Title: SQLEDITOR WEB Franais
2Main Menu
This panel is the main menu of FREE. First, we
select FREE3 ALPHA Test typing 3 in the
Your choice field.
3Main Menu
First, User and Userpw have to be provided, then
we can enter ? for Creator.
4Selection of Tables
Result of the previous selection. A Creator and
a Tname can be entered or one of these two
5Selection of Tables
For example, enter only the name of the Creator.
6Selection of Tables
The list of the tables where Creator XTSOFT is
7Selection of a Table in the List
A table can be selected, by positioning the
cursor, for example XTSOFT.STAFF, and then
pressing Enter.
8Selection Conditions
SQL-EDITOR displays this panel again, in which a
WHERE Condition can be set.
9Result of the Selection
The rows of the table selected are displayed with
this Editor Format.
10Zoom of a Row
We can set the cursor in front of a specific line
and press on PF2 ZOOM
11Zoom of a Row
The row is displayed in the Format Name of the
columns and contents.
12Zoom of a Column
A zoom of a column will be done by setting the
cursor on a specific column.
For example JOB and pressing PF2 again.
13Zoom of a Column
Contents of the column are displayed in Full
screen format. This can be useful for the large
14Columns Selection
Pressing PF3 twice, we return to this panel on
which the column selection panel can be invoked
by pressing PF5Sel.
15Columns Selection
Each column is marked initially VY (for YES),
meaning that the column is selected. We can put
this value to N if we want omit this column in
the selection.
16Columns Selection
We can also specify operator and selection
conditions in OP and WHERE fields. In this
example, MGR is equivalent to SELECT ...
17Column Selection Result
Result of the previous selection Only the rows
having a value MGR in the column JOB are
displayed. Press again on PF5SEL.
18Column Update
We can now modify the columns associated to the
selection conditions specified in OP and WHERE
19Column Update
Setting a new value in the SET field. In this
example, values MGR will be replaced by MANAG
for he JOB column.
20Update Confirmation
By pressing PF3 on the previous screen, we
display the selected columns, but they will be
updated only after pressing PF9Change.
21Update Result
Result of Update Confirmation.
22Return to Main Menu
Pressing PF3 twice, we return to the main menu
from which we can display the XTSOFT.STAFF table
again, in order to update it in Full Screen
23Full Screen Modification
We can now modify the contents of the table, in
Editor format either modifying directly the row
or using commands in the associated area.
24Full Screen Modification
For example, we can delete a row in the table
typing D in front of the line, and add a new line
typing A.
25Full Screen Modification
Result of previous commands the row
corresponding to employeeno000020 is deleted and
a blank line is added behind employee no000010.
26Full Screen Modification
We can modify the contents of the blank line in
order to insert the employee no 000022.
27Full Screen Modification
To register the modifications, we need to save
them by pressing PF4 SAVE before leaving
SQL-Editor by pressing PF03 EXIT.
28Full Screen Modification
If we miss to do so, for example pressing
PF3EXIT, one message is displayed, saying as the
table has been changed, PF12CANCEL must be used
to quit.