Title: Image Mining Intricacies and Innovations
1Image Mining Intricacies and Innovations
SUNDARAM R M D M.Tech Computer Vision Image
Processing REcognition And Learning Lab Amrita
School of Engineering
- Introduction
- 5-min Recap
- Problem Definition CBIR
- Need for CBIR
- Flow of work
- Feature Extraction A brief view
- Promising directions and open issues
- Performance Evaluation
- Conclusion
45-min Recap
- Why is Image Information Retrieval more
important? - A Picture is worth thousand words
- Alternative form of communication
- Not everything can be described in text
- Popular medium of information on the Internet
- Well known search engines like Google fails to
retrieve images based on their contents.
55-min Recap
65-min Recap
75-min Recap
8Problem Definition
- Given a query image, with single / multiple
object present in it mission of this work is to
retrieve similar kind of images from the database
based on the features extracted from the query
image. - - Content based Image Retrieval (CBIR)
9Need for CBIR
- Early work on image retrieval can be tracked back
to the late 1970s. Techniques used were not
generally based on visual features but on the
textual annotation of the images. - Through text descriptions, images can be
organized by topical or semantical hierarchies to
facilitate easy navigation and browsing based on
standard Boolean queries. - But automatically generating texts for a wide
spectrum of images is not feasible. Also,
annotating images manually is a cumbersome and
expensive task for large image databases, and is
often subjective, context-sensitive and
incomplete. - Hence it is widely recognized that a more
efficient and intuitive way to represent and
index visual information is needed. This gave
birth to a new concept called CBIR.
10Applications of CBIR
- Crime prevention Automatic face recognition
systems, used by police forces. - Security Check Finger print or retina scanning
for access privileges. - Medical Diagnosis Using CBIR in a medical
database of medical images to aid diagnosis by
identifying similar past cases. - Intellectual Property Trademark image
registration, where a new candidate mark is
compared with existing marks to ensure no risk of
confusing property ownership.
11Flow of Work
12Feature Extraction 1
Extract Features (Primitives)
Similarity Measure
Matched Results
Query Image
Image Database
Relevance Feedback Algorithm
Features Database
13Feature Extraction 2 -- Color
- Color is the most extensively used visual content
for image retrieval. - Its three-dimensional values make its
discrimination potentiality superior to the
single dimensional gray values of images. - The Various parameters that can be extracted from
color information are as follows - 1) Color Moments
- 2) Color Histogram
14Feature Extraction 3 -- Color
- Color is the most extensively used visual
content for image retrieval - Finding the Color moments
- 1) µi (1/N) S fij Mean
- 2) si (1/N) S (fij - µi )2 ½ Variance
- 3) Si (1/N) S (fij - µi )3 1/3 Skew
ness - Where fij is the value of the ith color
component of the image pixel j, and N is the
number of pixels in the image. -
- Through Color Histogram
- Since any pixel in the image can be described by
three components in a certain color space, a
histogram, i.e., the distribution of the number
of pixels for each quantized bin, can be defined
for each component. Clearly, the more bins a
color histogram contains, the more discrimination
power it has.
15Feature Extraction 4 -- Color
16Why Fuzzy Color Histogram(FCH)?
- Existing Algorithm
- Given a color space containing n color bins, the
color histogram of image containing N pixels
is represented as, H(I) h1, h2, h3, .hn
where hi Ni / N is the probability of a pixel
in the image belonging to the ith color bin, and
Ni is the total number of pixels in the ith color
bin. - Fuzzy Color Histogram
- Instead of using the normal probability values,
we consider each of the N pixels in the image I
being related to all the n color bins via Fuzzy
set membership functions such that the degree of
belongingness or association of the jth pixel to
the ith color bin is determined by distributing
the membership value of the jth pixel,µij to the
ith color bin.
17Feature Extraction 5 -- Color
Context Sensitivity
18Feature Extraction 6 -- Texture
- Texture is another important property of images.
Basically, texture representation methods can be
classified into two categories structural and
statistical. - Structural methods, including
morphological operator and adjacency graph,
describe texture by identifying structural
primitives and their placement rules. They tend
to be most effective when applied to textures
that are very regular. - Statistical methods include, for example,
in areas with smooth texture, the range of values
in the neighborhood around a pixel will be a
small value in areas of rough texture, the range
will be larger. Similarly, calculating the
standard deviation of pixels in a neighborhood
can indicate the degree of variability of pixel
values in that region. -
19Feature Extraction 7 -- Texture
Grey level co-occurrence matrix
20Feature Extraction 8 -- Texture
- Tamura Features Three main features including
Coarseness, contrast and directionality are
extracted. - Coarseness is the measure of granularity of an
image, or average size of regions that have the
same intensity. - Contrast is the measure of brightness of the
texture pattern. Therefore, the bigger the blocks
that makes up the image, the higher the contrast. - Directionality is the measure of directions of
the gray values within the image.
21Why Tamura Features ? 1
- Following are the features calculated from the
normalized co-occurrence matrix P(i,j)
22Why Tamura Features ? 2
- An image will contain textures at several scales
coarseness aims to identify the largest size at
which a texture exists, even where a smaller
micro texture exists. - Here we first take averages at every point over
neighborhoods, the linear size of which are
powers of 2. The average over the neighborhood of
size 2k 2k at the point (x,y) is -
23Why Tamura Features ? 3
- Then at each point one takes differences between
pairs of averages corresponding to
non-overlapping neighborhoods on opposite sides
of the point in both horizontal vertical
orientations. In the horizontal case this is - At each point, one then picks the best size which
gives the highest output value, where k maximizes
E in either direction. The Coarseness measure is
then the average of Sopt (x,y) 2kopt over the
24Why Tamura Features ? 4
- Contrast aims to capture the dynamic range of
gray levels in an image, together with the
polarization of the distribution of black and
white. - Here µ4 is the fourth moment about the mean and
s2 is the variance. - Directionality is a global property over a
region. Detect the edges in an image. At each
pixel the angle and magnitude are calculated. A
histogram of edge probabilities is then built up
by counting all points with magnitudes greater
than a threshold and quantizing by the edge
angle. The histogram will reflect the degree of
25Feature Extraction 9 -- Texture
26Feature Extraction 10 -- Shape
- Compared with Color and Texture features, shape
features are usually described after images have
been segmented into regions or objects. - Since robust and accurate image
segmentation is difficult to achieve, the use of
shape features for image retrieval has been
limited to special applications where objects or
regions are readily available. - The state-of-art methods for shape
description can be categorized into either
boundary-based polygonal approximation, finite
element models and Fourier-based shape
descriptors or region-based methods (statistical
moments.) - A good shape representation feature for
an object should be invariant to translation,
rotation and scaling. Phase Congruency is one
such feature.
27Feature Extraction 11 -- Shape
- Algorithm phase_congruency
- Input
- Amplitude An(x)
- Phase angle ?n(x)
- Weighted mean phase angle ??(x)
- Weights for frequency spread w(x)
- To avoid division by zero, add a small ?
- Compute
- PC1 (x) ?E (x)? / ?n An(x)
- Where?E (x)? ?n An (cos (?(x) - ??(x))
- To produce more localized response,
- PC1 (x) w (x)?E (x) -T? / ?n An(x) ?
- Compute distance measurement between query image
and image in the database. - Output
- Retrieve similar images.
28Similarity / Distance Measure
- Instead of exact matching, content-based image
retrieval calculates visual similarities between
a query image and images in a database.
Accordingly, the retrieval result is not a single
image but a list of images ranked by their
similarities with the query image. - If each dimension of image feature vector is
independent of each other and is of equal
importance, the Minkowski-form distance is
appropriate for calculating the distance between
two images. This distance is defined as - D( i, j ) S fi (I) - fi (J) p 1/p
29Highlights and Novelty in the work
- Using Rodriguez formula to normalize the images
before taking the color Histogram. - Analysis of Statistical methods, including
Fourier power spectra, co-occurrence matrices,
Tamura feature, and multi-resolution filtering
techniques such as Gabor and wavelet transform,
for characterizing texture. - Phase Congruency measurement for Shape
30Promising Directions and Open Issues
- Relevance feedback is proposed as a technique for
overcoming many of the problems faced by fully
automatic systems by allowing the user to
interact with the computer to improve retrieval
performance. - More interestingly, the semantic gap is need to
be bridged. Semantic gap here refers to the
large disparity between the low-level features or
content descriptors that can be computed
automatically by current machines and algorithms,
and the richness and subjectivity of semantics in
user queries and high-level human interpretations
of audiovisual media
31Performance Evaluation
- The proposed technique is tested on two types of
data sets, first one consisting of different
animals and the second dataset consisting of
birds, flowers and buildings. - The retrieval accuracy is found to be 96.4 and
92.2 for a database size of 55 each.
32Database (Partial Set)
33Results 1
34Results 2 -- Color
35Results 3 Color Texture
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THANK YOU sundaram.rmd_at_gmail.com