Title: What Method Is It?
1What Method Is It?
- Jan Giffin, CPPB, VCO
- Procurement Management Account Exec.
- DGS- Division of Purchases Supply
- jan.giffin_at_dgs.virginia.gov
2- Overview
- Definitions
- Methods of procurement and determining which
method of procurement to use based on the
requirements - Review proper use of each method presented, based
on state guidelines and good purchasing practices
3Goods Definition
- Material, equipment, supplies, printing, and
automated data processing hardware and software
(Code of Virginia, 2.2-4301).
4Services Definition
- Services are any activities performed by an
independent contractor wherein the service
rendered does not consist primarily of
acquisition of equipment or materials, or the
rental of equipment, materials and supplies (Code
of Virginia, 2.2-4301).
5Buying both goods services
- When the estimated cost of materials, equipment,
or supplies amounts to fifty percent (50) or
more of the total expenditure, it is not
considered a contractual service and shall be
obtained using the procedures for the procurement
of goods.
6Buying both goods services
- The procurement process for the rental or lease
of any equipment will be handled in the same
manner as the procurement of goods.
7Responsive Bidder
- A person or firm who has submitted a bid which
conforms in all material respects to the IFB
(VPPA, 2.2-4301).
8Responsible Bidder or Offeror
- A person or firm who has the capability, in all
respects, to perform fully the contract
requirements and the moral and
business integrity and reliability which will
assure good faith performance, and who has been
prequalified, if required (VPPA, 2.2-4301).
9- Mandatory verbs
- shall
- must
- Permissive verbs
- may
- should
- will (usually used to signify what the agency
will do)
10Delegated Authority
- State Agencies have a general delegation of
- 50,000 - Goods Printing
- Unlimited Services
- Select state agencies have requested through DPS
an increase in delegation for goods and/or
printing varying from 100K to unlimited.
11Delegated Authority
- Localities and Authorities
- Are governed by the Virginia Public Procurement
Act (VPPA) - Must adopt their own small purchase procedures in
writing and are not governed by the Agency
Procurement Surplus Property Manual (APSPM)
- Section 2.2-4303 of the VPPA recognizes six
methods of procurement - Small Purchases
- Competitive Sealed Bidding
- Competitive Negotiations
- Emergency
- Sole Source
- Reverse Auction
13Determine Method
- Determine value of the contract - Consider total
of initial term all possible renewal periods. - 1 year term contract expected to be 30,000
- 4 possible renewal periods 150,000 value
14Purchases over 50,000
- Competitive Sealed Bidding
- Competitive Sealed Bidding is accomplished by
issuing an Invitation For Bids (IFB) - - Preferred Method of contracting
- Competitive Negotiation
- Competitive Negotiation is accomplished by
issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) - - Must be justified in writing
15- Competitive Sealed Bidding
- (APSPM 6)
- It is the preferred method for acquiring goods,
printing, and nonprofessional services for public
use when the estimated cost is over 50,000.
16- Competitive Sealed Bidding
- (APSPM 6)
The goods or services must be capable of being
described so that bids submitted may be evaluated
against the description in the Invitation For
Bids (IFB) and an award made to the lowest
responsive and responsible bidder.
17IFB Requirements
- Post/Advertise in eVA VBO Buyer
- Solicit 6 valid sources, incl. 4 minority or
women-owned businesses document on bidders list
(unless set-aside) - Prepare bidder solicitation list include in
file - If fewer are solicited, document file
- Be sure final solicitation meets the needs of the
requestor obtain internal approvals
18Competitive Negotiation
- A method of purchasing goods and services,
usually of a highly complex and technical nature
whereby qualified individuals or firms are
solicited by means of a Request for Proposals
(RFP). - Negotiations shall be conducted.
19- Competitive Negotiation
- (APSPM 7.1, 7.2)
- A requirement exists but definitive
specifications cannot be described - Justification for use of competitive negotiation
documented and approved by agency head or
designee - Verify adequate negotiation skills adequate
time to complete all stages of the process
20- RFP Requirements
- (APSPM 7.2, Annex 7-E)
- Justify (Goods Nonprofessional Services)
- Advertise in a newspaper of general circulation
- Post/advertise notice for a minimum of 10 days in
the VBO ads on the eVA website - Evaluation panel selected and criteria
established - Pre-proposal conference held/site visit (if
provided for in the RFP)
21IFB Format
- (APSPM 6.2)
- Any special approvals or releases needed before
beginning? (i.e., CP-15, VCE) - Written specifications and requirements
- capable of being described so that bids can be
evaluated based upon the requirements in the IFB - Include all general and appropriate special terms
conditions - Include pricing schedule or scenario
- Establish due date time
22IFB Development
- (APSPM Annex 6-D)
- Suggest following the format in APSPM (see format
in Annex 6-B) - Include requirement for licenses needed and
document contractors license number - Is work being done on state property?
- If so, be sure insurance is required
23IFB Development, continued
- If it is anticipated that a bid may exceed
available funds, include the Negotiations with
the Lowest Bidder clause in special terms
conditions--not to be used as a matter of
routine. Also, if negotiations are conducted,
the buyer must make the decision in advance in
writing. - Follow format in APSPM
24Pre-bid conference or Site Visit
- Required for complex, large (over 100,000) or
critical requirements - To emphasize and/or clarify requirements
- To eliminate ambiguities
- To permit vendor input
25Conducting Pre-bid Conferences
- Schedule 10 days from issue date posting date
- Conduct when where per the solicitation
- Attendance roster signed
- ONE person (usually from Purchasing) conducts the
conference/site visit - Arrange for key personnel to attend and introduce
them - Take notes or record
- conference
- Hold Mandatory conferences
- only when necessary
26Pre-bid Conference
- EMPHASIZE the fact that nothing said is official
until the change/clarification is issued in the
form of a written addendum - All questions do not have to be answered at the
conference - After, get questions in writing and
respondgiving all vendors the same information,
if appropriate
- Issue an addendum, if necessary, to all who
received a solicitation - If more than one addendum is issued during the
solicitation stage, date each addenda when issued
and sequentially number them - Post addenda on eVA VBO Buyer
- The due date for responses should not be less
than 10 days after the final addendum
Addenda 1
28IFB Receipt (APSPM 6.3.a)
- Receive bids until the date and time specified
- Check timing device for accuracy and be
consistent with the use of the timing device
- Use date/time stamp or clock where bids are
received - Suggest publicly closing bids announcing that,
IFB __ is now closed and no further bids shall
be received.
29IFB Opening (APSPM 6.3.a)
- Publicly open and read aloud
- name of bidder, price, discount terms if
considered in making the award, brand
names/numbers, if requested - Late bids shall not be considered (may be
returned to the bidder unopened) - The public opening of bids for construction type
contracts shall be held 24 hours after the date
and time set for submission of bids, Code of
Virginia, 2.2-4330 A (ii)
- A minor variation or variation of the bid or
proposal from the exact requirements of the IFB
or RFP, which does not affect - Price
- Quality
- Quantity
- Delivery
- for goods, services or construction being
procured (Code of Virginia, 2.2-4301)
31Determine Responsiveness (APSPM 6.3.b)
- After bid opening, each bid is evaluated to
determine if it is responsive to the IFB - Has it met all of the requirements of the
solicitation? - The responsive bids are then evaluated according
to the criteria and/or - evaluation procedure described
- in the IFB to determine which is the lowest bid
32Determine Responsibility (APSPM 6.3.c)
- The lowest responsive bidder is then evaluated to
determine if the firm is responsible - Check references, if requested
- Check insurance coverage if applicable
- Check contractors license with Board for
Contractors (804-367-2785 or www.dpor.virginia.gov
) if applicable - Evaluate financial condition (if required)
33Complete the Bid Evaluation
- The contract is awarded to the lowest RR. The
award, up to 100,000, may be made to a
reasonably priced minority or woman-owned bidder
that is other than the lowest RR. If the award
is made to other than the lowest priced bidder,
the award shall be made to the next lowest RR
minority or women-owned bidder - If the bidder is not responsive to the
solicitation, go to the next lowest bidder - If the bidder is not determined to be
34Sec. 2.2-4359
- 2.2-4359. Determination of nonresponsibility.
-- A. Following public opening and announcement
of bids received on an Invitation to Bid, the
public body shall evaluate the bids in accordance
with element 4 of the definition of Competitive
sealed bidding in 2.2-4301. At the same time,
the public body shall determine whether the
apparent low bidder is responsible. If the
public body so determines, then it may proceed
with an award in accordance with element 5 of the
definition of Competitive sealed bidding in
2.2-4301. If the public body determines that the
apparent low bidder is not responsible, it shall
proceed as follows - 1. Prior to the issuance of a written
determination of nonresponsibility, the public
body shall (i) notify the apparent low bidder in
writing of the results of the evaluation, (ii)
disclose the factual support for the
determination, and (iii) allow the apparent low
bidder an opportunity to inspect any documents
that relate to the determination, if so requested
by the bidder within five business days after
receipt of the notice. - 2. Within ten business days after receipt of the
notice, the bidder may submit rebuttal
information challenging the evaluation. The
public body shall issue its written determination
of responsibility based on all information in the
possession of the public body, including any
rebuttal information, within five business days
of the date the public body received the rebuttal
information. At the same time, the public body
shall notify, with return receipt requested, the
bidder in writing of its determination. - Etc. etc.
- See also sections B., C., D. of 2.2-4359.
35IFB Award
- A Notice of Intent to Award is posted for 10 days
if a lot of interest was shown or a protest is
expected, otherwise - Post a Notice of Award for 10 days
- Award or Intent to Award is posted on eVA VBO
by updating your initial posting of the
36IFB Award Document
- Award document may be a purchase order or
Notice of Award - Orders placed through eVA
37Post-Award (APSPM 10.2)
- Assign a contract administrator (CA) in writing.
State roles and responsibilities - Provide instructions and copy of
- successful bid and/or contract
- specifications to CA
- CA to provide monitoring of
- contract to assure both contractor
- and agency live up to obligations
38File Documentation (APSPM Annex 6-D)
- File (paper or electronic) should contain the
who, what, where, when, why, and how of the
procurement - Use a checklist
- Unsuccessful bids are kept too
- Envelopes are kept until period for protest has
elapsed. Keep date / time received (front of
envelope) - Document administration efforts
39Two-step Competitive Sealed Bidding
- Used when its impractical to initially prepare a
definitive purchase description to support an
award based on prices.
Step 1 -- IFB requesting Technical
Proposal Step 2 -- IFB requesting Price
40Combined Two-Step IFB (APSPM 6.6)
Rather than two separate steps
- Prepare an IFB that incorporates BOTH the
technical proposal and request for bid price - Bid price must be placed in a separate envelope
from the technical proposal - Evaluate technical proposal THEN open bids only
from those bidders whose proposals are acceptable
41- RFP Preparation
- Goods Nonprofessional Services
- Background
- Statement of Needs
- Preparation Submission Instructions
- Evaluation Award criteria
- Pre-proposal conference
- General Special Terms Conditions
- Method of Payment
- Pricing Schedule
- Any attachments
42- Developing the Solicitation
- (APSPM Annex 7-E)
- Provide background information needed by the
Offeror, not requirements - Use mandatory verbs sparingly in the Statement
of Needs section - Specify what the agency will provide
- Develop deliverables (if needed) showing time
frames, requirements, and to whom the delivery
should be made
43- Developing the Solicitation
- If "Best and Final Offers are expected during
negotiation, this must be stated in the RFP
(Note Use with caution it may "box you in") - For highly complex or large dollar purchases, a
pre-proposal conference (mandatory or optional)
should be conducted and noted in the RFP
mandatory or optional (required over 100,000) - date, time, and place
- policy on late admittance
44- Developing the Solicitation
- Specific proposal instructions should state
exactly what the Offeror is to submit as a
complete proposal - Select appropriate special terms and conditions
- Review insurance requirements
- Determine if licenses are required and if so,
include that as a requirement in the RFP - Develop pricing schedule
- See guidelines in APSPM, Annex 7-B
45- Developing the Solicitation
- The Evaluation Committee
- Do not include too many
- on the committee, usually
- 3 to 5 members
- (requestor/CA, expert, purchasing)
- Each member must contribute the time needed
- Each member must be committed to the project
- Purchasing takes the lead
46- Developing the Solicitation
Purchasing Departments Role-
- May or may not evaluate proposals
- Distributes proposals, conducts the
- meetings, schedules presentations
- Organizes, oversees, and documents the process
(and the file) - Ethics - may have evaluators affirm that they
have no interest in the procurement action
47- Developing the Solicitation
- The Evaluation Criteria
- Based upon the specific proposal instructions --
what is to be submitted in the Offerors proposal
- Criteria should not be more than 5 or so
- Criteria weights should total 100
- Do not "over" or "under" value any 1 criterion
- Price should always be an evaluation criteria
- Weights must be listed in RFP or publicly posted
before receipt of proposal
48Conducting Pre-proposal Conferences
- Schedule 10 days from issue date posting date
- Conduct when where per the solicitation
- Attendance roster signed
- ONE person (usually from Purchasing) conducts the
conference/site visit - Arrange for key personnel to attend and introduce
them - Take notes or record
- conference
- Hold Mandatory conferences
- only when necessary
49Issue the RFP
- Solicit 6 valid sources, incl. a min. of 4
minority or women-owned businesses, if
available. If fewer solicited, document. (Unless
set-aside) - Pre-proposal conference/site visit
- (if provided for in the RFP)
- Addenda issued, if needed
- Respond to questions same as in the IFB
50- Receipt of Proposals
- (APSPM Annex 7-E)
- Receive RFPs until the date and time specified
- Be consistent with the timing device used to
signify the time of closing - Time-stamp as received
- Record who proposals were received from
51- Late Proposals
- (APSPM 3.1.e)
- Late proposals or those received from vendors who
did not attend a mandatory pre-proposal
conference are returned, unopened
52- Opening Proposals
- (APSPM 7.3)
- Responses may be opened recorded privately
after closing date - Unless provided for in the RFP, there is no
public "opening" - If held, only the names of the Offerors are read
53- Receipt Evaluation
- (APSPM 7.3)
- Check to see that all information required in the
specific proposal instructions has been received -
- If some information is
- missing, the buyer may
- request prompt submission
- of any missing information
54Evaluation of Responses
- What is to be submitted in the Offerors proposal
is based upon what was requested in the specific
proposal instructions. - Suggestion Copy paste the section in the RFP
on specific proposal instructions as the basis
for the evaluation score sheet.
55- Responses to RFPs are generally NOT declared
nonresponsive. With few exceptions, all
responses should be evaluated - Those missing information after the request to
remedy the deficiency should receive a lower score
56- Evaluation Committee Review
- (APSPM Annex 7-E)
- Distribute proposals evaluation instructions
- Emphasize security of information
- Members review each proposal individually list
areas of apparent noncompliance and/or areas
needing clarification - These lists are evaluated by the committee as a
group to determine if clarification is needed
from the Offeror
57- Oral presentation
- (APSPM Annex 7-E)
- If needed, the buyer schedules oral
presentations (phone or in person) - Negotiation is NOT conducted at this time
- Upon initial evaluation by members, or after the
the oral presentation if held, the committee
meets as a group to discuss proposals.
58- Responsibility Issues
- References provided are checked
- Inspections are made
- Licenses are verified
- The financial manager may review and evaluate
financial data submitted even if not part of the
rest of the evaluation committee
59- Assign Points
- (APSPM Annex 7-B)
- Points are assigned in accordance with the
evaluation criteria in the RFP - The Buyer may assign the points for pricing
(equation in APSPM, Annex 7-B) - Recommended methodology for assigning points is
found in the APSPM, Annex 7-E
60- The committee prepares one consensus evaluation
sheet showing - names of the committee members
- names of all Offerors (including those that were
removed from further consideration) - evaluation criteria point values for each
- the consensus score assigned for each proposal by
the evaluation committee
61Selection of Offerors for Negotiation
Determine Negotiation Range
- For goods or nonprofessional services Decide
which two or more Offerors to negotiate with
based upon the scoring of the proposals.
For professional services Decide which Offeror
with whom to negotiate.
62Only ONE Suitable Offeror? (APSPM
Annex 7.3.c)
- If it is determined in writing that one Offeror
is clearly more highly qualified and suitable
than the others under consideration, a contract
may be negotiated and awarded to that Offeror
(This is rare)
63- Negotiation Planning
- (APSPM Annex 7-E)
- Lead negotiator is selected (usually the buyer
or other representative from Purchasing) - Negotiating strategy is planned. Establish
maximums and minimums - Identify each point to be negotiated
- The goal is a WIN-WIN contract
- Schedule negotiation sessions with
- Offerors selected
- May be teleconference, face-to-face is best
- On own turf, if possible
- May schedule back-to-back sessions with competing
offerors - May provide agenda before meeting (or not)
- Each person present must know their role
- No disagreement between members
- Remember the proposal is an offera starting
pointofferors expect negotiation
65- Completing the Negotiations
- Obtain in writing, confirmation of any changes to
the proposal that were agreed to during
negotiations (this will be a part of the file) - If provisions for Best and Final Offers (BAFO)
were included in the RFP, they are submitted - Conduct pre-award surveys, as necessary
- Verify any information that is in question
- Obtain performance payment bonds, if required
- Review APSPM, Annex 7-C for tips/guidelines
- Verify insurance requirements, if requested
66- After negotiations have been completed with each
of the selected offerors, the Commonwealth
selects the offeror which, in its opinion, has
made the best proposal however, if the contract
is up to 100,000, the contract may be awarded to
a reasonably ranked minority or woman-owned
offeror that is other than the highest ranking
67RFP Award
- A Notice of Intent to Award is posted for 10 days
if a lot of interest was shown or a protest is
expected, otherwise - Post a Notice of Award for 10 days
- Award or Intent to Award is posted on eVA VBO
by updating your initial posting of the
68Developing the Contract (APSPM Annex 7-E)
- Prepare a two-party contract that incorporates
the RFP and the Offeror's proposal, as negotiated - Include milestones, such as progress
reports/deliverables, for payment schedule - Assign contract administrator in writing to be
responsible for contract monitoring and oversight - Place order through eVA
69- Post Award Activities
- (APSPM Annex 7-E)
- Obtain performance payment bonds, if required
- Post "Notice of Intent to Award", if a protest
is anticipated, otherwise, Post a Notice of Award
for 10 days - Verify insurance requirements, if requested in
RFP - Administer contract
- Competitive Sealed Bidding
- Preferred Method
- Capable of describing items for evaluation based
on price - Award to lowest responsive responsible bidder
- Competitive Negotiation
- Use of competitive negotiation must be justified
and approved - Pricing is component of evaluation criteria
- Must negotiate with two or more Offerors unless.
- Can negotiate many times with different Offerors