Title: A GeographyAware Community Wireless Testbed
1A Geography-Aware Community Wireless Testbed
RPI, Troy, NY
- Bow-Nan Cheng, Max Klein
- Shivkumar Kalyanaraman
- Email shivkuma_at_ecse.rpi.edu
shiv rpi
Funding NSF-ITR 0313095, Intel
- Wireless Ad-hoc Mesh Networks Challenges
- Physical Layer A street-level network
- Network Layer Addressing Framework and
Auto-configuration - Microcosm Test Bed Lab
- Future Work
3Community Wireless Whats New?
- Lots of work in ad-hoc networks coming to
fruition - Startup companies in the mesh networks space
- Tropic networks, Mesh networks etc
- Whats different in CWNs? Why a testbed?
- Unmanaged, but operational network
- Ad-hoc, but operational
- Fixed (I.e. not mobile)
- Medium scale
- Supports organic growth and evolution
- Supports legacy internet traffic
4Community Wireless Networks Challenges ? Why a
- Auto-configuration and auto-management
- Only lightweight governance allowed
- Beyond addressing routing, naming, other
protocols - Higher quality than ad-hoc networks to support
legacy applications (links, end-to-end transport) - Capacity maximization (c.f. Gupta/Kumar results)
gt routing choices, traffic engineering - Cheap, simple, standards-based components.
- New community apps (eg p2p video, games).
- Several nitty-gritty issues leading to new
protocol design challenges best researched in a
5Broadband exists. Why CWN?
- Ans Multiplicity.
- Cable modem and DSL and CWN and
- Commodity gt cheap to get multiple access
Phone modem
WiFi (802.11b)
6Physical Layer Street-level vs Rooftop
- Leverage directionality and quasi-LOS
- of streets gt better quality links
- Omni-directional vs.
- Directional Antennas
7Antennas Pringles cans disappoint
- Cheap
- But low gain
- 6.01425 dBi
8COTS Directional Antennas
2.4 GHz 12 dBi Radome Enclosed Yagi Superior
performance Light weight All weather operation
45 beam-width Can be installed for either
vertical or horizontal Polarization. Includes
tilt and swivel mast mount
9Network Layer Addressing
- Goals
- IP-based architecture
- Support for geographic routing
- Why? Medium-scale, Organic Growth,
Location-services - Support for local traffic engineering
- Why? Dirn antennas, capacity maximization.
- Support for distributed auto-configuration
- Proposed Addressing Framework
- Geographic Distributed Addressing (GDA)
10Geographic Distributed Addressing (GDA)
Idea Hash GPS -gt IP address
11(No Transcript)
12Why GPS-to-IP?
- GPS-to-IP gt
- Medium-scale, Server-less auto-configuration,
- With routable addresses
- IP address has dual semantics geographic and
topological - Long-range geographic routing/TE
- Short-range (k-hop) topological RF-aware QoS
routing - using the same IP/geographic address
- Location information also leveraged to
auto-configure other L2/L3 protocols - Eg cluster/area boundaries for routing, support
location-based CWN services
13Future Geographic Source Routing
Gives us ability to pick randomly from a large
number of physical routes
Source Routing i.e. flex, large header
Greedy Routing i.e. no header or state, but no
Trajectory-Based Routing
14Deployment Plan
- Microcosm lab internal prototyping, tests
- Logistics for long-term deployment around RPI
campus (eg dealing with landlords etc) - RPI-CIO providing access points at borders of
campus to help connect the CWN to RPIs internal
15Microcosm Test Lab
Variable attenuators, and directional antennas
allow flexibility in testing
We also intend to use public facilities like
Utahs Emulab Wireless
16Testbed Hardware contd
17Testbed Software
- Fixed Nodes
- RedHat Linux Kernel 2.4.20-30.9
- Click Modular Router CVS March 5
- Autoconfigured Nodes
- Redhat Linux 9 2.4.20/21 Kernel
- Click Modular Router CVS March 5
- HostAP 0.2 Driver Utilities for
- Firmware flashing
- GPSD 1.10
- DHCP Server preconfigured NAT
- w/ iptables ipmasq
- Customized GSP Autoconf Scripts
- Webserver SSH in the future
- Intel Stargate/east platform will be considered
as well
18Future Work
- GeoNet Framework to verify intersection between
Geography and Topological routing - K-hop RF Awareness, QoS routing
- Distributed Geographic Traffic Engineering
- Test Bed Improvements
- GPS Simulation
- Lab Reflectivity
- Transport and application-layer activities kicked
off - Key survival quality under heavy erasure
conditions. - Collaboration ongoing with Intel and ATT
19Vision 1 Multipath P2P Video/Data Over CWNs
Traffic engineering Transport level upgrades
20Vision 2 free-space-optical CWN
Ongoing NSF-STI project
Student Heroes Bow-Nan Cheng
chengb_at_rpi.edu Max Klein maxklein_at_stanford.edu
shiv rpi