Title: Chapter 21: Accounting for Leases
1Chapter 21 Accounting for Leases
Intermediate Accounting, 11th ed. Kieso,
Weygandt, and Warfield
2Chapter 21 Accounting for Leases
After studying this chapter, you should be able
- Menjelaskan Sifat, substansi ekonomi, dan
keunggulan transaksi lease. - Menjelaskan kriteria akuntansi dan prosedur utk
mengkapitalisasi lease oleh lessee. - Membedakan metode operasi dan kapitalisasi dalam
pencatatan lease. - Mengidentifikasi klasifikasi lease untuk lessor.
3Chapter 21 Accounting for Leases
- Menjelaskan akuntansi lessor untuk lease
pembiayaan langsung. - Mengidentifikasi fitur khusus dari kesepakatan
lease yg menyebabkan masalah akuntansi yg unik. - Menjelaskan dampak dari nilai residu, yg dijamin
dan tdk dijamin, terhadap akuntansi lease. - Menjelaskan akuntansi lessor utk lease jenis
penjualan. - Menjelaskan persyaratan pengungkapan untuk lease.
4Leasing Basics
- The lease is a contractual agreement between the
lessor and the lessee. - The lease gives the lessee the right to use
specific property. - Durasi jgk waktu lease dpt bervariasi dari
periode waktu yg pendek hingga seluruh umur
manfaat dari aktiva ybs. - Kewajiban utk pjk, asuransi, dan biaya
pemeliharaan dpt dibebankan baik pada lessor
maupun lessee.
5Advantages of Leasing
- Pembiayaan 100 dengan suku bunga tetap.
- Proteksi terhadap keusangan.
- Fleksibilitas.
- Pembiayaan lebih murah.
- Masalah pajak minimum alternatif (Alternative
Minimum Tax Problems) - Pembiayaan diluar neraca (Off- Balance- Sheet
6Conceptual Nature of a Lease
- According to the FASB
- Jangan Mengkapitalisasi Setiap aktiva yang di
lease. - Mengkapitalisasi Lease Serupa dengan pembelian
cicilan. - Mengkapitalisasi semua Lease jangka panjang.
- Mengkapitalisasi Lease perusahaan dimana penalty
atas pelanggaran perjanjian berjumlah substansial.
7Accounting by Lessee
- Kriteria Kapitalisasi untuk Lessee
- Lease mentransfer kepemilikan properti kepada
lessee. - Lessee memiliki opsi utk membeli dg harga khusus
(bargain purchase options) - Jangka waktu lease sama dg atau lebih 75 dari
estimasi umur ekonomis aktiva yang dilease. - Nilai sekarang dari pembayaran lease minimum (tdk
termasuk bi executory) sama dg atau melebihi 90
dari nilai wajar property yg di lease.
8Accounting by Lessee
Lease Agreement
Capital Lease
Operating Lease
9The Bargain Purchase Option
- A bargain purchase option
- Mengizinkan lessee utk membeli properti yang
dilease. - Pada harga yg secara signifikan lebih rendah
dibandingkan dg nilai wajar properti yg
diharapkan pd tgl opsi tsb. Digunakan. - Pada awal lease, perbedaan antara hrg opsi dg
nilai pasar wajar yg diharapkan hrs cukup besar
shg realisasi dari opsi bisa dipastikan scr layak.
10The Recovery of Investment Test (90 Test)
- Dlm menetukan nilai sekarang dr pembayaran lease
minimum, ada tiga konsep yg hrs dipertimbangkan - Pembayaran lease minimum (pembyrn sewa min, ni
residu yg dijamin, penalti atas kegagalan
memperbaharui atau memperpanjang lease, opsi utk
membeli dg hrg khusus). - Executory costs (insurance, taxes, and
maintenance), and - Discount rate (Lessee menghitung PV dr pembyrn
lease min dg menggunakan suku bunga pinjaman
inkremental lessee).
11Minimum Lease Payments
- The minimum lease payments include
- Pembyrn Sewa Min pembyrn yg hrs dilakukan oleh
lessee kpd lessor berdsrkan kesepakatan lease. - Nilai Residu yg dijamin
- a. Jml tertentu dmn lessor memiliki hak
utk meminta lessee membeli aktiva - b. Jml yg dijanjikan oleh penjamin lessee
utk diperoleh lessor. - 4) Penalti atas kegagalan memperbaharui atau
memperpanjang lease. - 5) bargain purchase option given to lessee
12Discount Rate
- The lessee computes the present value of the
lease payments using the lessees incremental
borrowing rate. - Jika lessee mengetahui bhw lessors implicit
interest rate dan suku bunga implisit lebih
rendah dr lessees incremental rate, then such
implicit rate must be used. - The lessors implicit rate produces the following
result - present value of (minimum lease payments and
unguaranteed residual value) fair value of the
asset to lessor
13Accounting for Asset and Liability by Lessee
- In a capital lease transaction, the lessee
records an asset and a liability. - The asset is depreciated by the lessee over the
economic life of the asset. - The effective interest method is used to allocate
the rental payments between principal (pokok) and
interest. - Penyusutan aktiva dan pengurangan kewajiban
adalah dua proses akuntansi yg independen selama
jgk waktu lease.
14Classification of Leases Lessor
- Lessor classifies leases as one of the
following - Operating lease
- Direct financing lease
- Sales-type lease
15Accounting by Lessor Classification of Leases
- To be classified as an operating lease
- The lease doesnt meet any group 1 criteria (same
as lessees), OR - Collectibility of payments isnt reasonably
assured, OR - Lessors performance isnt substantially
16Accounting by Lessor Classification of Leases
- To be classified as a direct financing lease the
lease must meet group 1 criteria (same as
lessees), and the following, group 2 criteria - Collectibility of payments must be reasonably
assured, and - Lessors performance must be substantially
complete, and - Assets fair value must be equal to lessors book
17Lessors Criteria for Lease Classification
Lease Agreement
Operating Lease
Direct financing
18Operating Lease Lessor
- The lessor depreciates the leased asset according
to its depreciation policy. - Maintenance costs of the leased asset (payable by
lessor) are charged to expense. - Costs, such as finders fees and credit checks,
are amortized over the lease term. - The leased equipment and accumulated depreciation
are shown as Equipment Leased to Others.
19Direct Financing Lessor
- The following information is needed by lessor to
record a direct financing lease - Gross investment (lease payments receivable),
consisting of - the minimum lease payments and any unguaranteed
residual value at the end of lease term - Unearned interest revenue (difference between
gross investment and the FMV of the property) - Net investment (gross investment less unearned
interest revenue)
20Direct-Financing Lease
21Special Accounting Problems
- Residual values
- Sales-type leases (lessor)
- Bargain purchase options
- Initial direct costs
- Current versus noncurrent
- Disclosure
22Residual Values
- Residual value is the estimated fair value of
asset at the end of lease term - May either be guaranteed or unguaranteed
- From lessors perspective once the lease rate is
determined, it makes no difference whether the
residual value is guaranteed or unguaranteed. - From lessees perspective
- Guaranteed residual affects minimum lease payment
calculation - Unguaranteed residual does not
23Sales-Type Lease
24Initial Direct Costs
- Two types
- Incremental directs costs paid to third parties
at origination of lease - Internal direct costs paid by lessor at
origination of lease.
25Disclosure Requirements Lessee
- For the lessee, the requirements for capital
leases are - gross amount of assets
- future minimum lease payments
- total non-cancelable minimum sublease rentals
- total contingent rentals
- identify assets separately
- general description of lessees arrangements
26Disclosure Requirements Lessor
- For the lessor, the requirements for
sales-type and direct-financing leases are - components of net investment
- future minimum lease payments
- amount of unearned revenue included in revenue
- total contingent rentals
- general description of lessors leasing
arrangements -
27Disclosure Requirements Lessor
- For the lessor, the requirements for operating
leases - cost and carrying amount
- minimum future rentals
- total contingent rentals
- general description of lessors leasing
arrangements -