Title: An Introduction to Complexity in Social Science
1An Introduction to Complexity in Social Science
Bernard PAVARD IRIT-CNRS Univ. P. Sabatier
2The COSI Network
- Goal
- Understanding and modelling socio-cognitive
processes in the context of real organisational
systems. - Aims
- To increase awareness of the use of complexity
theory in social science. - To promote the new culture of pluri-disciplinary
research applied to concrete industrial problems - To initiate an emergent European research
movement in the domain of the simulation of
social science. - Main themes of the project
- Complexity
- Socio-organisational systems
- Modelling Simulation
3The European COSI Team
- ARAMIIHS-GRIC Laboratory, Toulouse, France.
- Kings College, UK
- University of LIEGE Bruxelles, Belgium
- University of Birmingham (was De Montfort
University), UK - University of SIENA, Italy
- National Technical University of Athens NTUA,
Greece - University of Granada, Spain
- University of Lisbon, Potugal
- Insitituto Technologico Y De Estudios Superiores
de Monterrey, Mexico - Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The non-European COSI Team
4Partners have been chosen for their expertise in
different theoretical or methodological domains
COSI Network
- Nat. Technical Univ of Athens (N. Marmaras)
- Cognitive ergonomics
- Univ. of Granada (J. J. Merelo)
- Computer modelling simulation
- Univ. of Lisbon (H. Coelho)
- Agent modelling
- Inst. Tec. Mexico (R. Zorola)
- Cognitive simulation modelling
- Univ. of Rio de Janeiro (M. Vidal)
- Ergonomics
- Cognitive engineering complexity modelling
- Kings College, London (C. Heath)
- Ethnomethodology
- Univ. Liege Bruxelles (F. Decortis P.
Nardone) - Cognitive psychology ergonomics
- Complexity modelling implementation
- Univ. of Birmingham (J. Rowe)
- Complex adaptive systems
- Univ. of Siena (A. Rizzo)
- Cultural psychology distributed cognition
5COSI Work Tasks
- WT0. Management of the partner network.
- Development of Web site, General administration.
Responsibility ARAMIIHS GRIC - WT1. Assimilation of Complexity Paradigm
- Assessment of different approaches to complexity.
- Aided by simple examples, tutorials etc. on web
site written papers. - Contributors ALL Partners. Responsibility
Birmingham - WT2. Identification of specific work situations
Field Studies - Use industrial contacts
- Contributors Liege, Kings, Athens, Aramiihs,
Sienna, Brazil. Responsibilty Liege - WT3. Model Development
- Translate data from field studies into models for
simulation. - Contributors ALL (need close collaboration
between Alife S.Science teams) Responsibilty
Spain - WT4. Simulation for Calibration Experimentation
- Use data from field studies for validation.
- Contributors All Responsibilty Athens
- WT5. Assessment of Complexity Approach in
Designing Organisational Systems - Output Symposium
- Contributors Aramiihs-GRIC, Liege, Sienna,
Athens. Responsibilty Siena
61. Definition of Complexity
- A complex system is a system for which it is
difficult, if not impossible to restrict its
description to a limited number of parameters or
characterising variables without losing its
essential global functional properties.
7Complicated vs Complex system
- A car is a complicated system
- Making a good omelet is complex
- A jumbo is a complicated system
- The stock exchange is a complex system
- But three planets interacting altogether is a
complex system
8Few examples of complexity in social science
9Complexity and reliabilityin ATC
- The paradox of reliability in complex work
settings - Control in cooperative work settings
10The Air Traffic Control Desk
11How ordinary errors are opportunistically
handled by controlers?
- Cr MON 598 Â Turn left 120Â
- Co  Its amazing but when I turn left, I do not
behave like that - Co forget to update the flight strip
- Co forget to move back the LTU130
- Co-référence error
- Co  à lAF, tu ne lui a pas donné 15 degrés?
- Cr Non
- Cr LTU 130 vous pouvez reprendre votre route
sur AngersÂ
12The context is always changing and difficult to
handle analytically
From P. Salembier  Cognition(s) Située
distribuée, socialement partagée, etc, etc.Â
13Artefacts may drastically influence socio
cognitive mechanisms
14Complex systems are open (no  operational
closure )
- It is often supposed that a system is supposed to
change only inside its own frontier (this is the
definition of operational closure) - The frontier between a complex system and the
environment is not always easy to identify - Frontiers depend of the observer, actors and
15The limits of the classical (analytical) approach
- Over simplification
- Complexity of the real world cannot be
represented in terms of a limited set of rules - Interaction with the environment is too limited
- History of the system not enough taken into
16Approaches in social sciences to escape the
drawbacks of analytical approaches
- Theory of internal external representations
(Zhang Norman, 1994) - Ethnomethodology conversational analysis
(Garfinkel, Sacks, Schegloff and Jefferson, Heath
Luff, 1994) - Distributed situated cognition (Suchman, 1990
Hutchins, 1995) - Complexity theory
- Chaos theory (H. Poincaré)
- Distributed and self organised systems
- Dynamic of cognition
- Action theory (Pierce, Theureau, 1992)
- Autonomy, autopoiese (Varéla, 1989)
- Activity theory (Léontiev, Vygotsky, Kuutti,
Engeström) - ²
17Some Properties of Complex Systems
- Property One
- Non-determinism and non-tractability. A
complex system is fundamentally
non-deterministic non-tractable. - Property Two
- Limited functional decomposability.
- Property Three
- Distributed nature of information and
representation. - Property Four
- Emergence and Self-organisation.
18Property OneNon-determinism non tractability
A complex system is usually non-deterministic
- In this example, the Medic (Med) is telephoning
an external agent (C). - Due to the proximity relationship between the
medic and all other agents, the conversation is
opportunistically listened to by the agent O who
then sends an ambulance (because she inferred the
case discussed by the medic was urgent)
19Property TwoLimited functional decomposibility
- Plasticity in the division of Labour in Social
Insects - Different activities are often performed
simultaneously by specialised individuals, but
the division is rarely rigid. - Workers switch tasks to adjust to changing
conditions maintaining the colonys variability
and reproductive success. - Factors which cause the change in role are due to
internal colony perturbations or external
challenges, e.g food availability, predation,
climate change.
External Influences (e.g. food availability,
predation, climatic change, etc.)
20Interaction between an operator and its
environment are sometimes complex and cannot
support functional decomposability
In this example, the agent in white (a doctor) is
dynamically controlling the emitting power of the
radio loudspeaker in order to selectively
broadcast information to other people in the room.
21Property ThreeDistributed nature of information
and representation
- A system is said to be distributed when its
resources are physically or virtually distributed
on various sites. - i. Repartition
- ii. Redundancy
- iii. Robustness
22Different meanings of distributed systems
- Physically distributed resources
- Distributed cognition (over artefacts, agents)
- Ubiquitous distribution of information (neural
networks) which bring robustness
23Property FourEmergence and Self-organisation
- Emergence is the process of deriving some new and
coherent structures, patterns and properties in a
complex system. - Emergent phenomena occur due to the pattern of
interactions between the elements of the system
over time. - Emergent phenomena are observable at a
macro-level, even though they are generated by
micro-level elements. - Explore emergence with this interactive essay
from MIT http//llk.media.mit.edu/projects/emergen
242. History of Complex Systems
- Henri Poincaré showed a new conceptual
difficulty how a completely causal system could
have indeterminate behaviour (1889) - Non-linear systems chaos
- Game of life (Gardner - 1970)
- Neural networks (1974)
- Distributed self-organised systems
252.1 Henri Poincaré (1854-1912)
- Is the solar system stable forever?
- The 3-Body Problem (1889)
- Others Lorentz (1917), Hénon (1931), May
(1936), Feigenbaum (1945), Wisdom (1970) - The N-Body Problem
- http//members.fortunecity.com/kokhuitan/nbody.ht
ml - Chaos and Henri Poincaré
- http//zebu.uoregon.edu/js/21st_century_science/
readings/Parker_Chap3.html - Try the 3 body problem
- http//astro.u-strasbg.fr/koppen/body/ThreeBodyH
262.2 Non-linear systems and chaos
- Non-linearity any system
- in which input is not
- proportional to output
27How to represent interaction between populations?
(In Turbulent Mirror)
28Phase space Limit cycles Attractors
(In Turbulent Mirror)
29The way to chaos
30The notion of bifurcation
31From stable to strange attractor
32Stability as a period of calm during chaos
- Chaos theory attempts to explain the fact that
complex and unpredictable results can and will
occur in systems that are sensitive to their
initial conditions. A small change in the initial
conditions can drastically change the long-term
behaviour of a system - The dynamics of the system cannot be replicated
- Stability can be seen as a window of calm
between periods of chaos - Deterministic systems can have chaotic,
unpredictable behaviour
- NL chaos theory has been an historical step
- It allows us to break the dominance of the
analytical paradigm - It forces us to analyze systems in terms of
structural stability instead of input-output
transfer functions
352.3 Neural networks (1974)
- They will bring the notions of
- Distributed processing
- Robustness
- Self organisation
- Automatic problem solving
- Associative memory (instead of content
addressable memory)
36Brief history of neural networks
- 1958 Rosenblatt perceptron
- 1961-1969 Minsky Pappert alliance against the
Rosenblatt perceptron (XOR argument) - 1974 Backpropagation network (P. Werbos Y
LeCun) A supervised NN can do logical
operations - 1972-1982 Teuvo Kohonen network (self
organisation without supervision) - 1982 Hopfield network Spin glass An
unsupervised network can self organize and
compute optimal solution when faced to a new
problem - 1998 Weakly connected neural networks are
equivalent to Hopfield networks and constitute
oscillatory neuro computers with dynamic
connectivity (computational embryogenesis, new
perspectives in understanding evolution)
37Neural network Backward propagation networks
38Neural network Character recognition with a NN
The problem with the BP NN it needs to be
externally driven!
39NETTalk Sejnowski (1988)
Conversion Graphème - Phonème Couche d entrée
29x5 unités, fenêtre de 7 caractères Sortie 55
unités Une couche intermédiaire 8à unités 309
neurones - 18629 connexions Apprentissage sur 100
mots 12 heures d apprentissage sur station de
travail RIDGE 95 de succès sur les
prototypes 90 de succès sur les mots nouveaux
40Hopfield networks
- Each basin correspond to a memory
- Hopfield networks like human memories retrieve by
similarity not by address like with the computer
metaphor - An Hopfield network is an associative memory
- Every image is distributed everywhere
- The system is robust
412.4 Game of Life (Gardner - 1970) Emergence
and Self-organisation
- Simple things interacting in simple ways can
yield surprising forms. - Game of Life rules At each step, life persists
in any location where it is also present in 2 or
3 of the 8 neighbouring locations, otherwise it
disappears (from loneliness or overcrowding).
Life is born in any empty location for which
there is life in 3 of 8 neighbouring locations. - http//www.bitstorm.org/gameoflife/
42CA properties and analogies
- Like NN CA self organize
- Like NN, CA generate spatial order through
strictly local interaction - CA can compute because they can form the
mathematical equivalent of very efficient
Hopfield nets - CA realize parallel computation
- During embryonic morphogenesis, neurons and glia
cells acts an an excitable media (like CA) out of
which self organize the higher levels
43Distributed activity among cells
Distributed activity
Axons looking for target
Death of a cell
442.4 Distributed Self-organised systems
- A distributed system is made of a collection of
entities where the decision is totally or
partially taken by these entities (e.g. an ant
colony). - No global view.
- Intelligent global behaviour and functionality
emerges from local interaction. - Structural flexibility, fast reaction to external
environment changes, robustness. - Complex social reorganisation, evolving functions.
Separation steer to
avoid crowding local
Alignment steer towards the average heading of
local flockmates
Cohesion steer to move toward the average
position of local flockmates
46Social interactions and distributed systems how
to catch meaningful behaviors?
47Step 2 Formalize regulation mechanisms
48Step 3 Write an agent based model
49Step 4 Assess the model on scenario basis
50Step 6 Run the model in new organisations
51Why socio cognitive systems are complex?
- Impossible to understand some functional aspects
of social systems using a classical analytical
approach. - Because the context is always changing and cannot
be analytically modelled - Artefacts often play a cognitive role (they are
not passive) - Socio cognitive processes are sometimes emergent
(crowd, politics, economy, etc.) - They are open systems (no operational closure)
- A complex systems approach can allows us to fill
in the gaps in our understanding of social
systems. - Cognition is distributed, situated and socially
524. Why use the Complex Systems Approach to study
Socio Technical Systems?
- Over-simplification of models leads to non
applicable results in real situations - Emergence (and learning) cannot be explained.
 Everything is contained in the initial model. - Initial conditions must be perfectly defined in
order to be able to predict behaviour
53Summary the main concepts brought by complexity
- Emergence
- Functional robustness
- Self organisation
Emergence of socio cognitive processes
Feedback at individual level
Local rules of interaction
54Complexity and Anthropology
The Long House Valley Project
Micro economic model Village formation f
(rules of exchange between households,
minimisation of the cost of subsistence and of
55The ANASAZI cultural model
This model explain how the Anasazi culture
spreads its population between AD 900 and 1300
Quantitive reconstruction of annual fluctuations
of production potential in the valley f
(rainfall, sunshine, nature of the various soil,
geomorphology and climatology.
Anthropology (New Guinea)
Model of social adaptation of the population
migration, increase in the population
Archeology geoarcheology, palaeoethnobotany
History of the population, of its agricultural
production and its phases of migration
56Evolution of the number of sitesbetween AD 900
and 1300
57Approaches in social sciences to escape the
drawbacks of analytical approaches
- Theory of internal external representations
(Zhang Norman, 1994) - Ethnomethodology conversational analysis
(Garfinkel, Sacks, Schegloff and Jefferson, Heath
Luff, 1994) - Distributed situated cognition (Suchman, 1990
Hutchins, 1995) - Complexity theory
- Chaos theory (H. Poincaré)
- Distributed and self organised systems
- Cours daction (Pierce, Theureau, 1992)
- Autonomy, autopoiese (Varéla, 1989)
- Activity theory (Léontiev, Vygotsky, Kuutti,
Engeström) - ²