Title: Zhigang LI University of Hong Kong
1Zhigang LIUniversity of Hong Kong
Why hasnt Hong Kong ever passed a legislation of
minimum wage?
2The absence of a regulation on minimum wage
- Hong Kong unlike many developed economies had no
minimum wage although an ordinance signed in 1932
(the Minimum Wage Ordinance) made it
theoretically possible. This ordinance gave the
Chief Executive the right to set up a Trade Board
composed of employer and employee representatives
in order to implement minimum wages in some
economic sectors. But this possibility has never
been used.
3The presence of a regulation on minimum wage
- Domestic helpers have already benefited from a
regulation on minimum wage. Domestic helpers were
coming from developing countries around Hong
Kong, mainly from Philippines, Indonesia or
Thailand. Their salary could not be lower than
HK3,320 per month. Even though this level was
very low, these jobs continued to attract people
as the salary was higher than what people
received in their country of origin and they
could send funds to their countries of origin.
This level had even been cut in 2003 (HK3,670),
officially due to the economic crisis that hit
Hong Kong at that time. - The aim of the minimum wage for domestic workers
was to allow them to live in decent conditions.
If there was no minimum wage, there was a high
risk of having foreign people going to HK and
merely surviving. But the law was not observed
everywhere. According to a survey, 40 of
Indonesian maids employed in Hong Kong earned
less than the official minimum while they worked
during very long hours.
4Who benefit and who lose?
Usually at this regulated wage, there will be
excess supply (i.e., quantity demanded y supplied). Suppliers will compete for buyers,
offering additional attractions.
Labor Supply
Minimum Wage (floor)
Firms response Hire less workers. Keep those
workers who are more able. Fire workers who are
less able.
Use more machines.
Labor Demand
Excess supply
5Impact on other markets that hire minimum-wage
Supply with minimum wage legislation
People who consume this kind of good lose. Who
are they?