Title: By Sophia Nayokpuk LS'07'03
1 By Sophia Nayokpuk LS.07.03
2Congenital Malformation
birth defects
- All expectant parents dream of having normal,
healthy children. Unfortunately, sometimes this
does not happen. Although most babies are born
normal and whole, about 3 percent are born with
some form of abnormality. Fortunately, about half
of these imperfect babies have only minor defects
that can be easily corrected, leaving no trace.
In the other half, however, the defect may be
severe and even life-threatening.Most birth
defects are formed in the first three months of
some are preventable
some are genetic
- Take a multivitamin with 400 micrograms of folic
acid every day, even if you are not planning a
pregnancy. - Eat a healthy diet with foliate-rich foods and
foods that have been fortified with folic acid. - Do not drink alcohol if you are trying to become
pregnant or at any time during pregnancy. - Go for a pre-pregnancy health checkup. Review
your prescriptions and any over-the-counter
medications with your health care provider to
determine if they are safe during pregnancy.
4for example, can prevent
fetal alcohol syndrome
- FAS is an permanent, lifelong condition that
affects every aspect of a childs life and the
lives of the childs family. However, FAS is
completely preventable if a woman does not
drink alcohol while she is pregnant. Also, if
a woman is planning a pregnancy or is sexually
active and not using effective birth control,
she should avoid alcohol consumption because she
may be pregnant and not know for several weeks or
you can say no,your baby cant!
5Guess what!
it is estimated that a lifetime for one person
with FAS is 1.4 million dollars!
Alaska has the highest rate of FAS among the
five FAS Net states at 1.4 per 1,000 live
births Approximately 126 infants are born each
year in Alaska who have been affected by maternal
alcohol use during pregnancy Alaska Natives
have a FAS prevalence rate of 4.8 per 1,000 live
- Within the state of Alaska it is estimated that
65 of children with FAS are either in state
custody and living in foster care or have been in
state custody and are now in adoptive homes. Only
23 of affected children are living at home with
one or both biological parents. FAS and other
alcohol affected children have much greater needs
than other children in foster care, increasing
the need for augmented care rates, adoption
subsidies and special services for respite care,
infant learning programs, health care,
educational services and others
Prescription pills
- Believe it or not, prescription pills can cause
birth defects also. Some can cause life
threatening to the fetus. Thats why is so
important that when a lady is trying to get
pregnant, or is pregnant that she talks to her
doctor about prescription pills. - Even when nursing, prescription pills can cause
problems that are harmful to the baby.
7sexually transmitted dieases
- can cause birth defects or complications if left
untreated. - Such as Chlamydia causes the fetus eye disease,
pneumonia, low birth weight and prematuraity. - Syphilis and herpes can can cause severe
problems, including blindness and death - Especially HIV/AIDS can be the worst of
- STDs that cannot be cured and be passed onto your
genes. That your children can have the strand of
the disease. - STDS while pregnancy complicates
- problems of the fetus.
- STDS can cause down syndrome,Tay- Sachs disease,
sickle cell disease,or hemophilia. - The same effects with
such as rubella
- or know as
- German measles
- If infected during the first trimester of
pregnancy it is associated with an increased risk
of congenital damage to the fetus, producing
stillbirths, abortion, low birth weight, and such
malformations as cardiac defects, eye defects
(especially cataracts), and mental retardation.
During the first 16 weeks of pregnancy the
infection has been estimated to carry a risk of
fetal damage of between 30 and 35. Pregnant
women who have been exposed to rubella are given
gamma globulin in an effort to prevent the
9Environmental Causes
such as
- Exposure to
- radiation that causes miscarriages,
stillbirths, congenital defects, premature death
(death in the first year of life), chromosomal
abnormalities and cancer in later life. - Asbestos is known to cause mesothelioma,asbestos
lung cancer,and asbestosis - Hexavalent chromiumever watch Erin Brockvich
- uterine and breast cancer to birth defects,
chronic nosebleeds, rashes, immune disorders, and
testing for birth defects
- The point of a medical sonography, or ultrasound
is to visualize a fetus during routine and
emergency prenatal care. Can Date the pregnancy
(gestational age)Confirm fetal
viabilityDetermine location of fetus,
intrauterine vs ectopicCheck the location of the
placenta in relation to the cervixCheck for the
number of fetuses (multiple pregnancy)Check for
major physical abnormalities.Assess fetal growth
(for evidence of IUGR)Check for fetal movement
and heartbeat.Determine the sex of the baby.
And if there is any suspicion of birth defects
the doctor would perform a test called - Amniocentesis(also referred to as amniotic fluid
test or AFT) is a medical procedure used in
prenatal diagnosis of genetic risk factors, in
which a small amount of amniotic fluid, which
contains fetal tissues, is extracted from the
amnion or amniotic sac surrounding a developing
fetus, and the fetal DNA is examined for genetic
abnormalities. Amniocentesis is not performed for
every pregnancy, but is generally done when an
increased risk of genetic defects in the fetus is
indicated, by mother's age (over 35 years is
common), family history of genetic defects, or
other factors
11Better to be Safe than