Title: Radiocarbon Dating of Groundwater
1Radiocarbon Dating of Groundwater
- Elisabetta Boaretto
- Radiocarbon Dating and Cosmogenic Isotopes
Laboratory - Kimmel Center for Archaeological Sciences,
- Weizmann Institute of Science
- and
- Dept of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology
- Bar Ilan University
2low isotopic concentration 10-12-10-16 long
3Our Idea
Surface collected raw material high 10Be
Blade from Qesem Cave
low 10Be Deep quarried raw material
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712.4 26 kyr BP marine data corals, foraminifera
0 -12.4 kyr BP Tree-Ring data set
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- Activity is expressed in Pmc percent modern
carbon - Age is calculated with the Decay Law
- Precision of 0.5-0.3 40-25 years
- Range 50,000 year (LSC 60,000 year)
- Isotopic fractionation between 12C, 13C and 14C
d13C - (13C/12C)sample-(13C/12C)sta
ndard - d13C -----------------------------------
---- x1000 -
10How does carbon and radiocarbon get in the
CO2(gas)root --- aq
100 pmc d13C -25
0 pmc d13C 0
11Different water environments
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13Several alive specimen were measured with the
water were they lived
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15How does carbon and radiocarbon get in the
CO2(gas)root --- aq
100 pmc d13C -25
14C in groundwater - Relative ages between
aquifers - Aquifer-flow velocities - Study of
mixed system - Establishment of flow modes which
are related to environmental problems connected
with recent pollution
0 pmc d13C 0
16Hvinningdal Aquifer - Raised plain 80 m asl -
800 mm/y precipitation - gt200 mm/y ca. recharge
- Matrix Tertiary quartz sand covered with
quaternary meltwater sand/gravel - Low carbonate,
some tertiary lignite and reworked black org
material - pH ca. 6 - T 8-10 ºC - O2 12 mg/l
saturation value - Some wells have
nitrate -Tritium (15-62 TU) is present in almost
all the wells indicating post-bomb groundwater
1718 wells analyzed. Tritium 15-62 TU post-bomb
1818 wells analyzed. Tritium 15-62 TU post-bomb
Matrix carbonate is negligible
Strong disagreement with the T data
n. 3.1 ?
Boaretto et al., Radiocarbon 1998
19Oxygen as possible candidate for organic material
T ºC O2 mg/l 7 11.8 8
11.5 9 11.2
20n. 3.1, DOC ca. 3 mg/l
DOC ca. 0.3 mg/l
21high O2 high 14C
Low O2 low 14C
22Acorr diss Am(-25)/d13Cm
23F (44/32) (12-O2)/SCO2
Acorr dissOx Am(-25)/(d13Cm25 F)
Fluctuation in gw table
- Most of the sample Acorr is above or close to 100
pmc ---- agreement with Tritium - Extremely low value 32 pmc is due probably to
fresh exposure of organic material to atmosphere - Nitrate contribution to oxidation of organic
matter - Age not more than few hundreds year
0 TU
25Radiocarbon Dating in Water Environments
Very important for -control and use of
hydrological resources -chronologies
Variables are several modeling is necessary