Title: Public Health Information Network PHIN Series II
1Public Health Information Network (PHIN) Series
- Outbreak Investigation Methods
- From Mystery to Mastery
2(No Transcript)
3Series II Sessions
4Access Series Files Online http//www.vdh.virgini
- Session slides
- Session activities (when applicable)
- Session evaluation forms
- Speaker biographies
5Site Sign-in Sheet
- Please submit your site sign-in sheet and
- session evaluation forms to
- Suzi Silverstein
- Director, Education and Training
- Emergency Preparedness Response Programs
- FAX (804) 225 - 3888
6Series IISession I
7Session Overview
- Introduction to surveillance
- Steps of an outbreak investigation
- Foodborne disease surveillance
- Case study investigated by Epi Team
professionals - a. Epidemiologists
- b. Public Health Laboratory specialists
- c. Environmental Health specialists
8Todays Presenters
- Amy Nelson, PhD, MPH
- Consultant, NCCPHP
- Ron Holdway
- Environmental Health Director,
- Orange County Health Department, NC
- Sarah Pfau, MPH
- Moderator
9Recognizing an OutbreakLearning Objectives
- Identify multiple types of foodborne illness
surveillance systems - Recognize uses of surveillance data
- Identify steps of an outbreak investigation
10Recognizing an OutbreakLearning Objectives
- Develop and use a case definition
- Apply the process of case finding in an outbreak
- Generate a leading hypothesis
12What is Public Health Surveillance?
- The ongoing, systematic collection, analysis,
- and interpretation of health-related data
- essential to the planning, implementation, and
- evaluation of public health practice, closely
- integrated with the timely dissemination of these
- data to those responsible for prevention and
- control
- - CDC
13- Surveillance drives the cycle of public health
Epidemiologic investigation
Prevention measures
Applied Targeted Research
14Purpose of Surveillance
- Assess public health status
- Define public health priorities
- Evaluate programs
- Stimulate research
15Surveillance Priority Areas
- Frequency
- Severity
- Cost
- Preventability
- Communicability
- Public interest
16Surveillance Applications
- Estimate the magnitude of the problem
- Determine the geographic distribution of illness
- Portray the natural history of a disease
- Detect epidemics / define a problem
- Generate hypotheses, stimulate research
- Evaluate control measures
- Monitor changes in infectious agents
- Detect changes in health practice
- Facilitate planning
17VA Reportable Diseases
18Estimate the Magnitude of the ProblemFoodborne
disease cases reported in 2003 in VA
Based on 2000 U.S. Census data, per 10,000
19Determine the Geographic Distribution of Illness
20Portray the Natural History of a Disease
21Detect Epidemics / Define a Problem
- Identify baseline for disease
- Compare increase with baseline
- Eyeball, experience
- CUSUM statistical methods
- Emerging Infect Dis. 1997 3(3) 395-400
22Underreporting in Surveillance
- Surveillance data may represent the tip of the
iceberg - True burden of disease depends on several factors
- Clinical symptoms
- Medical care seeking behavior
- Diagnosis
- Reporting
23Types of Surveillance
- Active vs. passive
- Clinician vs. laboratory
24Outbreak Surveillance Sources
- Laboratory-confirmed reports of notifiable
diseases - Clinician reports of notifiable disease
- Concerned parent/citizen reports to health
department - Media
25Archived VA PHIN SessionSurveillance
- http//www.vdh.virginia.gov/EPR/Training.asp
- Introduction to Public Health Surveillance
- Federal Public Health Surveillance
- Techniques for Review and Analysis of
Surveillance Data
26Outbreak Investigation
27Why Investigate?
- Increase detected through surveillance
- Characterize the problem
- Prevention and control
- Research and answer scientific questions
- Train epidemiologists
- Political / legal concerns
28CDC Guidelines for Systematic Investigations
- Verify diagnosis
- Confirm epidemic
- Identify and count cases (define)
- Tabulate and orient data time, place, person
- Take immediate control measures
29CDC Guidelines for Systematic Investigations
- Initiate surveillance
- Formulate and test hypothesis
- Refine hypothesis
- Plan additional studies
- Implement and evaluate control measures
- Communicate findings
30Exceptions to the Rule
- CDC guidelines provide a model for systematic
outbreak investigations. - No two outbreaks are alike!
- Steps of an outbreak could
- occur in a different order
- occur simultaneously
- be repeated after new information is discovered
31Question and AnswerOpportunity
325 minute break
33Case Study
- The case study that will be used in todays
session is based on an outbreak that occurred in
Austin, Texas in 1998.
34Case Study
- Today we will review parts of the case study
that illustrate how to - Develop and use a case definition
- Apply the process of case finding in detecting an
outbreak - Verify the diagnosis and
- Follow methods for generating a hypothesis.
35Case Study
36Disease Surveillance
- On the morning of March 11,1998, the
- Texas Department of Health (TDH) received
- a telephone call from a male student at a
- nearby university
37Disease Surveillance
- Student and his roommate were suffering from
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea - Both had become ill during the night
- The roommate had taken medication
- Neither student sought medical care
- Both students believed a local pizzeria the
previous night was responsible - Students asked if they should go to class/take
midterm exam that afternoon
38Disease Surveillance Case Report
- What questions would you ask the student?
- WHO other ill persons age, sex, symptoms, and
whether they sought care - WHAT physical condition, symptoms, medication,
and medical care sought - WHEN when did the affected become ill
- WHERE city/school, address, telephone number of
ill persons - WHY/HOW suspected cause of illness, risk
factors, modes of transmission, hints from those
who did not become ill
39Case ReportWho / Where
40Case ReportWhat
41Case ReportWhen / How
- Student refused to provide food history beyond
foods - eaten at local pizzeria
- He and his roommate shared no other meals in
the last 72 - hours
- They ate separately at the University cafeteria
42Activity 110 minutes
- Draft Case Report
- Interview Questions
43Activity 1 Possible Questions
- WHO How old are you?
- WHAT What symptoms do you have?
- WHEN What was the first day you began feeling
these symptoms? - WHERE Besides your home, please name each place
that you spend time on a regular basis (such as
work, school, or another establishment) - WHY / HOW Lets go through all of the foods and
beverages that you have eaten recently, starting
with yesterday. What did you have to eat or
drink for breakfast yesterday morning?
44Disease Surveillance Advice to the Caller
- What do you advise the student about attending
classes that day? - Refer to personal clinician or student health
center for evaluation - If asymptomatic, can return to normal activities
- Food handler?
- Work with high risk populations?
45Disease SurveillanceWhat next?
- File the report and stop?
- Investigate further?
46Deciding to Investigate
- Ideally, all reports of possible food borne
outbreaks should be investigated to - Prevent other persons from becoming ill
- Identify potentially problematic food handling
practices - Add to the knowledge of food borne diseases
47Maybe you should...
- If a severe (life-threatening) illness
- If there are confirmed clusters/large numbers of
a similar illness - If food borne illness is in a food-handler
- If association with a commercially distributed
48Deciding Not to Investigate
- Cant investigate everything
- Often must choose the highest priority
- Outside pressure to investigate (media,
49Maybe you shouldnt...
- If signs/symptoms or confirmed diagnoses among
the affected suggest they might not have the same
illness - If ill persons are not able to provide adequate
information for investigation, including date and
time of onset of illness, symptoms, or a complete
food history
50Maybe you shouldnt...
- If confirmed diagnosis and/or clinical symptoms
are not consistent with the foods eaten and the
onset of illness - If there are repeated complaints made by the same
individual(s) for which prior investigations
revealed no significant findings
51Case Study
52Case Definition
- To verify the existence of an outbreak, you must
establish that a higher number of cases than
expected is occurring.
53Case Definition
- A standard set of criteria for deciding whether
an individual should be classified as having the
disease of interest, including - Clinical criteria (signs, symptoms, and
laboratory tests) - Restrictions on person, place, and time
54Case Definition
- The case definition can be modified as more data
are obtained - Do not include the hypothesis being tested in the
case definition
55TX Case StudyCase Definition
- Initial Case Definition
- University student with diarrhea and vomiting
in the previous 24 hours
56Activity 2
- Develop a Case Definition
57Activity 2 Case Definition
- Cases are adults living in Jonesville, USA,
diagnosed with laboratory confirmed E. coli
0157H7 at the end of October, or having symptoms
(abdominal cramping, bloody diarrhea) compatible
with this diagnosis at this time without
laboratory confirmation.
58Case Finding Using the Case Definition
- Look for more cases (student health center,
hospitals, clinicians, dorm rooms) to determine
the extent of the potential outbreak
59Case Finding
- The pizzeria where the student and roommate had
eaten was closed until 1100 A.M. - There was no answer at the University Student
Health Center (left a message on the answering
60Case Finding
- A call to the emergency room at a local hospital
revealed that 23 university students had been
seen for acute gastroenteritis in the last 24
hours - In contrast, only three patients had been seen at
the emergency room for similar symptoms from
March 5-9, none of whom were associated with the
61Case Finding
- At 1030 A.M., a student health center physician
returned the call and reported that 20 students
with vomiting and diarrhea had been seen the
previous day (no stool specimens were collected) - The physician reported that 1-2 students per week
typically would have been seen for these symptoms
62Outbreak Detection Is This an Outbreak?
- Definition of an outbreak
- The occurrence of more cases of a disease than
expected for a particular place and time - Expected of cases 5 per week
- Actual of cases 40 per day
- Outbreak detected?
- Yes!
63Prospective Case Finding
- TDH staff asked local health care providers to
report cases of vomiting or diarrhea seen since
March 5 at the - University Student Health Center
- Hospital A emergency room
- Emergency departments at six other hospitals
located in the general vicinity - Health care providers were asked to collect stool
specimens from any new cases
64Case FindingDescriptive Epidemiology
- Afternoon of March 11, TDH staff visited the
emergency room at Hospital A and reviewed medical
records of patients seen for vomiting and/or
diarrhea since March 5 - Symptoms among 23 university students seen
included - Oral temperatures ranged from 98.8/F (37.1/C) to
102.4/F (39.1/C) - Complete blood counts showed an increase in white
blood cells (n10)
65Symptom Profile
66Case Study
67Verify the Diagnosis Microbiology
- What broad categories of diseases might be
causing the outbreak? - Enteric viruses
- Bacteria
- Parasites
- Toxins
- Stool specimens had been submitted for routine
bacterial pathogens, but no results were
68Verify the Diagnosis Microbiology
- A TDH staff person was designated to help the
facilities identify and report cases - Bacterial cultures from patients seen in the
emergency rooms were performed at the collecting
hospital and confirmed at the TDH Laboratory - Specimens collected by the Student Health Center
were cultured at the TDH Laboratory
69Verify the Diagnosis Potential Enteric Agents
70Verify the Diagnosis Find Plausible Agents
- Evaluate
- Predominant signs and symptoms
- Incubation period
- Duration of symptoms
- Suspected food
- Laboratory testing of stool, blood, or vomitus
71Verify the Diagnosis Find Plausible Agents
- Pathogen identification will help identify the
potential incubation period - Crucial to know the incubation period for
hypothesis generation - Dont need to wait for laboratory diagnosis to
72Epidemiological Profiling
Epidemiol Infect. 2001127381-7
73Epidemiological Profiling
- Case Study chart review results (N23)
- Vomiting 90
- Fever 67
- Vomiting / Fever 1.34
- Median duration 39 hours
74Epidemiological Profiling
- Kaplan criteria for Norovirus outbreak
- Incubation period 24 to 48 hrs
- Duration of illness 12 to 60 hrs
- Vomiting gt50 of cases
- Modified to include vomiting/fever gt 1.0
- Negative for other pathogens
75Epidemiological Profiling
76Pathogen IdentificationResource
- CDCs Foodborne Outbreak Response and
Surveillance Unit - Guide to Confirming the Diagnosis in Foodborne
Diseases - http//www.cdc.gov/foodborneoutbreaks/guide_fd.htm
77Pathogen Identification
- Norwalk Virus
- Group of related,
- SS RNA non-
- enveloped viruses
- Cause acute gastro-
- enteritis in humans
- The estimated total cases of Norovirus infection
is 23,000,000 in the U.S. per year. - Approximately 40 of Norovirus infections are
food borne. - Noroviruses are responsible for 67 of the total
food borne infections, 32 of the
hospitalizations and 7 of the deaths.
80Clinical Presentation
- Incubation period is usually 24-48 hours
- Acute onset vomiting
- Watery, non-bloody diarrhea with abdominal cramps
- Nausea
- Low-grade fever may occur
81Clinical Presentation (Cont)
- Dehydration is the most common complication,
especially among the young and the elderly - Symptoms usually last between 24 to 60 hours
- Recovery is usually complete and there is no
evidence of long term complications - Asymptomatic infection may occur in as many as
30 of the infected
82Treatment and Management
- No specific therapy exists for viral
gastroenteritis - Standard symptomatic therapy consists of
replacing fluid losses and correcting electrolyte
imbalances through oral and intravenous fluid
83Virus Transmission
- Noroviruses are transmitted primarily through the
fecal-oral route via fecally contaminated food or
water or by direct person-to-person spread - Fomite contamination may also act as a source of
infection - Aerosolization of vomitus may spread the virus
but not through the respiratory system
84Virus Transmission (Cont)
- Noroviruses are highly contagious an inoculum
of as few as 10 viral particles may be sufficient - Shedding usually begins with the onset of
symptoms (although there may be some pre-symptom
shedding) and may continue for two weeks after
85Specimen Collection
- Human Identification can best be made from stool
specimens taken within 48-72 hours after the
onset of symptoms. Vomitus and serum may also be
collected and tested - Environmental Food and water samples can be
collected and tested. Water samples should be
filtered to increase the concentration of virus
present - Not part of the routine lab culture work-up for
86Forensic Specimens
- Public health specimens as evidence in criminal
investigations - Samples taken as part of a legitimate
investigation of an outbreak or other public
health situation may be used in a criminal
investigation - Chain of custody form documenting dates and
person / entities having the evidence (specimen)
in their custody (i.e. for collection or
- Prevention is based on
- The provision of safe food and water
- Correct handling of cold foods
- Frequent hand washing
- Paid sick leave
88Case Study
- Back to Verifying the Diagnosis. . .
89Verify the Diagnosis Culture Results
- Later in the afternoon of March 11th, culture
- results from 17 ill students became available
90Verify the Diagnosis Culture Results
- Results were primarily from the emergency room at
Hospital A on March 10 - Results did not identify Salmonella, Shigella,
Campylobacter, Vibrio, Listeria, Yersinia,
Escherichia coli O157H7, Bacillus cereus, or
Staphylococcus aureus - Some specimens were positive for fecal leukocytes
and fecal occult blood
91Microbiology DiagnosisInterpretation of Results
- What do these results mean, and what
- questions do they raise?
92Microbiology DiagnosisInterpretation of Results
- Potential reasons for negative results
- Mishandling of specimen resulting in death of the
pathogen (during storage, transport, processing,
or culture) - Specimens collected too late in the illness
- Illness could be due to a bacteria not tested
for, or due to a non-bacterial agent
93Case Study
94Hypothesis Generation
- Day 2 (March 12)
- 75 persons with vomiting or diarrhea reported
- All were university students who lived on campus
- No cases among faculty or staff, or locals
- Median patient age 19 years (range 18-22)
- 69 were freshman
- 62 were female
95Hypothesis GenerationLine Listing
- This line listing has been sorted on the Age
data field.
96Hypothesis GenerationEpidemic Curve
Viral incubation Average 24-48 hours
Range 1 7 days
97Hypothesis GenerationMeet with University
- Negotiate cooperation with the university
officials - Inform, update, plan, and coordinate
98Hypothesis GenerationMeet with University
- Collect information that might provide insights
into the source of the outbreak, including - Characteristics of the student body
- Sources of food/water, dining establishments
- Possible contact with animals through classes
- Student living arrangements
99Hypothesis Generation Information Collected
- The university is located in a small Texas town
with a population of 27,354 - Enrollment of approximately 12,000 students
- 2,386 students live on campus
- 36 residential halls on the 200 acre main campus
- Most enrolled in on-campus meal plan
- About 75 of the students are Texas residents
100Hypothesis GenerationInformation Collected
- The university uses municipal water and sewage
services - There have been no breaks or work on water or
sewage lines in the past year - There has been no recent road work or digging
around campus
101Hypothesis GenerationInformation Collected
- Main cafeteria
- Used by most on campus students
- Serves hot entrees, as well as items from the
grill, deli bar, and a salad bar
102Hypothesis GenerationInformation Collected
- Smaller cafeteria
- Used by students who live off campus and
university staff - Also serves hot entrees, grilled foods, and a
salad bar, but has no deli bar - Offers menu selections with a per item cost
- Accessible to meal plan members
103Hypothesis GenerationInformation Collected
- Both cafeterias under same management
- Also about half a dozen fast food places on
104Hypothesis GenerationInformation Collected
- Spring break begins on March 13, at which time
all dining services will cease until March 23 - Many students will leave town during the break,
but about 25 of those living on campus will
105Hypothesis GenerationCase Interviews
- Hypothesis generating interviews were done with
seven of the earliest case-patients reported by
the ER and student health center
106Hypothesis Generation Case Interviews
- All 7 cases had onset of illness on March 10
- Four were male and three were female
- All but one was a freshman
- Two students were psychology majors one each was
majoring in English and animal husbandry. Three
students were undecided
107Hypothesis Generation Case Interviews
- Except for the psychology majors, none of the
other students shared any classes - Only one student had a roommate with a similar
illness - Lived in five different residential halls
108Hypothesis Generation Case Interviews
- Five students belonged to a sorority or a
fraternity - Three students had attended an all school mixer
on March 6, the Friday before the outbreak began
109Hypothesis Generation Case Interviews
- Two students went to an all night science fiction
film festival at one of the dorms on March 7 - Students reported attendance at no other special
events most had been studying for midterm exams
for most of the weekend
110Hypothesis Generation Case Interviews
- Seven day food history
- All reported eating most of their meals at the
universitys main cafeteria - All but one student had eaten food from the deli
bar - Two had eaten food from the salad bar
- Three from the grill
- Only one had eaten food from the pizzeria
- No particular food item that was common to all or
most of the students
111Hypothesis Generation
112Hypothesis Generation
- What are your leading hypotheses for the cause of
the outbreak? - Consider
- Pathogen
- Mode of transmission
- Source of outbreak
- Time period of interest (incubation)
113Hypothesis Generation1. Pathogen
- Signs and symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, fever,
bloody stools, fecal leucocytes, and fecal occult
blood) consistent with acute gastrointestinal
infection - Negative bacterial cultures suggest a viral or
parasitic pathogen - Symptoms more consistent with virus
114Hypothesis Generation1. Pathogen
Epi Curve suggests a point source outbreak and
short exposure period More consistent with a
virus than parasite
115Hypothesis Generation 2. Mode of Transmission
- Illness is limited to students living on campus
- Lack of illness in community, faculty, suggests
city or university water systems not affected
116Hypothesis Generation 2. Mode of Transmission
- Not spread person-to-person
- Cases did not cluster by dorm or classes
- All 7 students ate at university main cafeteria
and deli bar - Not used by off-campus students or faculty
117Hypothesis Generation 3. Source
- No common food items identified among 7 students
- Viral agents are commonly transmitted through
- Sandwiches
- Salads
- Raw / undercooked shellfish
118Hypothesis Generation 4. Period of Interest
- Viral gastroenteritis
- Incubation ranges lt1day to 7 days
- Majority of onset
- March 10 12
- Likely exposure period
- March 5 10
- (lt1 to 7 days before case onset)
119Hypothesis Generation
- Leading Hypothesis
- Viral infection spread by a food or beverage
served at the university main cafeteria between
March 5 and March 10
120Activity 3
- Generate a Leading Hypothesis
121Activity 3 Leading Hypothesis
- Option B is correct
- Exposure to E. coli O157H7 occurred through
juice served at the local gym in late October.
122What Next?
- Have you proven your hypothesis?
- No!
- Information suggests, but does not prove, that
the cause of the outbreak was in the main
cafeteria - Can control measures be taken?
- Not yet
123What Next?
- Next Steps
- Environmental investigation
- Conduct a controlled study
124Case Study
- Back to the Texas case study environmental
investigation. . .
125Environmental InvestigationConduct Interviews
- TDH environmental sanitarians inspected the main
cafeteria and interviewed staff on March 12 - Except for one employee who worked at the deli
bar and declined to be interviewed, all dining
service personnel were interviewed
126Environmental InvestigationFood Handler
- Topics to cover
- Food items served during the implicated time
period - Illness among staff or their family members
during the time period - Hygienic practices and hand washing facilities
- Stool specimens from food handlers
127Environmental InvestigationFood Handler
- Topics to cover
- Watch/reconstruct food preparation/ handling
practices performed during the time period - Which staff were responsible for what during the
time period - Recipes for food items served, ingredients and
their sources
128Environmental Investigation Food Handler
Interview Results
- Thirty-one staff members were employed at the
cafeteria - 24 (77) were food handlers
- No food handlers interviewed reported being ill
in the last two weeks - Stool cultures were requested from all cafeteria
129Environmental InvestigationFood Handling
Practices Observed
- In the cafeteria, the deli bar had its own
preparation area and refrigerator - Sandwiches were made to order by a food handler
- Newly prepared deli meats, cheeses, and
condiments were added to partially depleted deli
bar items from the day before (without discarding
leftover food items) - While the deli was open, sandwich ingredients
were not kept refrigerated. The deli bar
containers were not routinely cleaned
130Environmental Investigation Sampling
- Samples of leftover food, water, and ice were
131Environmental InvestigationEvidence-Based
- By dinner on March 12, the City Health
- Department closed the deli bar
132Environmental InvestigationPoints to Consider
- Do you agree with the decision to close the deli
bar? - Circumstantial evidence only
- Many unsafe practices identified
- What do you think the next step should be?
133Todays Conclusions
- We detected an outbreak of viral gastroenteritis
- We developed a leading hypothesis with the main
campus cafeteria as the suspect
134Question and AnswerOpportunity
1355 minute break
136Environmental Investigation
- Ron Holdway
- Environmental Health Director Orange County
Health Department, North Carolina
CAROLINA January 2004
139The UNC Outbreak
- Background
- Questions and Issues
- Environmental Investigation and Control Measures
- Final Analysis / Results
140The UNC Outbreak
141The UNC OutbreakBackground
- Call from UNC Student Health on January 21st AM
- A few cases (4-6) presented on 1-20
- Many more (50-60) presented on 1-21
- OCHD Epi Team convened at UNC SHS office
142The UNC OutbreakBackground
- Epi Team Work on 1-21
- Understanding of situation (easier said than
done!) - Met with UNC SHS and EHS representatives
- Met with food service representatives
- Consulted with State epi representatives
- Alert/query to private providers in the community
- Outbreak (epidemic) or not? (YES!)
- Limited to UNC universe? (Yes)
- Case definition
143The UNC OutbreakBackground
- Epi Team Work on 1-21 (cont.)
- Possible agents and transmission modes
- Questionnaire development testing
- Administer questionnaire (began that night around
8pm after testing) - Implemented general control measures
- Interviews with press representatives
- Some food samples
- At least one vomitus sample
144The UNC OutbreakBackground
- Case Definition
- A UNC student with an acute episode of nausea,
vomiting and/or diarrhea with onset on or after
6PM on 1-20-04 -
145The UNC OutbreakBackground
- Possible Agents
- Based on signs, symptoms and those that occur
first or predominate - vomiting was occurring
first and appeared to be predominating in this
outbreak - Sudden or gradual increase in cases?
146The UNC OutbreakBackground
- Possible Agents (cont.)
- Among those considered for this outbreak
- Bacillus cereus toxin
- Staphylococcal aureus toxin
- Norovirus
- Metal or other elemental poisoning
- Fish and shellfish toxins
147The UNC Outbreak
148The UNC OutbreakQuestions and Issues
- Point source or not?
- Contained to UNC?
- Intentional?
- Questionnaire and study
- Snow storm during event
149The UNC OutbreakQuestions and Issues
- Point Source or Not?
- Time, place, person associations
- Epi curve(s) - we reviewed the numbers of cases
at least daily - Surveillance and disease presence in the general
population - ED
- Private providers
- PHRST Team
150The UNC OutbreakQuestions and Issues
- Intentional?
- Dont discount until investigation and analyses
are complete - Even then . . . there is the case from The
Dalles, Oregon - Many agents arent conducive to intentional
releases - Considered but discounted for this outbreak
151The UNC OutbreakQuestionnaire and Study
- Case-control study
- Obtain well interviews from sick contacts (room
mates, suite mates, etc.) - Initial software was spreadsheet, but was changed
to Epi Info -
152The UNC OutbreakQuestionnaire and Study
- Food histories (at least 48 hours prior) -
on-campus and off - Contacts
- Other environmental exposures
- Vomitus
- Dorms
- Travel
- Swimming pools
153The UNC OutbreakQuestionnaire and Study
- Obstacles, Problems and Lessons Learned
- Vast array of foods at UNC dining halls
- Study was designed to get controls from contacts
of sick - this approach was flawed - Data from multiple inputs stations could not be
merged by OCHD - problem finally solved by Drew
Voetsch -
154The UNC Outbreak
- Environmental Investigation and Control Measures
- (Those used or considered)
155The UNC OutbreakEnvironmental Investigation and
Control Measures
- Dorm sweeps
- Interviews
- SHS waived after hours fees
- UNC installed waterless hand sanitizer
- stations in the dining halls
- Cleaning supplies were made available in the
dorms through the RAs
156The UNC OutbreakEnvironmental Investigation and
Control Measures
- Communications
- Student emails and web postings
- Hand wash posters and signs
- UNC, State Epi and County officials
- Advisories to housekeeping staff
- Press
157The UNC OutbreakEnvironmental Investigation and
Control Measures
- Environmental investigations / interventions
- Water line work on campus in the last two weeks?
- Chemical transportation in the last week?
- Increased fomite cleaning
- Vomitus control
- Once food and locations was suspected (1-22),
close the facility or not? -
158The UNC OutbreakEnvironmental Investigation and
Control Measures
- Sampling through two labs (SLPH and UNC SPH)
- Food (facility keeps samples for one week)
- Stool
- Vomitus
- Review of food operations and procedures
- Assessment of connection to other concurrent
outbreaks in the region -
159The UNC OutbreakEnvironmental Investigation and
Control Measures
- Once food and location were suspected (1-22),
close the facility or not? - On-going outbreak? (No)
- Extensive problems discovered during operational
review? (No) -
160The UNC Outbreak
- Investigation Analysis / Results
161The UNC OutbreakAnalysis / Results
- Duration - Jan. 20th thru Feb. 13th
- Total Cases - Suspected and Confirmed - ?425
Persons - Agent was norovirus
- Statistically linked to the salad bar at one
dining hall - Could not link to a specific food item
162The UNC OutbreakAnalysis / Results
- Primary outbreak was point-source
- Many secondary cases - person-to-person and
environmental exposure -
163The UNC Outbreak
SOURCE Drew Voetsch, UNC-CH
164The UNC Outbreak
165Stay Tuned for The Next Two Sessions. . .
- In July we will
- Discuss risk communication methods and strategies
to use during outbreak investigations - In August we will
- Develop a study design to test the Texas case
study leading hypothesis - Determine what evidence we need to act on the
leading hypothesis
166Next Session July 7th100 p.m. 300 p.m.
167Access Series Files Online http//www.vdh.virginia
- Session slides
- Session activities (when applicable)
- Session evaluation forms
- Speaker biographies
168Site Sign-in Sheet
- Please submit your site sign-in sheet and
- session evaluation forms to
- Suzi Silverstein
- Director, Education and Training
- Emergency Preparedness Response Programs
- FAX (804) 225 - 3888
169References and Resources
- FOCUS Workgroup. An Overview of Outbreak
Investigations. FOCUS on Field Epidemiology
(1)1. http//www.sph.unc.edu/nccphp/focus/issueli
st.htm - FOCUS Workgroup. Anatomy and Physiology of an
Outbreak Investigation Team. FOCUS on Field
Epidemiology (1)2. http//www.sph.unc.edu/nccphp/
focus/issuelist.htm -
- Hall, J.A., et al. Epidemiologic profiling
evaluating foodborne outbreaks for which no
pathogen was isolated by routine laboratory
testing United States, 1982-9. Epidemiol Infect.
170References and Resources
- Nelson, A. Embarking on an Outbreak
Investigation. FOCUS on Field Epidemiology (1)3.
- The North Carolina Center for Public Health
Preparedness. Outbreak Investigation Training
website http//www.sph.unc.edu/nccphp/training/al
l_trainings/at_outbreak.htm - Torok, M. Case Finding and Line Listing A Guide
for Investigators FOCUS on Field Epidemiology
(1)4. http//www.sph.unc.edu/nccphp/focus/issueli