hydrological bulletin, - monthly review (the review hydrometric condition
for previous month), seasonal agro-meteorological
review - seasonal cumulative precipitation (autumn-winter)
and snow reserves in mountains - information dissemination to public and private
sectors, industry and agricultural authorities - weather forecasts for 1-5 days, which are
published in daily hydrometeorological bulletin, - monthly weather forecast
- Agricultural water management and crop water
requirement forecast - agricultural production forecast etc
- Flow forecast in rivers
39G - WADI