Distributed Software Engineering Research Group, Department of Computing and Informatics, University - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Distributed Software Engineering Research Group, Department of Computing and Informatics, University


Creation of new tools to support processes within the 'Liberal' paradigm, ... method. Pair programming, story cards, collaborative white board etc. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Distributed Software Engineering Research Group, Department of Computing and Informatics, University

Distributed Software Engineering Research Group,
Department of Computing and Informatics,
University of Lincoln
Research Challenges in Open Source Software
Cornelia Boldyreff Distrubuted Software
Engineering Research Group Department of
Computing and Informatics University of Lincoln
Talk Outline
Open Source Software What, How, and
Why Research within CALIBRE Collaborativ
e Work Environments from IPSE to CWE Other
FLOSS related research at Lincoln
Distributed Software Engineering Research Group,
Department of Computing and Informatics,
University of Lincoln
What is Free Libre Open Source Software?
  • Early UNIX based developments and associated
    software tools
  • MIT AI Lab, Stallman's GNU project in 1982 and
    the Free Software Foundation
  • Linus Torvalds' Linux circa early 1990s
  • Key feature of Linux built by volunteers
    co-ordinating over the internet
  • By 1993, a stable and reliable Linux attracted
    ports of commercial applications

Key features of FLOSS
The free (as in libre) aspect of OSS provides for
a more democratic participation in software
development by a wider community. As the source
os software is freely available is intellectually
accessible as well as physically accessible. OSS
can also be free (as in gratis) by being provided
at no (or low) cost, enabling anyone to obtain
the software for little cost. This especially
attractive to those in developing countries.
Distributed Software Engineering Research Group,
Department of Computing and Informatics,
University of Lincoln
How is FLOSS developed?
Variety of OSS projects
  • The large and successful projects Linux,
    Appache, Mozilla, Open Office, Eclipse
  • Large distributed development projects with
    their own release strategies and practices
  • Range of projects
  • Systems Software OS, DBMS, Web servers/browsers,
  • Applications needed by all editors, office
    software, e-learning applications
  • and contents, e-government, health informatics

Various Surveys and Studies
The EU FLOSS Surveys Software engineering
researchers mining FLOSS project repositories for
data to study software evolution in OSS and also
quality of OSS products and processes more
generally, e.g. Recent ICSE workshop on this
topic. In particular, this research aims to
facilitate the use of agile practices within
open source software development.
Distributed Software Engineering Research Group,
Department of Computing and Informatics,
University of Lincoln
Motivation Pushing The Boundaries of Agility
The Troubles With Agile Practice
  • The Agile methods are just a strict as their
    classic counterparts
  • The usefulness of Agile practice is limited
  • We can infer a requirement of team collocation
  • Agile practice is best suited to small
    development teams

The Aim Of This Research
The main aim of this research is to extend the
number of useful applications of agile practice
through the loosening of the collocation and
small development team requirements. In
particular, this research aims to facilitate the
use of agile practices within open source
software development.
(No Transcript)
  • To integrate and coordinate libre software
    research and practice to ensure that the libre
    phenomenon flourishes and delivers to its true
    potential, especially for the European
    secondary software sector
  • To foster the effective transfer of the many
    useful lessons from libre software to facilitate
    the next generation of software engineering
    methods and tools
  • To establish a European industry open source
    software research policy forum CALIBRATION

Background to CALIBRE
  • Libre Software, Agile Methods Distributed
    Development key areas for future of software
  • Libre software phenomenon very strong in Europe
    but not determining strategic policy
  • Most emphasis has been in government public
    sector (e.g. COSPA project) rather than secondary
    software sector
  • Libre software success not guaranteed paradoxes
  • Collectivist v. individualist cult v.
    establishment talented developers for free
    proprietary co.s profiting most etc
  • Hype overselling
  • Complex phenomena need reasoned intervention from
    multi-disciplinary perspective

CALIBRE Consortium Work Packages
  • Partners
  • UL University of Limerick
  • URJC Univ Rey Juan Carlos
  • UM Univ of Maastricht
  • UPMC University Pierre-et-Marie-Curie
  • BICST Business Innovation Centre of Alto
  • UCC Univ College Cork
  • LIN Univ of Lincoln
  • GET Groupe des Ecoles de Telecommunications
  • PUT Poznan Univ of Technology
  • MAC National Microelectronics Applications Centre
  • CHI Chinasoft
  • SKO University of Skövde
  • Work Packages
  • WP1 Characterizing Libre Projects, Products
  • WP2 Distributed Software Development
  • WP3 Agile Methods
  • WP4 Co-ordination, Collaboration, Education
  • WP5 Project Management

Fundamental Challenges
  • Moving beyond evangelical anecdotal
  • Building sustaining libre software communities
  • Effecting European strategic planning for libre
  • Understanding new libre business models modes
    of organising
  • Third way - build, buy or libre
  • Hybrid mix of libre proprietary software
  • Legal, IPR and licensing issues
  • Symbiotic collaboration co-opetition
  • Stimulating libre development in vertical domains
  • Updating software development paradigm theory
  • Overall impact of CALIBRE to address these

  • Workshops/Conference
  • Case studies of success
  • Action Research studies cycle 1
  • Database of libre data
  • New business models
  • Quality of libre
  • CALIBRATION Industry Policy Forum established
  • Lessons to/from libre to distrib dev agile
  • CALIBRE Knowledge Base
  • Workshops/Conference
  • Action Research studies cycle 2
  • Proven libre business models
  • Libre Euro-focused strategy formulation
  • Stimulation of libre in new domains
  • Educational programmes
  • Roadmap for future research in libre, distrib dev
    agile methods

Year 1
Year 2
Anticipated CALIBRE Impacts
  • Its easier to create the future than predict
    it! Alan Kay
  • Moving from evangelical/anecdotal to coherent
    scientific research roadmap agenda
  • Putting libre on industry agenda (esp secondary
    software sector) with industry-research policy
  • Best practice business models
  • Integrating libre, agile distributed
    development approaches into new software
    development paradigm
  • More effective and coherent practice-informed
  • Stronger sustainable libre software communities
    in new domains
  • Leading to
  • more competitive European industry
  • more coherent European research

Anticipated Impacts
  • Its easier to create the future than predict
    - Alan Kay
  • Moving from evangelical/anecdotal to coherent
    scientific research roadmap agenda
  • Putting OSS on industry agenda (esp secondary
    software sector) with industry-research policy
  • Best practice business models
  • Stronger sustainable OSS software communities in
    new domains
  • More effective and coherent practice-informed
  • Integrating OSS, agile distrib dev approaches
    into new s/w development paradigm

Distributed Software Engineering Research Group,
Department of Computing and Informatics,
University of Lincoln
Motivation Pushing The Boundaries of Agility
The Troubles With Agile Practice
  • The Agile methods are just a strict as their
    classic counterparts
  • The usefulness of Agile practice is limited
  • We can infer a requirement of team collocation
  • Agile practice is best suited to small
    development teams

The Aim Of This Research
The main aim of this research is to extend the
number of useful applications of agile practice
through the loosening of the collocation and
small development team requirements. In
particular, this research aims to facilitate the
use of agile practices within open source
software development.
Distributed Software Engineering Research Group,
Department of Computing and Informatics,
University of Lincoln
Motivation Pushing The Boundaries of Agility
The Troubles With Agile Practice
  • The Agile methods are just a strict as their
    classic counterparts
  • The usefulness of Agile practice is limited
  • We can infer a requirement of team collocation
  • Agile practice is best suited to small
    development teams

The Aim Of This Research
The main aim of this research is to extend the
number of useful applications of agile practice
through the loosening of the collocation and
small development team requirements. In
particular, this research aims to facilitate the
use of agile practices within open source
software development.
Distributed Software Engineering Research Group,
Department of Computing and Informatics,
University of Lincoln
Motivation Pushing The Boundaries of Agility
The Troubles With Agile Practice
  • The Agile methods are just a strict as their
    classic counterparts
  • The usefulness of Agile practice is limited
  • We can infer a requirement of team collocation
  • Agile practice is best suited to small
    development teams

The Aim Of This Research
The main aim of this research is to extend the
number of useful applications of agile practice
through the loosening of the collocation and
small development team requirements. In
particular, this research aims to facilitate the
use of agile practices within open source
software development.
Research Scope
  • The current trend towards distributed teams in
    software engineering
  • leads to several problems
  • Coordination problems due to lack of informal
  • Processes do not often address informal
    communication needs, concentrating on exchange of
    deliverables/milestones etc
  • Developers improvise with e-mail/instant
    messaging etc
  • CSCW has met with mixed success, sometimes even
    hindering the process of collaboration in
    some domains (Lurey et al)
  • We suspect that this is an integration issue
    most general purpose CSCW tools are flexible but
    require significant effort on the part of the
    user to provide useful, informal communication.
  • e.g. instant messaging provides presence
    awareness, but no gaze awareness. User
    must explicitly inform others of their actions

  • One type of informal communication lost in a
    distributed context is
  • awareness, of others' presence and their actions
    both current and past.
  • In a colocated context, awareness is easy to
    establish merely watch one's colleagues
  • Various CSCW tools have attempted to recreate
    aspects of awareness, creating types such
    as presence, gaze and workspace awareness etc.
  • These are usually synchronous (real-time) or
  • Few present any contextual information about a
    group of artefacts.
  • Often the user must expend effort to find
    pertinent information.
  • Therefore we have defined historical awareness
    which attempts to
  • combine the advantages of existing awareness
  • "The complete context of an artefact's creation,
    derived from a collection of heterogeneous
    artefacts (source code, design etc) rather than a
    contextless view of a single artefact's

P2P with semantic overlay for information exchange
  • Reflector based CSCW systems are not resilient
    (SPOF) and not scalable.
  • Exchange of awareness information may benefit
    from a more robust
    communication architecture such as P2P.
  • With the addition of a semantic overlay network,
    the requirements for awareness
    pertinence scalability may be addressed
  • The nearest peers to any client will contain the
    most relevant information less network
  • A new algorithm for network self-organisation has
    been developed. This does not rely on
    "Super Peers" like other semantic overlay
  • This keeps setup complexity down.
  • The exchange of awareness information over this
    P2P architecture has been tested
    successfully in simulation.
  • Likewise the network performance in poor
    conditions (links breaking etc).

Eclipse Integration
  • Now that the awareness exchange has been proven
    in simulation, a
  • prototype tool must be implemented and evaluated.
  • The proposed tool will be integrated with the
    eclipse environment
  • Ease of data collection
  • Existing, familiar, software engineering tool
    with large user community
  • Highly extensible already.
  • Each participating Eclipse workbench will be a
    node in a P2P network using the semantic
    overlay described above
  • The tool will generate and transmit awareness
    information based on what the user is doing,
  • Open resources in the workbench
  • Content of edits

Evaluation of this research will take place in
three stages 1. Checklist-based evaluation of
ongoing project - Ensures that goals are
met, identifies risks etc. 2. Initial user
evaluation with MSc students. -
Controllable environment, short, validates design
assumptions identifies problems but
isn't very realistic 3. Full scale evaluation
with as-yet unidentified industrial or academic
partner - Realistic. Intention is to
validate tool in real-world use and
identify goals for future research. The
user-focussed evaluations are questionnaire and
observation based. Additionally the awareness
tools will be instrumented for debugging and data
collection purposes.
Open Source ERP for SMEs
  • Hyoseob Kim
  • Dept. of Computing and Informatics
  • Faculty of Technology
  • University of Lincoln

Aston University, 20 April 2005
Open Source ERP for SMEs
  • Funded by a University of Lincoln Research
    Excellence Grant
  • Using open source ERP (Enterprise Resource
    Planning) packages for SMEs (Small to
    Medium-sized Enterprises)
  • Fierce competition predicted in the SMEs ERP
    market because of the top-end market saturation
  • Building blocks of an ERP system, e.g., OS and
    DBMS can now be open-sourced.
  • There is a strong demand and interest but
    efforts need to be more focussed and better
    organised to produce quality software.

Aston University, 20 April 2005
Survey of Open Source ERP Market
  • SourceForge.net, the largest open source software
  • Had expected a small number of industrial-strength
  • But found many low-quality packages 129 in
    total, majority of these inappropriate for an
    industrial use
  • 75 projects (58) were one-person projects, and
    115 projects (89) have less than or equal to
    five developers.

Aston University, 20 April 2005
Open Source ERP Evolution
  • Investigating the developers' various
    characteristics, e.g., why do developers want to
    start their own projects rather than joining
    existing ones?
  • Surveying customers' needs Know your
    customers' needs
  • Looking into the evolutionary pattern of open
    source ERP packages to see whether it is
    different from other open source software, e.g.,
    Linux and Apache and more conventionally
    developed software (cf., Eight Laws of Software

Aston University, 20 April 2005
Distributed Software Engineering Research Group,
Department of Computing and Informatics,
University of Lincoln
Towards Supporting Agile Practice Within The
Libre Software Paradigm
Paul J. Adams BSc, MBCS Research Assistant
Research History
2003 2004 Final Project Using Open Source
Components To Support Distributed Software
Development Jun. 2004 Graduate BSc (Hons)
Software Engineering University of Durham,
UK Sept. 2004 Research Assistant EU FP6 -
CALIBRE Project Part-time PhD
candidate University of Lincoln, UK
Distributed Software Engineering Research Group,
Department of Computing and Informatics,
University of Lincoln
To What Extent Can Distributed Agility Improve
Open Source Practice (And Vice Versa)?
This research will take place as part of research
to answer the broader question To What Extent
Can Agile Practice Be Effectively Distributed?
Research Scope
  • Agility
  • The agile methods, the agile manifesto,
    evaluation of agility, DXP, metricsof
    performance within agile practice
  • Open Source
  • Process within open source, performance drivers
    in open source

Distributed Software Engineering Research Group,
Department of Computing and Informatics,
University of Lincoln
Motivation Pushing The Boundaries of Agility
The Troubles With Agile Practice
  • The Agile methods are just a strict as their
    classic counterparts
  • The usefulness of Agile practice is limited
  • We can infer a requirement of team collocation
  • Agile practice is best suited to small
    development teams

The Aim Of This Research
The main aim of this research is to extend the
number of useful applications of agile practice
through the loosening of the collocation and
small development team requirements. In
particular, this research aims to facilitate the
use of agile practices within open source
software development.
Distributed Software Engineering Research Group,
Department of Computing and Informatics,
University of Lincoln
Distributed Software Engineering Research Group,
Department of Computing and Informatics,
University of Lincoln
Research Approach
Towards A Liberal Paradigm Of Software
  • Abstraction
  • Identifying the process within open source
  • Identifying areas of commonality amongst
    these processesDistillation
  • Learning best practice from open source and
  • Producing a well-defined Liberal paradigm
  • Software Development
  • Creation of new tools to support processes
    within the Liberal paradigm, developed as a
    plug-in for the Eclipse IDE
  • Tool set adjusted through experimentation and

Distributed Software Engineering Research Group,
Department of Computing and Informatics,
University of Lincoln
Distributed Software Engineering Research Group,
Department of Computing and Informatics,
University of Lincoln
Research Limitations
Tool Set Limitations
  • Initial prototype tool support has been focused
    on the eXtreme Programming method
  • Pair programming, story cards, collaborative
    white board etc.

Evaluation Limitations
  • Evaluation of tool use within open open source
    projects will only give an indication of
    performance within other contexts
  • Evaluation of the complete system will be
    limited to a small number of test projects
  • There can be no guarantee that the experimenters
    use the tool exclusively
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