HTML Form Creation in the Vignette - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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HTML Form Creation in the Vignette


... the name field. ... Subject field) It needs to be fpSubject in order for Vignette ... visitors fill in a required field, use JavaScript to validate the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: HTML Form Creation in the Vignette

  • HTML Form Creation in the Vignette
  • Content Management Application

Add a piece of content in the CMA
  • Click on the link Add Content on the Left Nav
    bar, under the Content Entry category.
  • The Category Group page will display.
  • Select the second level category where the
    content will be associated.
  • Click Continue
  • Displays the Add New Content Item page.
  • Select a Primary Category, (Example
  • Enter the Title
  • Verify Release Date and Release Hour are correct
    and are set to when the content is to go live on
    the web site.

Add a piece of content (continued)
  • Select FORM (HTML-FORM) for the Content type.
  • Fill in the Description (Short Text). This is

Fill in the Body with your form
  • Add the HTML FORM code to the Body.
  • Copy and paste the HTML FORM code into the body
    of the content.
  • At the top of the form, add html and any
    information about the form.
  • lt!-- Start form to e-mail code --gt
  • lt!--Your Information about this form here--gt
  • ltbgtThis is a sample form. lt/bgtlt/brgt
  • lt!--Do not alter this code. It is required by
    Vignette to post the form--gt
  • ltform method'post'gt
  • lt!-- REQUIRED Form tag, NO Action attribute, NO
    enctype attribute. Method attribute set to post
  • ltinput type'hidden' name'fpFormType'
  • lt!-- REQUIRED MailOut or ListServ --gtnbsp

Steps to creating the HTML FORM
  • Enter the From (fpMailFromAddr) address, using
    the senders address.
  • Use of default address may be appropriate for
    senders address
  • lt!-- Step one Insert 'From' address--gt
  • ltinput type'hidden' name'fpMailFromAddr'
    value''gt lt!-- REQUIRED
    If MailOut set to fake email address using the domain. --gt
  • Note Do not change the name field. It needs to
    be fpMailFromAddr in order for Vignette to
    recognize it as the From address.
  • Enter the To (fpMailToAddr) address, using
    address of all recipient(s) where the email will
    be sent.
  • lt!-- Step two Insert 'To' address--gt
  • ltinput type'hidden' name'fpMailToAddr'
    value''gt lt!-- REQUIRED
    Set to the desired recipient of the form
    information. --gt
  • Note Do not change the name field. It needs to
    be fpMailToAddr in order for Vignette to
    recognize it as the MailTo address.

Steps to creating the HTML FORM
  • Enter the Subject (fpSubject) line.
  • lt!-- Step three Insert 'Subject'--gt
  • ltinput type'hidden' name'fpSubject'
    valueSample Request Form gt lt!-- Optional
    Subject for the email. --gt
  • Note Do not change the name field (unless you
    are going to use one of the form fields to for
    the Subject field) It needs to be fpSubject in
    order for Vignette to recognize it as the
  • Enter the Response (fpReturnMsg) message. It is
    used to communicate message back to the person
    who will submit the form on web site.
  • lt!-- Step four Insert 'Response message'--gt
  • ltinput type'hidden' name'fpReturnMsg'
    value'Form has been sent successfully!'gt lt!--
    Optional Message to be displayed on the screen
    after submission.--gt
  • Although optional, it is highly recommend that
    the visitor knows the form was submitted.
  • An alternative is the creation of a response page
    the visitor would be sent when they submitted the
    form. Place the URL of the response page in the
    action of the form.
  • Example ltform method'post' name'TestForm'

Steps to creating the HTML FORM
  • Insert the fields on the form for the user to
  • If you create the fields in a web editor, DO NOT
    insert the additional ltformgtlt/formgt tags with
    the fields that you added. They have already
    been included in the code that you copied and
    pasted into the body of the form.
  • lt!-- Step five Insert Your Additional Form
    Fields Here --gt
  • lt!--Any additional fields will be passed in the
    message body sent to the recipient.
  • They will be in the format Fieldname1 Value1
    Fieldname2 Value2 ... --gt 
  • lttable border"1" width"296" cellspacing"0"
    cellpadding"0" height"121"gt
  • lttrgt
  • lttd width"280" colspan"2" height"19"gt
  • Your Form fields
  • lt/tdgt
  • lt/trgt
  • lt/tablegt
  • ltbrgtnbsp
  • Fields will be returned in random order unless
    you take care in naming them. To have the fields
    returned to in your
  • desired order
  • Start all the field names with f_name, such as
    f01_lastname, f02_firstname, f03_street,
    f04_city, etc. The field beginning with f01_
    will be the first field in the returned e-mail,
    f02_ the second and so on.
  • Continue the numbering sequence for all the
    fields in the order in which you want them to
    appear in the e-mail. The f_ will be removed
    prior to sending the e-mail message back to you.

Adding Form Validation
  • To ensure that visitors fill in a required field,
    use JavaScript to validate the form.
  • Insert this JavaScript code in the body field
    above the html of the form.
  • Example - Email field is required
  • Below is the JavaScript required. It contains a
    function called verify ltSCRIPT
    LANGUAGE"JavaScript"gtfunction verify() var
    themessage "Please complete the following
    fields "if (document.TestForm.f01_UserName.valu
    e"") themessage themessage " - First
    Name"if (document.TestForm.f02_UserID.value"
    ") themessage themessage " - Last Name"
  • if (document.TestForm.f03_Email.value"")
  • themessage themessage " - Email Address"
  • //alert if fields are empty and cancel form
  • if (themessage "Please complete the following
    fields ")
  • document.TestForm.submit()
  • else
  • alert(themessage)
  • return false
  • lt/SCRIPTgt

Adding Form Validation
  • Edit/add any fields that you want validate by
    changing the document.TestForm.f01_UserName.value
    statements. In the example, the TestForm is the
    name of the form and f01_UserName is the name of
    the field that will be validated. Change the
    message for this statement.
  • Next, add an onSubmit event to the opening ltformgt
    tag that will call the function when the form is
  • ltform method'post' name'TestForm'
    onSubmit"return verify()gt
  • If any of the fields to be validated are empty
    when the form is submitted, then a message box
    will pop-up to let the visitor know that they
    need fill in the required fields before the form
    can be submitted.

  • Listserv Signup Form Code
  • Adds email addresses to Listserv.
  • Instructions and code are in the Creating a Html
    Form in the CMA document on the e-Michigan
  • Simple Voting Poll
  • This is a simple form that allows visitors to
    take a Yes or No poll that can then be calculated
    with GroupWise based upon the visitors response.
  • Instructions and sample code for the Simple
    Voting Poll on the e-Michigan website.
  • http//
  • Email a Post Card (Coming Soon)
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